wisdom teeth

[ˈwɪzdəm tiθ][ˈwizdəm ti:θ]

n.智齿( wisdom tooth的名词复数 )智齿,迟牙

  • Japanese scientists said Friday they had derived stem cells from wisdom teeth opening another way to study deadly diseases without the ethical controversy of using embryos .

    日本科学家上周五宣布他们已从 智齿中提取到干细胞,此举为致命疾病的研究开拓出一条新路,毋须再因使用胚胎而惹起道德争议。

  • X-rays can show wisdom teeth that are below the gums .

    X光线可以显示出牙龈里的 智齿

  • The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons says young adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal .

    美国口腔和颌鼻甲骨联合会的医生说年轻人 拔除 智齿是最合适的。

  • The third set of molars if you have them are your wisdom teeth .

    如果你 了第三大臼齿,它们就是 智齿

  • Impacted wisdom teeth may also be categorized on whether they are still completely encased in the jawbone .

    阻生 智齿也可以根据他们是否完全被腭骨包裹分类。

  • But why do we call the wisdom teeth love teeth ?

    但我们为什么要叫 智慧 齿为“爱情齿”呢?

  • My daughter a law school graduate had scheduled an appointment to have her wisdom teeth removed immediately following her semester exams .

    我的女儿是一位法学院的毕业生,曾在学期考试后立刻安排看医生将她的 智齿 拔掉

  • Wisdom teeth that are not well aligned and become impacted are often removed .

    那些位置不均衡,有可能造成阻生的通常会被 拔除

  • Wisdom teeth are another vestigial remnant .


  • Removal is also advised if there is a chance that poorly aligned wisdom teeth will damage other teeth .

    如果排列不好的 智齿可能会对其他牙齿造成损害的话,也建议拔除。

  • People should have the placement of their wisdom teeth examined between the ages of sixteen and twenty .

    人们应该在16到20岁期间检查确认 智齿的位置。

  • She 's having her wisdom teeth out .

    她要拔去 智齿

  • The removal of wisdom teeth is performed by oral surgeons .

    拔除 智齿的工作就交给口腔外科医生了。

  • Wisdom teeth that only partly erupt can leave space for bacteria to enter around the tooth .

    突然 出的 智齿给细菌在牙齿周围的生长留存的空间。

  • What do you expect of him ? He is young and hasn 't cut his wisdom teeth yet .

    你对他能寄予什么希望呢?他 初出茅庐,还未到懂事年龄。

  • He had his wisdom teeth removed .

    他的 智能 没有了。

  • Discusses the clinical curative effects of distal gingival flap of mandible vertical impacted wisdom teeth of high site by the high frequency electricity knife .

    探讨高频电刀治疗下颌高位垂直阻生 智齿远中龈瓣的临床疗效。

  • But why do we have wisdom teeth if we often need to get them removed ?

    但是,如果我们经常要摘除他们,为什么还 会长 智齿呢?

  • Our wisdom teeth don 't have room to fit in the jaw and sometimes don 't form at all and the propensity to develop gum disease is on the increase .

    另外我们最后 出的 智齿口腔中也通常找不到合适的位置,而随之而来的则是呈上升趋势的口腔及齿龈疾病。

  • That 's why I have four impacted wisdom teeth .


  • One possible reason why wisdom teeth persist is that they usually appear after people reach reproductive age meaning selection against them is weak .

    一个原因可能是 智牙残留是因为它会在人们重生 牙齿的年龄再 出来,可能是它们不比进化的力量弱。

  • Wisdom teeth are molars or chewing teeth at the back of the mouth .


  • Did you burn your wisdom teeth ?

    你是否烧了你的 智齿

  • The American Dental Association says removal is generally advised when wisdom teeth only partly break through the gums .

    美国牙科协会表示,当 智齿只从牙龈中冒出一部分时,通常的建议是拔掉。

  • Wisdom teeth are normally the last teeth to appear .

    智齿通常是最后长出的牙齿,这通常是在 青少年 晚期二十 出头时长出。

  • Objective : To analyse the causes and clinical features of limited mouth opening related to upper wisdom teeth .

    目的:分析上颌 智齿致张口受限的原因及临床特点。

  • Comparative study of extraction of impacted wisdom teeth assisted by micro-dynamic systems and turbines

    颌面微动力系统与涡轮机辅助拔除阻生 智牙的比较研究