work at

[wɚk æt][wə:k æt]


  • The plaque illustrated in Figure 1 is an example of his work at this time .


  • I often start work at the crack of dawn when there is a big order to get out .

    有大笔订单要处理时,我经常会 清晨便开始 工作

  • She used to work at her laptop until four in the morning .

    她从前经常用手提电脑一直 工作到凌晨4

  • Dr Hoffman did his postgraduate work at Leicester University .

    霍夫曼博士是 莱斯特大学读的 研究生。

  • I never did a stroke of work at college .

    上大学时懒得 要命

  • First we must work at the class and file level .

    首先,我们必须 处理类和文件层。

  • There have been days when I have finished work at 2pm .

    有一段时间我 凌晨两点才干完 活儿

  • All this became my wealth for my future work at Google and now at the new company .

    所有这些都成了我后来 谷歌以及现在在新公司 工作的一笔财富。

  • I started work at dawn and returned only at nightfall .

    披星戴月 工作

  • If it 's all the same to you I 'd rather work at home

    如果对你来说没什么差别,我宁愿 家中 工作

  • Now let us finish the work at hand .

    现在,让我们完成 手头 工作

  • Has he finished that work at last ?

    最后把那 工作做完了吗?

  • Generally I get to work at 9.30am

    我通常上午9 半到 单位

  • He stripped off his padded coat and set to work at once .

    他把棉 一扒就 来。

  • We often work at night .

    我们常 夜里 工作

  • The child 's work at school is about average .

    这孩子 学习成绩中常。

  • I was out of work at the time


  • Work at giving the perception and the fact that you are aware of the feelings and goals of others .

    致力 让别人知道你注意到了他们的感受和目的。

  • I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it 's a Wednesday or a Thursday .

    我想周二 工作,但实际上有时却是周三或是周四。

  • To link work at selected spots with that in entire areas is a very effective working method .


  • Ade 's work at school is above the average haas'is below the average and brooks'is about up to the average .

    艾德的 功课 中等水平以上,哈斯在中等水平以下,布鲁克斯接近中等水平。

  • The team determines the general strategy for doing the work at hand and the related tasks required .

    团队决定做 手边 工作和所需的相关工作的一版策略。

  • Success never seems to come but through hard work often physically demanding work at that

    不付出艰苦的努力似乎就不会取得成功,而且这一 努力通常要劳其筋骨

  • Where do you go to work at present ?

    目前在哪里 上班

  • To make the computer work at full capacity the programmer has to think like the machine

    为了让计算机充分发挥 作用,程序员就得像计算机一样思考。

  • She was assigned to work at a county hospital after graduation .

    她毕业后被分配到县医院 工作

  • The co-op sells the art work at exhibitions .

    这家合作社 展览会上销售 艺术品

  • Time is running short so we must start work at once .

    时间迫促,我们必须 马上 动手

  • The men quit work at five .

    工人们5 下班

  • After his graduation from college he was assigned to work at the foreign ministry .

    大学毕业后,他就分到外交部 工作