working conditions


  • Are they satisfied with the working conditions ?

    他们对 工作 条件满足吗?

  • Workers are also demanding safe working conditions .

    工人们也会要求安全的 工作 环境

  • The Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970 requires employers to provide safe and healthy working conditions .

    §1970年职业卫生和安全法,要求雇主提供安全和卫生的 劳动 条件

  • Like this we can ensure healthy living and working conditions for everybody of us .

    只有这样我们才能为每个人和我们自己确保一个健康的生活和 工作 环境

  • To me pleasant working conditions with co-operative staff are also important .

    对我而言,愉悦的 工作 环境和容易相处的同事也很重要。

  • The supplier must meet the minimum laws and requirements pertaining to working conditions and the working environment .

    供应商必须符合与 工作 条件和工作环境有关的最低法定要求。

  • We provide the best working conditions buildings and facilities .

    我们提供的是最佳的 工作 条件,办公楼和设施。

  • The developed system can test and analyze comfort of railway vehicles under different working conditions .

    该虚拟试验系统能支持不同 工况 铁道车辆舒适性分析试验。

  • The knowledge base of the project is formed on theories connected with working conditions and the quality of working life and empirical researches .

    这个项目的理论基础由关于 工作 条件和工作质量的理论以及经验调查组成。

  • The women developed painful RSI because of poor working conditions .

    由于 工作 条件恶劣,这些妇女患上了痛苦的重复性劳损症。

  • They suffered long hours unsafe working conditions and skimpy pay .

    他们在不安全的 工作 环境 长时间辛苦劳作,却只有微薄的工资。

  • Few of the office workers dared to approach the director about their working conditions .

    职员中很少有人敢向主任提出 工作 条件方面的要求。

  • Its reputation the opportunities it offers and the working conditions are what I am looking forward to .

    它的声誉,它所提供的机遇和 工作 环境都是我所向往的。

  • The long-standing dispute about working conditions finally came to a head when the workforce voted for strike action .

    关于 工作 条件的长期争论终于达到了白热化的程度,工人们投票赞成罢工。

  • They have tolerated poor working conditions in order to finish the job .

    为了完成任务,他们忍受了简陋的 工作 条件

  • The dispute is about wages working conditions and the management of the mining industry .

    这场争论围绕着工资、 工作 条件以及矿业管理展开。

  • These greatly improved their working conditions .

    这些大大改善了他们的 劳动 条件

  • They are under strict orders not to talk about their salaries or working conditions .

    他们奉严格的命令不得谈及他们的薪资和 工作 条件

  • The strikers are demanding higher pay and better working conditions .

    罢工者要求加薪并改善 工作 环境

  • Working conditions affect different people in different ways .

    工作 条件对不同的人产生不同的影响。

  • A program to determine the performance of heave compensator systems under actual at-sea working conditions has been undertaken .

    一个程序,以确定性能的升沉补偿系统的实际海上 工作 条件进行了。

  • In this paper the effects of working conditions and vibration of hand tool are investigated .

    研究了手持工具的 工况和振动带来的影响,对比了镁合金与铝合金、钢的阻尼性能。

  • Labour protection and working conditions ;

    (三)劳动保护和 劳动 条件

  • Carrying out state labor standards and providing relevant working conditions and labor protection ;

    执行国家劳动标准,提供相应的 劳动 条件和劳动保护;

  • In this context working conditions matter as much as salary .

    在这种背景下, 工作 条件变的和薪水同样重要。

  • Management and labor are dickering over pay benefits and working conditions

    劳资双方在薪水、福利和 工作 条件的问题上争执不下。

  • We were deeply impressed by the workers and their working conditions that we had visited .

    我们参观过的工人及他们的 工作 条件留下了深刻印象。

  • He was restricted by his working conditions .

    工作 条件限止了他的发展。

  • They are open to suggestions on how working conditions might be improved .

    他们愿意就如何改善 工作 条件听取各种意见。

  • The factory reacted to our complaints by improving the working conditions .

    工厂对我们的投诉的反应是改善了 工作 条件