work center

[wɚk ˈsɛntɚ][wə:k ˈsentə]


  • However pharmaceutical information work is the center and foundation of all the pharmaceutical care work therefore expanding pharmaceutical information work is very importance in developing pharmaceutical care practice .

    而药学信息 工作是药学服务所有工作的 中心和基础。因此,不断拓展药学信息工作对开展药学服务实践至关重要。

  • What do you do ? I work at counseling center .

    你是做什么的?我在咨询 中心 工作

  • At the same time mathematic formulae were established for key techniques like decomposition of work center fore-and-aft times of key shop .

    同时,对关键技术如 工作 中心任务分解、关键工序前后作业时间给出了数学推导公式;

  • The activity based costing method is improved in three aspects to meet the special requirements of shipbuilding cost feedback including unifying the processing mode of the direct and indirect cost put together and assigning costs in the generalized work center and combining the cost motive .

    为适应船舶制造成本反馈的特殊需求,对作业成本法进行了三点改进:统一了直接成本和间接成本处理方式、以广义 工作 中心进行成本归集和分配、合并了成本动因。

  • Okay now let 's look at this The center of mass is very special and physicists love to work in the center of mass for reasons that you will understand .

    我们现在看看这个,质量重心很特别,物理学家喜欢 研究,物体的 重心,原因你们懂的。

  • Railway control work is the center of railway transportation of China .

    铁路调度指挥 工作是我国铁路运输系统的 指挥 中枢

  • Entrusted by the Municipal Government the Center formed a Weihai Project Agency Center in2002 which raised higher requirements for the work of the Center .

    2002年,受市政府委托,市外商投资服务中心组建了“威海市项目代办中心”,这对 中心 工作提出了更高要求。

  • The concept of Work Center is enlarged and Generalized Work Center is put forward . Three-factor Cost Allocation Method and Feedforward Cost Control Model are presented based on the definition of Generalized Work Center .

    提出广义 工作 中心的概念,由此建立基于广义工作中心的成本分配方法和前馈成本控制模式。

  • The target formulation of regional development plan is the most basic content in regional planning all plan work will center on the plan goal to launch .

    区域发展规划目标的制定是区域规划的最基本内容,所有的规划 工作都将 围绕规划目标展开。

  • Therefore it is of reference value and significance for the customer service of telecommunication enterprises and the outsource work of Cell Center .

    因此,本文的研究对通信企业客服中心建设和呼叫 中心的外包 工作有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。

  • The university physical education curriculum is the school curriculum system is an important part of higher school sports work of the center link to carry out the quality education and training is an all-round of important ways .

    高校的体育课程是学校课程体系的重要组成部分,是高等学校体育 工作 中心环节,是实施素质教育和培养全面发展人才的重要途径。

  • Project resource management maintains the base operation on project 's human resource work center equipment tools and material etc. The maintenance includes creating updating querying viewing deleting of each kind of resources .

    项目资源管理涉及对项目的人力资源、 工作 中心、设备、工装、材料等资源的基本信息的维护,包括对各种资源的创建、更新、查询、查看、删除等。

  • As the work center of the sneakers the Innovation Kitchen designers in which seek invention inspiration for every pair sneakers of Air Jordan from each field .

    在这个以运动鞋为 工作 中心的创新厨房里,设计师们从各个领域寻找创作灵感,设计乔丹的每一双运动鞋。

  • In the project explicit promote the implement procedure of the TNPM management mode and main work work the center of gravity is to build up the new equipments management to maintain the system ― SOON system to various works formation that equipments manage standard norm ;

    方案中明确了推行TNPM管理模式的实施程序和主要工作, 工作 重心是建立新的设备管理维修体系――SOON体系,对设备管理的各项工作形成标准、规范;

  • The Advantage of Project : The procedure document of the 160-mu foundation expropriation for the primary period work in center municipal district of Leshan city has been finished .

    项目优势:在市 中区的一期 工程所需160亩土地已全部完成征用手续。

  • We 're hoping that through future study it will eventually be able to care for elderly people or work in rehabilitation center said Toshiharu Mukai one of the research team leaders .

    研究小组负责人之一向井寿治说:“我们希望,通过未来几年的研究,RI-MAN机器人将能用于护理老年人,或者能在康复 中心 工作”。

  • The work center where the operation was performed ?

    工序在哪个 工作 中心完成?

  • Keyword : Ruling ability economic philosophy the fulfillment ability work center .

    关键词:执政能力、济哲学、践能力、 中心

  • In the environment of multiple tasks which requirements can be satisfied by the capacity of sole key work center using the algorithm an optimum processing sequence can be found that can both ensure the implement of each task and effectively utilize the resources of key work center .

    在单一关键 工作 中心能力许可的多任务环境下,采用该方案能找出一个最优加工顺序,既能保证各个任务的实现,又有效地利用了关键工作中的资源。

  • In manufacturing resource planning ( MRP ⅱ) capacity requirements planning ( CRP ) requires to calculate capacity and load for work center in order to acquire accurate and timely work center load-versus-capacity information .

    在制造资源计划中,能力需求计划要对 工作 中心进行能力和负荷的测算,以获得准确及时的能力-负荷信息。

  • Since new China has been established our country tax revenue authority division work center of gravity mainly stresses to the longitudinal division namely central committee and in place tax revenue authority adjustment not only the change number of times are many moreover repeatedly .

    新中国成立以来,我国税权划分的 工作 重心主要偏重于纵向划分,即中央与地方税收权力的调整上,不仅变化次数多,而且反反复复。

  • Wth multi-media and net work as its center the modern information technology has provided the integration with tangible materials and ideal teaching environment while constructive learning and teaching theories present new theoretical perspectives for the reform of the teaching of Chinese .

    以多媒体和网络为 核心的现代信息技术为课程的整合提供了物质平台和理想的教学环境;构建主义学习和教学理论为语文教学改革提供了新的理论视角。

  • Research on the Algorithm Based on the Job Shop Scheduling of Work Center I

    基于 工作 中心编码的车间作业调度算法研究

  • Propaganda work should center on moral education in colleges and universities be subordinated to the interests of the whole society and give strong support to reform and development in higher education .

    围绕 中心,服务大局,把握好高校宣传舆论 工作的重点,为高校改革发展提供强有力的舆论支持。

  • Universities should strive to improve the educational work targeted and effective creating better educational environment for all the work into a center for educating people .

    高校应努力提高育人工作的针对性和实效性,创建良好的育人环境,将所有 工作 落实到以育人为 中心上。

  • Through analyzing the contents of library service work for readers this paper puts forward that the service for the readers is always the work center of a library .

    从图书馆读者工作的涵义、内容出发,论述了图书馆读者 工作永远是图书馆 工作 中心

  • Markets are calling for a new kind of compensation administration system by which the staff will transfer the work center from only pursuing position-promoted to improving individual ability and outstanding achievement .

    市场正呼吁一种新型的薪酬管理体系,以期能够帮助员工将 工作 重点从追求职位晋升转移到提高个人能力和个人业绩上来。

  • In this paper a system of production planning and control based on funnel model and distributed cooperative theory has been presented . Important idea and technique such as funnel model distributed cooperative manner and virtual work center have been discussed .

    本文提出了一种基于漏斗模型和分布合作理论的生产计划控制系统,讨论了一些重要的概念和技术,如漏斗模型、分布合作方式和虚拟 加工 单元