work bag

[wɚk bæɡ][wə:k bæɡ]


  • The world of work is a mixed bag .

    工作 场所是个大 杂烩

  • I 've been gathering a lot of information from various Web sites to find a special new handbag for work including which bag is sold where how much it costs and what it looks like .

    我想买一款适合 上班用的手提包,在许多网站上搜集信息,包括 手提包的样式、销售商和价格等。

  • It is a far cry from the days when the most expensive item in your work bag was likely to be a book .

    上班 手提包 的最贵的东西是一本书的日子已经一去不复返了。

  • Kitchen counter night stand book shelf work bag : Wait finally there they are under the mail you brought in last night .

    厨房 工作台、床头柜、书架上和 公文包 统统没有:等一下,找到了,它在昨天晚上你拿进来的那一叠信下面。

  • As engineers get to work boosting the performance of your electronic mind so you can now think as a god a nurse heaves your fleshy brain into a bag of medical waste .

    为了使你像神一样思考,在工程师 努力忙于提高你的电极思维的能力时,一名护士会将你的肉体大脑扔进一个药品废弃物 袋子

  • You 'll hear blazing single string moments exotic scales stellar rhythm work and more-all eminating from Tsumoto 's blistering bag of tricks .

    你将会听到炫目的个人演奏,充满了异国情调,还有一流节奏的 作品和更多&所有这些卓越的享受都来自于津本幸司 高超的技巧。

  • The practice of taking one 's lunch to work typically in a brown paper bag .

    自带午餐 上班,一般 在棕色(牛皮) 纸袋

  • This paper introduces the work principle the construction and the design principle of automatic plastic bag aseptic soft packer .

    本文介绍了无菌塑 包装机的 工作原理、结构及设计原理。

  • According to the work principle factors affecting properties of the filter bag of material analyzes cause the filter bag failure reasons .

    根据 滤袋 工作原理、性能影响因素,对 滤袋的材料进行 比对,分析导致滤袋破坏的主要原因。

  • But after the teacher of breathing his hard work or should be the teacher is very hard for we pay a lot of every day carrying a heavy bag before class before we can always to the classroom .

    但是经过老师的调教,自己的 努力,还是应该能过,老师很辛苦,为我们付出了好多,每天背着个沉重的 在上课之前总能比我们先到教室。

  • I set up the base station near where I drop my work bag after coming home each night .

    我每天晚上回到家后就把基站 装有 手机 公文包附近, 连接设置完成后, 手机自动 VTech 相连了。

  • You still want to work for him this year ? Don 't forget you just held the bag last year !

    你今年还给他 干活?别忘了去年在他那儿你可一 个子 也没 着啊。

  • Brief introduction to components and principle of work of the air bag and the maintenance key points maintenance steps as well as points for attention of Audi car 's air bag .

    简要介绍了现代汽车驾驶员安全气囊的组成、 工作原理及Audi轿车安全 气囊的维修技术要点、维修步骤和注意事项。

  • Pack your work bag and lunch before bed .

    整理好你的 工作 和午餐。