work cell

[wɚk sɛl][wə:k sel]

[计] 工作单元

  • Frequent interrupt is caused by cell reselection while the train drove in highspeed the third part is research around this problem : Accroding to the specification of GPRS analyse the cell reselection mechanism and work out the time-long of cell reselection ;

    列车高速 运行时小区重选会造成频繁的数据中断,第三部分围绕这个问题展开研究:根据GPRS的相关规范,深入分析了GPRS的小区重选的机理,并推导 小区重选时长的理论值;

  • After a given gene had been made to work a key next step would be to make more than one gene work in the same cell ;

    在使一个已知基因能够起作用之后,关键的下一步将是使一个以上的基因在同一个 细胞 作用

  • Just keep an eye while I work on your cell .

    我给你 缩短时候,你 望望风。

  • But as the Coulomb and energy efficiency was considered in a work cell the Ce 4 + concentration should be selected as high as possible .

    实际应用需综合考虑 电池的库仑效率和能量效率等因素,还应尽可能选择较高浓度。

  • Referring to ISO and NBS hierarchical model of enterprise automated system cellular manufacturing system top-down model was divided into work shop layer cell layer and machine layer so as to reduce complexity of the model .

    参考ISO和NBS的企业自动化系统的层次模型,自顶向下将单元化制造系统依次划分为 车间层、 单元层和设备层,降低了模型的复杂性。

  • According to the work principle of pressure cell the effects of exterior size pressure transfer medium cell material and temperature on the measuring value accuracy have been analyzed then how to select pressure cell is introduces .

    根据压力 工作原理,分析其外型尺寸、压力传递介质、盒体材料及温度等测值准确性的影响,并介绍了择优选择压力盒的原则。

  • Organization rebuilding of production work cell based on lean manufacturing

    复杂机械产品 生产 单元的组织改造

  • Thousands of scientists have joined the research team to work on stem cell study .

    成千的科学家已加入 研究细胞的研究团队。

  • The experimental results obtained from this work demonstrated that the cell death rate in sparged bioreactors is proportional to the gas sparging rate and inversely proportional to the bioreactor volume .

    通过实验测定,证明生物反应器中 细胞死亡速率与气体鼓泡速率成正比而与反应器体积成反比。

  • They argued that strengthening personal quality and study psychological adjustment and flexible working shift can ease nurses ' stress so as to guarantee the smooth work of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation .

    认为通过提高护士自身的修养和加强学习,进行自我心理调适,灵活排班等措施可以减轻或缓解护士的心理压力,以保障造血干 细胞移植病区的护理 工作顺利进行。

  • Then we also introduced the development and work principles of organic solar cell .

    其次介绍了有机太阳能 电池的发展情况和 工作原理。

  • It is suitable for the work of determining blood cell specific volume exactly it can be also used to separate minim blood and suspension .

    用于精确测定血 细胞比积值,也用于微量血液或溶液的分离。

  • Manufacturing cost controlling strategy could work efficiently base on cell production and those strategies could also improve cost competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises .

    基于 Cell化生产方式的制造成本控制策略 行之有效,能够提升企业的成本竞争力。

  • Do you guys have a charger that will work with an ASUS cell phone ?

    你们有 适用于华硕行动 电话的充电器吗?

  • These experiments must work in the living cell therefore the cell activity detection becomes the precondition of some research .

    这些实验 必须在活 细胞中进行,所以,细胞活性的鉴定就成为相关研究的先决条件。

  • So far our work has focused on using cell culture to produce cocoa the oil of the Barbados nut Jatropha curcas and orange juice .

    迄今为止,我们的 研究把重点放在了利用 细胞培养生产可可、巴巴多斯麻风树坚果的油以及橙汁。

  • Choosing appropriate work range ; appropriate middle cell number and systematically organizing data can quicken convergence of network and improve estimation .

    选择适当的 工作区间、合适的中间 单元数及系统组织数据可以加快网络收敛,提高精度。

  • This paper proposes an adaptive-differential evaluation based optimization method for robot work cell layout .

    针对机器人 工作 单元布局问题,本文提出了一种基于自适应差分进化算法的优化布局方法。

  • Research on Layout and Simulation of Work Cell

    单元 生产方式产线布局设计与仿真研究

  • The work exemplifies a cell overcoming the metal binding preferences of proteins .

    这项 研究想我们展示蛋白结合金属过程的 细胞个体。

  • I only tested the code on YDL on the PS3 but I would expect it to work on just about any Cell / B.E.platform that runs Linux .

    我只在PS3上的YDL中测试了代码,但是我估计它在运行Linux的几乎任何 Cell/B.E.平台上都能够 运行

  • Therefore it is of reference value and significance for the customer service of telecommunication enterprises and the outsource work of Cell Center .

    因此,本文的研究对通信企业客服中心建设和 呼叫中心的外包 工作有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。

  • In every cell there is a part like a little ball . This is the nucleus which organizes the work of the cell .

    在每一个细胞内,都有一个像球一样的部分,这叫细胞核,它组织 细胞内的一切 活动

  • CONCLUSION : IN and CDDP have the synergistic action when they work together on gastric cancer cell line MGC-803 and perhaps IN can antagonize the chemo-resistance of gastric cancer to other chemical drugs .

    结论:吲哚美辛与顺铂对胃癌 细胞MGC803有协同作用,IN可能能够对抗胃癌对化疗药物的耐药。

  • And if you don 't understand that you can 't completely understand how cancers work or how a single cell turns into a human being or how a single grain of wheat turns into a whole crop .

    假如你不了解这一点,你就不可能完整了解癌症是如何 作用的或单个 细胞是如何发展成人的,或一颗小麦粒是如何发展成整个农作物的。

  • Subsequently MES scheduling prototype system based on theories and methods as mentioned above is developed by using oriented object and software engineering technology including of the functions of plan task management process information management simulation of production processes and work cell information .

    接着,给出了原型系统的设计和解决方案,应用面向对象技术和软件工程技术开发了 MES原型系统,介绍了几个主要的功能。

  • In this work differences in cell wall regeneration among protoplasts isolated from different materials was compared . In addition the oxidative stress responses of protoplasts during cell wall regeneration by exogenously adding PAs and PAs inhibitor are discussed .

    本文探讨了从不同材料中所分离的原生质体在 细胞壁再生期间的差异,以及壁再生过程中,多胺对细胞应对氧化胁迫的影响。

  • Cell Management Considering Parts Processed on Machines in Multiple Cells Based on Scatter Search Approach Research on Layout and Simulation of Work Cell

    基于分散搜索的零部件跨单元生产的单元管理方法 单元 生产方式产线布局设计与仿真研究