working capital funds

[法] 运用基本资金

  • The approaches came after Wachovia spent recent weeks working on a plan to raise about $ 20bn in capital from investors including private equity groups and sovereign wealth funds .

    瓦乔维亚银行此前数周都在 努力进行一项筹款计划,旨在向私人股本集团和主权财富 基金等投资者筹集200亿美元 资本

  • X.Party A guarantees that it will not appropriate or misappropriate its working capital funds for capital construction investment .

    甲方保证不挤占、挪用 流动 资金贷款搞固定资产投资。

  • The working mechanism of venture capital ( including of the funds source of venture capital decision-making mechanism incentive and restrictive mechanism exit mechanism and so on ) is deeply studied ;

    对风险 投资的内部 运作机制(包括风险资本 资金来源、决策机制、激励与约束机制、退出机制等)进行了深入研究;

  • In the working capital management the need to strengthen the currency funds management accounts receivable management and strengthen the innovative inventory management model .

    反在 营运 资金管理方里,须要删强货泉 资金管理、强化当收账款管理和立同亡货管理模式。

  • In the working capital management cash management practices of SMEs in China is not reasonable . There are insufficient funds or excess phenomenon .

    营运 资金管理方面,我国中小企业的现金管理行为较为主观。

  • Working Capital also known as working capital revolving funds is required for corporations to maintain the daily operation .

    营运资本( WorkingCapital)也称 营运 资金、循环 资金,是公司维持日常经营周转所需持有的 资金

  • The promoters ' only problem meanwhile is maintaining adequate working capital which they do by keeping bad debts to a minimum paying much higher interest rates than mainland banks to draw in funds and tapping casinos for advance commissions .

    与此同时,中介人唯一的问题就是维持充足的 营运 资金。他们的做法是:将不良债务维持在最低限度;支付比内地银行高得多的利息、以吸引 资金;以及要求赌场预付佣金。