work status

[wɚk ˈstetəs][wə:k ˈsteitəs]


  • The results show that the model can truly characterize the work status of logistics system of container terminal .

    结果表明这种模型能够准确地描述集装箱码头物流系统的 运行 状况

  • The results of trial experiment show that the work status of the system is stable the real-time performance and practicability of video surveillance system are remarkably raised . The expectative goals and demands of the system are achieved .

    通过试 运行结果来看,该系统 工作稳定,能够显著提高视频监控系统的实用性和实时性,达到了系统预定的目标和要求。

  • In Chapter 1 we give a survey to the development and current state of set differential equations as well as the main work status of this paper .

    第一章概述集值微分方程的应用背景和国 内外研究 现状以及本人的主要 工作

  • Work status is kept up-to-date automatically without time-consuming polling of team members .

    工作 状态会得到自动更新,而不用花费团队成员大量的时间。

  • Jiangsu Province Sports Specialized Graduate 's Work Status and Countermeasures under Financial Crisis Situation

    金融危机下江苏体育专业毕业生 就业 分析

  • Meanwhile the study on conflict management styles based on different work relationships by introduction of different work status enriches the theories of conflict and intercultural communication and has implications for further researches .

    同时基于不同 工作 关系的冲突处理风格研究也丰富、充实了冲突理论和跨文化交际理论的研究。

  • The control surface plate timely and clearly shows work status of dry regeneration .

    预结晶除湿干燥机控制面板实时显示干燥再生 工作 状态,一目了然。

  • The expression mechanism for real-time agent 's work status is designed .

    设计了实时诊断Agent 工作 状态的表达机制;

  • The accurate testing barcode is used to verify work status and measurement accuracy of the system in high-speed measurement state for assessing the quality of the system .

    通过精确设计的检测条形码,验证了系统在高速测量情况下的 工作 状态和测量精度,为评估系统的质量提供了依据。

  • Arrange goods and material transportation and movement tracking work status ; Monitor the quality cost and efficiency .

    安排产品和物料的运输、周转,跟踪 状态,监控运输质量、成本和效率。

  • Investigation and Analysis on the Work Status of Cultural Course Teacher of Training Base for Sports Talents in Henan Province

    河南省体育后备人才培训基地文化课教师 工作 状态调查分析

  • That is we need two things : each individual or group contributor 's work status in current work items according to the work items information plus the contributor 's time distribution .

    这就是说,我们需要两件事:与工作性信息相关的当前工作性的每一个私人或者一组操作者的 工作 状态,加上操作者的时间分配。

  • It is necessary and meaningful to research the work status of some component in the electromagnetic rail .

    因此,对电磁轨道发射装置中一些部件 工作 状态的研究是需要的,也是有意义的。

  • A Study on Ecological Security Assessment of Natural Scenic Spots Design of Work Status Safety Early Warning System of Complicated Truss Structure

    自然景区生态安全预警指标体系与方法研究复杂体型网架结构 工作 状态安全预警系统研究

  • This method simulates the voltage of missile 's real work status and solves the problem .

    这种方法模拟导弹真实 工作时的电压 状态,解决了该问题。

  • The Present Work Status and Development in Enterprise Standardization

    企业标准化 工作 现状与发展

  • Circuit of temperature monitor : Its work status is similar to the circuit of pressure measurement and alarm .

    温度监控电路:其 工作 情况与压力测量报警电路相近;

  • Secondly this essay analyzes the developing international and domestic situation . According to the local immigration inspection work status the essay points out the problems and predicament in local frontier inspection work .

    其次本文分析了不断发展变化的国际国内形势,根据地方边防检查 工作 现状,指出了当前内陆边防检查工作中存在的问题和面临的困境。

  • Design of Work Status Safety Early Warning System of Complicated Truss Structure

    复杂体型网架结构 工作 状态安全预警系统研究

  • The current work status and some problems existing in the identity of the college students in H County are discussed by analyzing the data from the survey and interviews with the ways of statistical analysis and document analysis .

    通过对这100位大学生村官的问卷调查与个案访谈,采取统计分析与文献分析相结合的方法对数据进行整理分析,分析H县大学生村官的 工作 现状和认同方面存在的一些问题。

  • And do all team members know how to communicate work status and detailed data relating to the next task ?

    团队成员是否都知道如何传达与下一个任务相关的 工作 状态及详细数据吗?

  • According to the survey of the information work status and the demands of information users of universities this paper describes the operational relationships of information flows in universities and puts forward a model of information work institution .

    本文在对大学信息 工作 状况和信息用户需求调查的基础上,描述了大学信息流运作关系,提出了信息工作机构设置模式;

  • The university management audit takes a top level the comprehensive economical surveillance and the supervisory work status and the function is getting more and more obvious .

    高校内部审计作为一项高层次、综合性经济监督与管理 工作 地位和作用越来越明显。

  • The laser warning device receives this control order and then enters into the corresponding work status .

    告警器根据不同的控制命令,进入不同的 工作 状态,得到不同的结果数据报文(设备 状态 信息报文、侦收结果信息报文和调机结果信息报文)。

  • Our country party and the government takes highly to the campus cultural reconstruction in the school edition work status and the function and give the affirmation .

    我国党和政府对校园文化建设在学校教育 工作 地位和作用高度重视,并给予肯定。

  • This study examines the effect of the situational factor of work status of the other on AIC Chinese employees in work conflict interactions .

    本文研究的重点是在文化价值倾向的基础上,探测 员工 职位级别对员工选取应对冲突策略的影响。

  • Appointment under the management of sports teaching and research work status

    聘任制下的体育教师教学与科研 工作 现状分析

  • This helps the team lead and management team get a better grasp on the progress of project and every team member is easily able to get their work status .

    这可以帮助团队领导和管理团队更好地掌握项目的过程,而每一个团队成员可以更加轻松地了解他们的 工作 状态

  • An investigation on work status of HIV voluntary counseling and testing clinics in Haidian District 2004-2008

    北京市海淀区2004-2008年艾滋病自愿咨询检测门诊 运行发展 状况调查

  • The teacher 's performance evaluation is the teacher 's behavior in their work that is to evaluate the teacher 's job behavior to understand the teacher 's work status and describe the advantages and disadvantages in the teacher 's job performance .

    教师绩效评价是对教师在工作中的表现,也就是教师的工作行为进行评价,以了解教师 工作 状况,对教师在工作中的优缺点进行系统的描述。