work medium

[wɚk ˈmidiəm][wə:k ˈmi:djəm]

[化] 工质

  • The traditional hydraulic systems use oil as the work medium and are restricted for the purpose of safety and cleanness .

    传统的液压同步控制系统均以矿物油作为 工作 介质,在安全和环保要求严格的场合其应用受到限制。

  • The work adopts the domestic medium density fiberboard for some plant to perform multiphase mass transfer model verification . 2 .

    对国内某厂 生产 密度纤维板TVOC释放进行多相传质模型验证。

  • The results indicate that the matching of work medium and exchanger heat conductivity decide the best power of Rankine cycle but the Branton cycle can make the engine better power performance than former one .

    得出换热器的热导率和 热容率的匹配决定朗肯循环的最佳循环功率,而与朗肯循环相比布雷顿循环能更好的实现发动机的功率特性的结论。

  • The results show that the modified abrasion resistant medium chrome white cast iron can successfully be applied to slurry pumps which should work under medium or medium-high wear duties .

    结果表明:经化学成分调整后中铬抗磨白口铸铁可成功用于生产 中等或中等稍强磨损 工况使用的渣浆泵,成本低,耐磨性优良。

  • Lubrication pump all the parts are in pump work automatically using transmission medium to achieve .

    泵内全部零件的润滑均在泵 工作时利用输送 介质而自动达到。

  • Editing is the work to create medium

    编辑就是 创造 媒介

  • The fusion tread of cell phone short message and newspaper broadcasting television net work which are traditional medium is as well an important part of this text .

    手机短信与报纸、广播、电视这三大传统 媒体以及互联网的融合现状也作为本文的一个重要部分 进行了阐述。

  • Disposal of it by autoclave is simple and effective with low investment low run cost and little secondary pollution . The work medium used by this disposal method is saturated or superheated steam .

    医疗垃圾高压蒸汽消毒法是一种以饱和蒸汽或过热蒸汽为 的二次污染物少、简便有效、投资省、运行费用低的处理方法。

  • In this paper an experiment is carried out to study the transient mixing characteristic un-der high pressure and temperature on a 1 / 10 scaled model and the result is obtained under the following con-ditions : with and without loop flow different temperature of work medium .

    本文在1/10的模型体上进行了高温高压下安全注水时流体的瞬态混合特性实验,得到了在有回路流动和无回路流动时以及不同的环腔 流体温度下的混合特征。

  • However the general combined absorption-compression refrigeration cycle used the same work medium which had influence on the efficiency of absorption and compression refrigeration cycle to a certain extent respectively .

    然而一般的吸收-压缩复合制冷循环多采用相同的 工作 介质,在一定程度上影响了吸收和压缩制冷各自特点的发挥。

  • BARBARA KLEIN : The next major change in Winslow Homer 's life was a decision to work in a new medium .

    温斯洛·荷马的生活有着重大改变的另外一件事情就是,他决定 使用一种新的材料去作画。

  • The government enterprises must be in the protection of workers ' right to employment safeguard the interests of workers to maintain social stability as the change in making the work of heavy medium of heavy .

    政府、企业一定要在保护劳动者的就业权,维护职工利益,保持社会稳定作为改制 工作中的重 之重。

  • A triple tube heat exchanger is applicable to the food chemistry industry to heat up or cool off the work medium combining transporting fluid .

    三重套管换热器适用于食品、化学等行业冷却(加热) 工作 介质,并兼作输送管路。

  • To take in common use gradually open the line cylinder wheel gear as an example combine the actual work medium method of the summary introduce a few in common use wheel gears to measure and compute the method .

    以常用的渐开线圆柱齿轮为例,结合实际 工作 总结的方法,介绍几种常用的齿轮测量与计算方法。

  • The utility model solves the problems of bad sealing performance which can cause the waste of work medium and the environmental pollution easily and short service life for the prior screw .

    本方案解决了现有螺丝密封性能差,容易造成 工作 介质的浪费及环境的污染,且使用寿命短的问题。

  • Traditional visual communication design ( graphic design ) is an art form that doing all the design and creative work in the plane medium .

    传统的视觉传达设计1是一门在平面 媒介上进行设计和 创作的艺术形式。

  • This text synopsis analysis current business enterprise of thought political work medium existence of problem and aggressive investigate problem-solving new method new path .

    本文简要分析了当前企业的思想政治 工作 存在的问题,并积极探索解决问题的新方法、新途径。

  • Microscopic Mechanism of Work Hardening of Austenitic Medium Manganese Steel

    奥氏体 锰钢 加工硬化的微观机制

  • On earlier stage work of medium and smaller mine construction under market economy

    市场经济下 中小矿山建设的前期 工作

  • Research and Manufacture for Centrifugal Cast Composite Cast Iron Work Roll of Medium and Heavy Plate Mill

    厚板轧机离心复合铸铁 工作辊的研制

  • The learning motivation is brought into play under cooperation of other coordinate factors of learning initiative and does its work through some medium factors .

    学习动机是影响学习效果的重要因素,但并非是唯一的因素, 学习动机必须配合学习积极性的其它并列因素,并通过若干 中介因素来发挥 作用

  • Expand your presentation of your work using a medium beyond your resume .

    使用简历之外的 媒介展示你的 工作

  • Compressed air is not only a work medium but a kind of power source stored pressure energy .

    提出压缩空气不仅可以作为 工作 介质,而且可以储存能量作为一种动力源。

  • Aimed at the problems about the heat energy use and loss of the working medium in thermal systems of fired power plants the common matrix types are given on the producing work of working medium that carry heat entering and leaving the thermal systems .

    针对火电厂热系统中热量、工质的利用和损失问题,给出了工 携带热量进出热系统 的通用矩阵式,方便了实际的应用与研究。

  • The paper improves forecast veracity and guides work of littoral medium and small cities ' air quality forecast model .

    对沿海地区 中小城市今后 开展空气质量预报 工作具有一定的指导意义。

  • Created in 1916 the First Violin Concerto was a symbolic work in the medium term of his creation .

    《第一小提琴协奏曲》创作于1916年,是他创作 中期的一部代表性 作品

  • With CD40 lubricating oil as work medium under the engine cooling system work conditions 21 geometrical schemes of stainless steel offset strip fins were studied .

    采用CD40柴油机油为 工作 介质,在发动机冷却系统实际工况下,对21种几何尺寸的错列锯齿型不锈钢翅片进行了研究。

  • At present plasma arc generally uses gas ( argon nitrogen air ) as its work medium but fewer researches focused on plasma arc generated in liquid .

    目前等离子弧大多以氩气、氮气以及空气等气体作为 工作 介质,而对于以液体作为 的等离子弧的研究较少。

  • This article makes an analysis of features of wear with regard to work rolls on medium and heavy plate mill puts forward wear predicting model for rolling rolls and analytical method for parameters with respect to rolling process for medium and heavy plate .

    本文分析 厚板轧机 工作辊磨损的特点,提出一套针对于中厚板轧制工艺的轧辊磨损预报模型及其参数解析方法。

  • Because water has high-enthalpy using water as work medium takes on some especial superiority in plasma arc cutting and propulsion application .

    水具有高焓特性,将水作为等离子弧的反应 在等离子弧切割及电推进应用中表现出了其特有的优势。