working hours


  • One is when people have flexible working hours they could reach their highest productivity .

    一个是当人们有灵活的 时间 时候他们的效率能达到最高。

  • My job is all right as far as it goes but I don 't like fixed working hours .

    我的工作本身是挺不错的,不过我不喜欢固定的上 下班 时间

  • The radiator is out of control because of its long working hours .

    由于 工作太长 时间了,这个暖气片已经失控了。

  • They have shorter working hours and longer free time than before .

    他们 工作 时间比从前短了,空闲时间比从前长了。

  • He looks right about living standards but horribly wrong about working hours .

    他在生活水准上说对了,却在 工作 时间上大错特错。

  • You must know our working hours are very long and overtime work is frequent .

    你得知道我们的 工作 时间很长,而且加班是常有的事。

  • After working hours I was walking alone on the path when a leaf fell on my shoulder .


  • The talks with the staff bogged down on the question of working hours .

    与员工的谈判,在有关 工作 时间问题上陷入了僵局。

  • Working hours rest and leave ;

    工作 时间和休息休假;

  • The employers'abidance by provisions of the state regarding working hours rest and vacation of the workers ;

    用人单位遵守国家关于劳动者 工作 时间和休息休假规定的情况;

  • Have you any objection to changing your working hours ?

    你对改变你的 工作 时间有什么异议吗?

  • I split my working hours between three offices .

    我的 工作 时间分在3个办公室度过。

  • I wish my working hours were more regular .

    我的 工作 时间能更正常一些就好了。

  • Are the employer and the employees are still negotiating about the working hours ?

    雇主和雇员还在就 工作 时间进行谈判吗?

  • Our people have flexible working hours and often make no clear distinction between their jobs and their home lives .

    我们的员工拥有弹性 工作 时间并且经常使他们的工作和家庭生活之间没有明确的区分。

  • I hope we 'll have shorter working hours in the future .

    我希望将来我们的 工作 时间会短些。

  • It 's perfect to plan working hours keep track of scheduled appointments and orders .

    这是完美的计划 工作 时间,随时安排的约会和购物记录。

  • My working hours are ( from ) 9 to5 .

    我的 工作 时间是(从)9点到5点。

  • We have actions like restructuring reduced working hours and unpaid leave ongoing in all our locations .

    我们的行动像重组,减少 工作 时间和不带薪休假目前在我们所有的位置。

  • Their horse racing mainly takes place on working days and during working hours .

    大多数的赛马比赛都在工作日和 工作 时间举行。

  • We will raise the issue of working hours with the manager .

    我们将向经理提出 工时的问题。

  • The anxieties of the last few days had flayed havoc with his working hours and disrupted his routine .

    最后几天的焦虑不安打乱了他的 工作 时间,扰乱了他的正常生活秩序。

  • The workforce have recently been calling for their working hours to be reduced . Many companies have accordingly switched to a five-day week .

    工人们最近一直在呼吁缩短 工作 时间。许多公司于是转成了一周五天工作制。

  • They 've cut back my working hours in order to accommodate my studies .

    公司减少了我的 工作 时间,以便我有更多的 时间学习。

  • You can telephone during normal working hours .

    你可以在正常 工作 时间 打电话。

  • Similarly we should not assume that men and women 's working hours are the same in kind .

    同样,我们也不能以为男性和女性 工作 时间的性质相同。

  • He scored points with teachers by proposing shorter working hours .

    他因提议更短的 工作 时间赢得了教师们的好感。

  • Accountancy can offer flexible working hours .

    会计工作可以提供弹性 工作 时间