work test

[化] 工作试验

  • In electronics portfolios system the collection e-leaming correlation study evidence ( evidence ) studies the information including the curriculum which process and so on in work test discussion produces indicates study ability the achievement or the ability development .

    在电子学档系统中,收集网络学习者的相关学习证据(evidence),包括课程学习、 作业测试、讨论等过程中产生的信息,表明学习者的才能、成就或能力发展。

  • If your defect and test repository is managed on the same server as ClearQuest you will be able to work with test cases and defect reports within the same client .

    如果您的缺陷和测试储存库在同一个服务器上被管理,如ClearQuest,那么您将能够在同一个客户端中与 测试用例和缺陷报告一起 工作

  • The development work and test show that the application of torsion bar with high strength in deploying mechanism of folding rubber had the advantages of short deploying time light small volume and simple structure .

    通过 试制试验,证明把高强度扭力杆应用于折叠舵的展开机构具有展开能量大、展开时间短、重量轻、体积小、结构简单等优点。

  • Workshop facilitators helped each country delegation design a work plan to test agricultural policies and evaluate their impact .

    研讨会主持人帮助各国代表团制定了一项 工作计划,以 检验其农业政策的效果,评价这些政策的影响。

  • Supplier will be responsible for all work of hydraulic test blowing and cleaning for the package .

    供应商将负责所有液压 试验和机组的吹扫。

  • Likewise running ant prepare-test-docs does the same work for the test documents .

    同样,运行antprepare-test-docs代码可以完成相同的文档 测试 工作

  • So art art work to test students ' psychological deviation behavior is feasible and worth in the school widely promoted .

    因此美术 作业检测学生心理偏差行为是可行且值得在学校中被广泛推广的。

  • Graduates usually work for test laboratories hospitals or government agencies where toxicology tests are conducted .

    毕业生通常会在 试验实验室,医院,或进行毒理学试验的政府机构 从事 工作

  • There are three parts of testing content : The whole vehicle braking performance test the ABS work performance test and the vehicle braking stability performance test .

    虚拟制动性能检测仪检测内容主要分为三部分:车辆整车行车制动性能,ABS防抱死制动系统 工作 性能以及制动稳定性检测。

  • Nanocrystalline a-Al2O3 powder was used in this work to test the feasibility of using master curve model to describe its sintering behaviors .

    研究利用主导曲线模型分析平均粒径约 50nm的α-Al2O3粉末之常压烧结致密化过程。

  • From raise repeated utilization ratio of water reduce angle of industrial water expound the fact necessity that water balance work To request on Guide for water balance of thermal power plant propose in water balance work must test the water quality .

    从提高水的重复利用率降低生产用水的角度论述了水平衡工作的必要性,针对《火力发电厂水平衡导则》的要求,提出在水平衡 工作中必须进行用、排水的水质 检测

  • One solution could be to judge researchers on the number of citations a paper receives two years after publication to see whether their work stands the test of time .

    一个解决方案可以是根据论文发表后两年获得的引用数量判断科研人员,“从而弄清楚他们的 工作是否经受住了时间的 检验”。

  • Twist helps you work with test suites not just individual tests and ultimately managing a suite is the toughest problem down the line .

    Twist帮助你使用 测试套件进行 工作,而不只是单独的测试,归根到底,管理套件是环节中最艰难的问题。

  • For this to work the test subject must first train the computer to respond correctly to commands .


  • Noticeable Problems in the Grinding Work Index Test

    粉磨 指数 试验应注意的几个问题

  • The verification of the reference standard is related to the effectiveness of the metrological work and test result of this area or unit .

    参考标准的核查关系到该地区或该单位计量 活动 检测结果的有效性。

  • Save your work and test it as in the previous example .

    保存 工作,并按上例所示进行 测试

  • Modelling and Simulation of the bond work index test

    邦德功指数 试验的模型化及仿真

  • It is a trivial work to test whether a network is a small capacity network so the algorithm of this paper is also useful for general maximum flow problems .

    同时,由于 判断一个网络是否为小容量网络非常简单,因此该算法也具有普遍意义。

  • However these same widget classes with minor modifications will also work to test Java applications .

    然而,只要对这些窗口小部件类进行很少的更改,就可以 它们用于 测试Java应用程序。

  • Take full responsibility for routine work in test and inspection center of project supervision department under the lead of chief engineer ;

    在总监理工程师领导下,全面负责监理项目部中心 试验室的各项日常 工作

  • When looking at examples of how to work with test assets within a CM environment we will consider test scripts test plans manual test cases datapools and log files .

    在我们解了CM开发环境中是如何 使用 测试资产的例子之后,我们将考虑测试脚本,测试用例,手工测试用例,数据池和日志文件。

  • Concluding work and function test .

    收尾 工作和功能 测试

  • HSE Management in Construction of Semi - work Test Equipment for Dimethyl Sulfide

    二甲基硫醚中 装置 工程建设的HSE管理

  • The problem is that since we directly instantiate a database connection object inside the method we are required to do all this scaffolding work to properly test the method .

    问题是,由于我们是在这个方法中直接实例化一个数据库连接对象,所以我们需要执行所有这些繁琐的 操作才能够完成方法的 测试

  • In this paper a summary of research work at Test Site Western Yunnan in 1980-1984 has been made .

    本文是对滇西地震预报 实验场在1980年&1984年间 工作的一个综述。

  • Thesis paper and defense work test the trueness and credibility of the teaching quality system of a university .

    毕业论文和答辩 工作 检验着学校教学质量体系的真实性和信誉度。

  • His work is to test out new designs of cars before they are put on the market .

    他的 工作是在新设计的汽车投入市场之前对它们进行 检验

  • With the development of first 1000 kV Ultra-high voltage experiment demonstration project has entered the commissioning and start-up stage work comprehensive test . Development level of uhv transmission network develop and study the UHV Electric Appliance that is vital .

    随着我国首条1000kV特高压交流试验示范工程的调试及 运行 工作全面启动,发展特高压等级的输电电网,进行百万伏级特高压电器设备的开发研究十分必要。