work hardening

[wɚk ˈhɑrdnɪŋ][wə:k ˈhɑ:dəniŋ]


  • Research of work hardening mechanism of high manganese steel

    高锰钢 加工 硬化 规律和机理研究

  • Influence of Chemical Compositions on Uniform Deformation and Work Hardening Behaviors of Metastable Austenite Stainless Steel Car Body Plates

    化学成分对亚稳态奥氏体不锈钢车体板材均匀变形及 加工 硬化行为的影响

  • Additional work hardening Manganese Steel bushes placed in non-rotational positions ensure maximum pin and bush life .

    放置于非转动位置的特 锰钢衬套保证了销子和衬套的最长寿命。

  • Comparison of Work Hardening Behaviors of 18-8 Stainless Steel and Hadfield Steel by Two Methods

    两种方法分析高锰钢和18-8不锈钢 加工 硬化行为的对比

  • But under the strong impact load high manganese is not fully work hardening . Shear failure is very easily occurred on the surface of high manganese steel which affect the wear resistance .

    但在非强冲击载荷下不能得到充分的 加工 硬化,高锰钢表面很容易在磨料的冲击和切割作用下发生剪切破坏,从而影响了其耐磨性能。

  • Proper precipitate reinforcement treatment can improve the ability of work hardening to some degree .

    合适的沉淀强化处理可以在一定范围内提高 锰钢 加工 硬化能力。

  • The work hardening is present on the surface of audio heads during the wear process .

    磁头在磨损过程中表层有 加工 硬化 现象

  • A New Theoretical Calculation Model for Flanging Forming Force Based on Cold Deformation Work Hardening

    考虑冷变形 加工 硬化的翻边力理论计算

  • High manganese steel is widely used for its advantages such as good toughness able to withstand strong extrusion and impact and nice wear resistance due to work hardening under extrusion and impact .

    高锰钢作为传统金属耐磨材料,由于其具有良好的韧性,能够承受强烈的挤压和冲击,并在承受挤压和冲击过程中产生 加工 硬化发挥出良好的抗磨损特性,得到广泛应用。

  • The simulation results suggest that Bauschinger effect and work hardening etc are validated in the model .

    模拟结果表明,弯曲过程中存在鲍辛格效应和 加工 硬化等现象。

  • On the effects of specimen recycling to the tensile strength and work hardening

    试样复用对拉伸强度和被 加工 硬化的影响

  • DP steel has better work hardening ability while TRIP steel has better bake hardening ability .

    DP钢拥有更加优良的 加工 硬化能力,TRIP钢则具有较为理想的烘烤硬化能力。

  • The results show that the work hardening rate of pure tantalum is low .

    研究结果表明:纯钽的宏观 加工 硬化速率比较低。

  • The yield strength tensile strength and work hardening rate of the composites were decreased with increasing of particle size .

    复合材料的屈服强度,抗拉强度和 加工 硬化率均随着颗粒尺寸的减小而增大。

  • The high wear resistance of the metastable austenitic Mn-steels lies in the high work hardening caused by induced martensite transformation .

    介稳奥氏体 锰钢具有高耐磨性的原因是其在磨损过程中磨面诱发产生大量的马氏体提高了其抗磨粒的切削和剥离能力。

  • Magnetic Change and Work Hardening During Deformation of Fe-Mn-C Alloy Austenite

    Fe-Mn-C合金奥氏体变形过程的磁性变化与 加工 硬化

  • The research results show that the microstructure and work hardening mechanism are distinguishing under different work hardening effect ;

    结果表明,在不同硬化条件下 锰钢中的 硬化组织不同,其 加工 硬化的机制也不相同。

  • Strain-induced martensitic transformation is the main reason with the resultant work hardening in the austenitic stainless steel .

    这种钢在冷加工过程中产生明显的 加工 硬化,其中主要原因是应变诱导马氏体相变。

  • Studied the mechanism of work hardening by broaching new engine superalloy GH761 which is important to GH761 application and discussion the reason of cutting tool wear .

    研究新型高温合金GH761拉削时产生 加工 硬化的现象和变化规律,这对研究GH761合金的实际应用和探讨拉刀磨损原因是非常必要的。

  • Microscopic Mechanism of Work Hardening of Austenitic Medium Manganese Steel

    奥氏体中锰钢 加工 硬化的微观机制

  • Use the magnetic balance test and research the relation of magnetic change and work hardening of Fe-Mn-C alloy during deformation process .

    利用磁秤试验研究了Fe-Mn-C合金奥化体变形过程的磁性变化与 加工 硬化的关系。

  • Meanwhile by using of the principal data of valence electron structure the component segregation structural stability ductility and toughness and work hardening of the austenite were revealed on the microstructure level .

    通过价电子结构的主要数据,从微观结构方面揭示了锰钢奥氏体的成分偏聚、组织稳定性、塑韧性和 加工 硬化及其变化的本质。

  • Meanwhile the effect of SHMS ' microstructure properties and work hardening mechanism are studied .

    本文同时 研究了它们对超高锰钢组织、性能的影响,对高锰钢的 加工 硬化机理进行了探讨。

  • Reduction of Mn content and increase of C content are favorable to increasing the ability of work hardening ;

    锰含量的降低和碳含量的升高有利于 加工 硬化能力的提高;

  • In the multi-pass ball spinning steady flow of metal can be formed easily because of using small thickness reduction and work hardening of the material which can ensure elongation of the tube .

    多道次滚珠旋压时,由于采用较小的壁厚减薄量和材料的 加工 硬化,金属易于稳定流动,能够保证管坯的轴向伸长。

  • At the oxidation wear stage certain degree of cold deformation can improve the wear resistance of the alloy because of work hardening .

    在氧化磨损阶段,由于 加工 硬化 提高合金 硬度 强度,对合金 施以一定程度的冷变形可有效地提高其耐磨性。

  • Work Hardening and Wearability of Superhigh Manganese Steel

    超高锰钢 加工 硬化及耐磨性的 研究

  • Work hardening of austenitic stainless steel was analyzed .

    分析了奥氏体不锈钢的 加工 硬化机理及其对刀具磨损的影响;

  • The composite with the whisker orientation angle 90 ° shows work hardening phenomena .

    晶须取向角为90℃的复合材料表现 应变 硬化现象。

  • Pre twisted tungsten projectile is soft inside and hard outside because of long rod 's work hardening effect .

    预扭转钨弹由于其长杆的 加工 硬化效应,具有外硬内软、外脆内韧的特性。