work shop

[wɚk ʃɑp][wə:k ʃɔp]

[计] 专题讨论会,学术会议

  • The paper analyzes workshop 's manufacturing process and logistics system and designs the work shop plan ;

    本文在对一个生产车间的制造工艺和物流系统分析后,设计了该 车间的平面布局图;

  • For overcoming the shortcomings of traditional MRP systems work shop plan is integrated into MRP . Architecture and development of MRP II integrated into CIMS are described . Then the main product plan can be made easily by means of interaction with the computer .

    针对传统的MRP系统所存在的缺陷,将 车间 生产 作业计划与MRP集成于一体,介绍了MRPⅡ制造资源计划系统的总体结构与开发策略,用人机交互方式可以方便地制订出主生产计划。

  • You can always come work in my shop .

    你总可以到我的 店里工作

  • Be in charge of maintenance work shop house keeping ;

    负责维修 工作 场所日常清洁;

  • If the jeweler does not work in his shop he can teach music ; he as therefore more than one string to his bow .

    如果那宝石匠不在他的 店里 工作,他可以教音乐。他不止一种本事。

  • After a long day 's work behind your shop counter you 're eager to find out how much you 've earned so you count the money in the cash register .

    站了一天的 柜台后,你很想知道赚了多少钱。因此你数了一下抽屉里的钱。

  • Abundant work shop site management experience powerful in schedule implement ;

    丰富的 现场管理经验,计划执行能力强;

  • I work in a shop of female linen I am the seller and consultant the responsibility for financial reports rely on me . I 'm the valuable worker .

    安娜 应聘在一 女性针织服装 担任销售员和咨询员,店里的财务报告也是由她来负责。

  • What do you feel about work as a shop assistant ?

    你觉得当一名 店员怎么样?

  • Vibration porch don 't want to see three and the rest in the man with a work shop lied that mixed up the mutually close this let ss is very angry .

    振轩不想看到三顺和其余汉子在一同,谎称 店里出了 工作,搞乱了这场相亲,这让三顺十分生气。

  • To responsible for improvement of work shop ;

    负责对 车间的改进;

  • Since Tuesday Gazans took advantage of the lull in fighting to return to work and shop for daily necessities .

    从星期二起,加沙人民利用战斗的间歇恢复 工作购买日用品。

  • Research on manufacturing execution system in Engine parts work shop

    发动机产品 生产 车间制造执行系统技术研究

  • People like to live work and shop in Shenzhen .

    人们喜欢在深圳居住、 工作购物

  • He was obliged to swallow his grief and work in the shop as usual .

    他不得不忍住悲痛, 继续照常在 车间 干活

  • The result shows that the average air concentration of fenvalerate in the work shop is 0.126mg / m3 ( ranged 0.083 ~ 0 . 216mg / m3 ) which is 2.5 times of the national health standard .

    调查 车间空气中氰戊菊酯平均浓度为 0.126mg/m3(0.083~0.216mg/m3),为卫生标准的2.5倍。

  • Referring to ISO and NBS hierarchical model of enterprise automated system cellular manufacturing system top-down model was divided into work shop layer cell layer and machine layer so as to reduce complexity of the model .

    参考ISO和NBS的企业自动化系统的层次模型,自顶向下将单元化制造系统依次划分为 车间层、单元层和设备层,降低了模型的复杂性。

  • It was very hard work in the shop .

    商店 干活很累人。

  • In order to avoid not to redesign work shop controller every time when carring out the CIMS a more suitable workshop control module is necessary for cutting down the high developing and maintenance cost .

    为了在实施CIMS的过程中,不必每次都对 车间控制器进行重新设计和 开发,有必要 研究具有广泛适用性的车间控制模型,以降低企业的开发和维护费用。

  • This nurturing childhood naturally led to thoughts of a life onstage and by the age of12 little Johnny had already joined an actors work shop in his hometown of Englewood .

    儿时的熏陶自然使小约翰萌生了投身演艺界的想法。12岁时,他就在家乡 恩格尔伍德加入了一个男演员讲习班。

  • I don 't have to work in the shop no more .

    我再也不必到你的 店里 工作了。

  • She was not strong enough to do all the work in the shop .

    她不够身强力壮,干不了 店里所有的

  • The Internet has changed the ways people communicate work shop and learn .

    网际网路已经改变了人们沟通、 工作购物和学习的方式。

  • A model on the work shop scheduling constrained with flexible human resource was put forward with simulation in this research .

    建立了具有柔性人力资源约束的 作业 车间模型,并进行了计算机仿真。

  • I used to work as a shop assistant .

    我以前 通常店员

  • You need to reserve for Entry Work Shop !

    参加公开 ,需要 报名

  • All residents must be ferried to a nearby island in order to work shop and take care of personal business .

    为了到附近的一个岛上去 工作购物和照看自己的生意,岛上所有的居民都必须搭乘渡船。

  • Direct Subordinates : machining work shop ;

    直接下属部门:机加工 车间