work people

[wɚk ˈpipəl][wə:k ˈpi:pl]

[经] 工人们,劳工们

  • Or maybe the notion of three levels of definitions feels like more than you 're ready to use and you just want to assign work to people and have them complete it .

    或者感觉这个定义的三个水平的观念您已经准备好去使用了,而且您仅仅是想要将这个 工作分配到 个人,并去完成它。

  • You will have to work with people whom you just don 't care for and even with people who aren 't very nice .

    你会需要和 那些你根本不关心的人一起共事,甚至还要和那些脾气很差的 共事

  • It won 't work unless people see the benefit of team building .

    除非 人们从团队建设中看到其带来的好处,否则无法 成功

  • There are some comedians some poets * but actually I see this is a good thing because its better to work with people who have no experiences than people who have bad habits .

    但我反倒觉得这是好事儿,因为和没有经验的 工作、好过和有坏习惯的人 工作

  • But she was willing to work for people who had less experience than she did .

    但是她愿意为经验比她少的 工作

  • How to Effectively Work with People Who Are Smarter Than You

    如何高效地与比你聪明的 合作

  • We should not think of cities as just urban sprawls but instead should make them work for people .

    城镇化不应被定义为城市蔓延,而是要让城市 服务 人民

  • The present wave of political killings is the work of people trying to derail peace talks .

    当前的这一系列政治谋杀乃是 那些想阻挠和平谈判的 所为。

  • They set goals they believe in themselves they take risks they work through people they demand much of themselves they make decisions and they take full responsibility for their careers and objectives .

    他们有目标,他们相信自己,他们敢于冒险,他们借助 他人,他们对自己要求较高,一旦作出决定,他们会为自己的职业生涯和目标担负起全部责任。

  • By helping people get their work done at work people can have more social time and playtime outside work not to mention get more sleep .

    通过在 上班时帮助人们完成他们的工作, 人们工作以外就可以拥有更多的社交时间和休闲时间,更不用说获得更多的睡眠了。

  • After a hard day 's work most people want to relax in front of the telly .

    辛苦了一天后,多数 想在电视机前放松一下。

  • Defining and assigning too many low-level units of work to people is hard to manage and hard to communicate .

    定义和设置太多的低级 工作单位不利于管理和交流。

  • I 'm just so thrilled to think that I can come to this country and work with people like them .

    我能来到这个国家和像他们那样的 合作真是让我受宠若惊。

  • It 's great to work with people who are on the same wavelength .

    与志同道合的 一起 工作真是太棒了。

  • If you never fail to have an excuse instead of on-time work people notice .

    如果你总是在找借口而不是去 工作人们会注意到的。

  • In our country we sometimes work with people for months before we even learn their first name .

    在我国,即使在 一起 工作了很长一段时间,我们甚至还不知道他们的名字叫什么。

  • Work with everyone : Work with people other than your direct supervisors or other interns .

    和每个 一起 工作:除了你的直接领导或其他实习生,也要和其他 共事。

  • Or did they succeed through hard work ? In my opinion talents play a less important role than hard work in people 's studies or work .

    在我看来,在 人们的学习或工作中,天资所起的作用不如 努力那么重要。

  • By work people come into contact with each other .

    工作可作为人与现实之间的桥梁:通过 工作人们彼此接触;

  • BSD was built on the work of people at the University of California Berkeley .

    在伯克利的加利福尼亚大学,在 人们 工作基础上构建了BSD。

  • But the truth is that there 's nothing new under the sun ; despite whatever the newest book product or guru wants to sell you you can learn to become more productive with work habits people have used for many years .

    但事实上,天下原无新鲜事;尽管不断有各种新书,产品或者任何权威专家想要卖给你的东西,你完全可以凭借 人们已沿用多年的 工作习惯来提高效率。

  • As the saying goes people like to work with people they like .

    正如谚语所说,人们乐意与他们喜欢的 一起 工作

  • Pick jobs and companies where you can work with people who inspire you and challenge you to be better .

    挑选拥有可以启发你、激励你做得更多的 同事的工作和公司。

  • As machines did more and more work people did less and less .

    随着机器做了越来越多的 工作人们做的越来越少。

  • You get to work with people you like

    你可以和你喜欢的 一起 工作

  • Because social workers work with people who are so needy it can be hard to not sacrifice too much to the job .

    由于社工的 工作 对象是那些极度需要帮助的 人群,所以他们在工作中不做出极大的牺牲是不可能的。

  • This tells Teamworks not to assign work to people but to the System which is a predefined role for the automated steps .

    通知Teamworks不要分配 工作,而是分配给系统,这是自动化流程的一个预定义角色。

  • I largely work with people who already are motivated

    我大多和积极主动的 一起 工作

  • The real challenge is to make the technology work for people .

    但真正的挑战是让科技 服务人类