


  • Taking Zhalong wetland located in Heilongjiang province as a case its specific questions concerning water were analyzed .

    并以黑龙江扎龙 湿地为例,对其主要水问题进行具体分析;

  • There are some areas of wetland which are of ancient origin .

    有一些 湿地在古代就形成了。

  • Study on Wetland System of Water Pollution Control in Middle and Lower Reaches of the Hanjiang River ;

    选取汉江中下游为研究 区域,建立了汉江中下游水量水质耦合模型。

  • Wetland has great ecological and environmental value .

    摘要 湿地具有巨大的生态价值和环境效益。

  • Poyang Lake is the biggest freshwater lake in China and the biggest ecological wetland in Asia as well .

    鄱阳湖是我国第一大淡水湖,也是亚洲最大的生态 湿地

  • There are plentiful wetland resources in Poyang lake area which is one of important wetland in China .

    鄱阳湖区有十分丰富的 湿地资源,是我国重要的湿地之一。

  • The construction of irrigation ditches in wetland changes the hydrology state and thus influences the biological geochemistry circulation .

    沟渠的修建改变了 湿地的水文状况,因此影响了 湿地的生物地球化学循环。

  • The transpiration characteristics of wetland plants like Alisma orientale in artificial wetland garden were studied .

    试验研究了人工湿地园中泽泻 沼泽植物蒸腾特性的日变化。

  • I 'm not saying the ground in the Wetland Park is wet .

    韩佳:我说这 湿地公园并不是说公园的地面是湿的。

  • The growth characteristics and pollutant removal effect of Cleistocalyx operculatus in the constructed wetland were studied .

    研究了水翁在人工 湿地的生长特性及其对污水的净化效果。

  • In the subsurface flow constructed wetland insoluble phosphorus is removed by adsorption and deposition during wet season .

    雨季时潜流人工 湿地内发生了不溶性磷的吸附和沉积,实现了对磷的去除;

  • Abounding in resources of wetland ecological system east Dongting Lake enjoys a promising prospect of eco-tourism .

    东洞庭湖 湿地生态系统资源丰富,开展生态旅游前景广阔。

  • Study on Digitalization and Exploitation of Eco-Tourism Resources in the South Dongting Lake Wetland

    南洞庭湖 湿地生态旅游资源的数字化和开发研究

  • The current states and progress of wetland water environment monitoring technology are outlined .


  • Hydraulic characteristics of constructed wetland have a significant effect on the pollutant removal process .

    人工 湿地水力学特征对其污染物去除过程有重要影响。

  • The structure and the functions of wetland ecosystem have greatly changed under the synthetic effect of disturbance factors .

    在这些扰动因子综合作用下, 湿地生态系统的结构与功能发生了明显的变化。

  • This study could provide reference for improving nitrogen removal effect in constructed wetland .

    该研究可为人工 湿地中提高氮素去除效果提供参考。

  • The nitrification ability of different layers in a subsurface constructed wetland treating sewage was measured .

    研究了潜流式人工 湿地内部不同填料层和沿水流方向硝化能力的变化。

  • Artificial wetland system has remarkable ecological environment and high landscape value which are widely used at present .

    人工 湿地系统具有显著的生态环境效益外,还有很高的景观价值,目前正在广泛地应用。

  • Poyang Lake wetland ecosystem is a complex open and interactive system .

    鄱阳湖 湿地生态系统是一个复杂、开放的交互系统。

  • Tres Rios and other constructed wetlands are increasing wetland areas within the state .

    塞沃奥斯和其他地区人工湿地的 湿地增加了国家。

  • The Mangrove on this wetland can be a wind prevention and reduces the damage of goods on the ground .


  • This article preliminarily discusses the advantages and principles of the eco-tourism development of Hengshui Lake wetland .

    本文初步探讨了衡水湖开展 湿地生态旅游的优势和原则。

  • This is the largest indoor man-made wetland ? Mangrove ecosystem exhibition zone in china .

    这是目前中国最大的室内人造 湿地&红树林生态展示区。

  • Soil and vegetation characteristics of wetland communities at different successive stages in the Huanghe River Delta ;

    对黄河三角洲不同演替阶段 湿地土壤线虫的群落特征进行了研究。

  • Tens of thousands of acres of wetland have been destroyed by the ocean .

    好几万英亩 沼泽地已被海洋破坏了。

  • This course will teach the ecology of aquatic invertebrates in the stream and wetland ecosystems .

    本课程将教授包括溪流及 湿地等生态系之无脊椎动物生态学。

  • At the same time Xixi model of wetland protection and utilization also received the world recognition .

    同时, 湿地保护与利用的“西溪模式”也获得了世界的认可。

  • Wetland is the conjunction of lake and terrene and has important ecology function .

    湖滨 湿地是陆地和湖泊水体的连接带,具有重要的生态功能。