



  • Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space

    金丝雀 码头计划要提供1万平方英尺的办公面积。

  • I 'm going with you to that wharf tomorrow .

    明天我会和你一起去那个 码头

  • Does this bus go to Fisherman 's Wharf ?

    这辆公车有没有到渔人 码头

  • Shanghai 's roots are as a wharf and port city .

    上海在根深蒂固之处,是一个 码头。一个港城。

  • Here we are at the Fisherman 's Wharf . It 's a quarter to one .

    现在我转到男子方面来。现在我们到了渔人 码头

  • Combining business and leisure activities Fisherman 's Wharf is really a multi-functional port .

    渔人 码头是一个多功能的港口,结合了休闲与商业。

  • The engineering geology large bottomless cylindrical structure construction method and displacement analysis for Nansha Wharf are introduced .

    文章介绍南沙 码头的工程地质,无底大圆筒结构、施工方法、位移分析;

  • The hydrologist figured the water depth along a wharf piling .

    水文工作者在 码头桩上用数字标明水深。

  • The students are waiting for their teacher on the wharf .

    学生们正在 码头上等候他们的老师。

  • A month later I landed in the wharf of Portsmouth .

    一个月以后,我便在普次茅斯的 码头登岸了。

  • We reached the wharf gasping for breath .

    我们气喘吁吁地抵达了 码头

  • Stonebridge Wharf is part of the Wey Navigation System which dates back to1635 .

    石桥 码头是韦伊导航系统可追溯到1635年的一部分。

  • This paper introduces the vessel machinery and installation of wave board during wave board installation of high-piled wharf .

    文章就高桩 码头档浪板安装过程中使用的船舶机械、挡浪板的安装等作了简要介绍。

  • A wharf or reinforced bank where ships are loaded or unloaded .

    码头 码头或经过加固的河岸,在此可往船上装货或卸货。

  • The ferry rammed into the wharf .

    渡船撞击一下 码头

  • They 'd already driven along the wharf so that she could point out her father 's boat .

    他们已经开车沿 码头走了 一遍,好让她指出 艘是她父亲的船。

  • This budget is developed from a project to construct a wharf .

    该项目为一个 承建 码头施工的项目。

  • A Pier is usually a rectangular wharf structure which projects out into the water .

    突堤式码头通常都是矩形 码头结构局部突出到水中。

  • This paper may be referable for those who design and research the straight pile wharf .

    本文可供设计和研究直桩 码头作参考。

  • We also analyze the effect of the lifting machinery to the horizontal displacement of the straight pile wharf .

    分析了直桩 码头的水平变位对起重机械的影响问题。

  • New Types of Wharf Structures Applied in Port Engineering

    新型 码头结构在我国港口工程中的应用

  • The ship lies alongside the wharf . ; The steamer lies at the pier .

    那艘船停靠在 码头边。

  • The berthing velocity angle and maxi-mal displacement of wharf are monitored .

    测试了船舶靠泊时的靠泊速度和角度以及 码头的最大位移。

  • I like the proposed Fisherman 's Wharf Development as the development framework in Aberdeen Harbour .

    我喜欢渔人 码头作为发展香港仔旅游项目框架。

  • You can take a ferry boat from Danshui to fisherman 's wharf .

    你可以坐渡船从淡水到渔人 码头

  • The first swimming pool was built in Liverpool George Wharf in1828 .

    1828年在利物浦乔治 码头修建了世界上第一个室内游泳池。

  • How do I get to fisherman 's wharf ?

    我怎么到渔人 码头

  • The annual throughput capacity of berth was firstly computed using design criteria for an enlarged oil wharf .

    对某 扩建的油 码头,首先采用基于设计规范的设计方式对泊位年通过能力进行初步计算。