wettable powder


  • The method is accurate rapid and reproducible and has been used to the quality control of the Ding-Bian wettable powder .

    方法准确、快速、重现性好,已用于丁·苄 湿 粉剂的质量控制。

  • The active ingredient of α - pyrone 0.2 % wettable powder is 5 .

    0.2%α-吡喃酮WP的有效成分为5二氢-6-戊基-2H-吡喃-2-酮( 5)。

  • So the preliminary formulations of Beauveria bassiana wettable powder was spore powder 30 % carrier 50 % wetting agent 5 % dispersing agent 5 % . 2 .

    故经筛选初步得出白僵菌 湿 粉剂的配方为:孢子粉30%,载体高岭土60%,润湿剂 拉开 5%,分散剂HK-23025%。

  • 75 % Chlorothalonil wettable powder

    GB9552-198875%百菌清 湿 粉剂

  • In addition the wettable powder of Bt MB-15 was developed by using its mixture of spore and parasporal crystals .

    另外,还以BtMB-15的胞晶混合物冻干粉为原材料,对其 湿 粉剂的配方进行了筛选。

  • A wettable powder formulation of Trichoderma viride strain LTR-2 was developed and showed 50.1 % - 80.0 % of reduction of Fusarium wilt of cotton in field trials with seed treatment and soil drenching .

    制备了绿色木霉LTR2的 湿 粉剂,田间条件下处理种子及灌根,菌剂对棉花枯萎病的防治效果达50.1%-80.0%。

  • The disease investigation showed bran culture of Trichoderma and chlamydospore Wettable powder had better biocontrol effects against the capsicum damping-off disease .

    播种30d之后调查辣椒猝倒病发病率,结果显示木霉麦麸培养物、厚垣孢子 湿 粉剂对猝倒病有较好的控制作用。

  • Traditional pesticide formulations such as the emulsifiable concentrate and wettable powder contain plenty of benzene organic solvents or dust and hence result in serious environmental pollution and do great harm to human beings thus being included in the list of elimination .

    由于传统农药剂型如乳油(EC)、 湿 粉剂WP)等因含有大量苯类有机溶剂或粉尘,对环境和人员造成了严重的污染和危害,属淘汰 制剂。

  • Our results showed it 's very effective to antisepsis and rootage which added 600-fold chlorthalonil 75 % wettable powder to rootone and it can also enhance survival of carnation cuttage .

    结果显示,600倍百菌清75% 湿 粉剂加入生根 中,防腐和生根效果明显,具有提高香石竹扦插成活的作用。

  • Efficacy of an α - pyrone 0.2 % wettable powder against plant fungal pathogens

    0.2%α-吡喃酮 WP对植物病原真菌的防治效果

  • A Study on 50 % Benzol-benzyl Wettable Powder

    50%苯·苄 湿 粉剂的研究

  • Effect of spraying wettable powder of 50 % napropamide on weed control of tobacco field

    50%敌草胺 湿 粉剂防除烟地杂草的效果

  • Study on the Formulation of 50 % Compound Chlorothalonil Wettable Powder

    50%复配百菌清 湿 粉剂配方 试验研究

  • The control effects of spraying 15 % triadimefon wettable powder are excellent .

    喷洒15%粉锈宁 湿 粉剂防治效果明显。

  • After military forces used the wettable powder to aerially bomb mosquitoes in the malaria-ridden Pacific theater during World War II public health authorities took the lead .

    第二次世界大战期间,太平洋战区疟疾肆虐,最先是军队从空中喷洒与水混合的 药粉,轰炸蚊子,之后由公卫主管机关接手负责。

  • With the same concentration 75 % tricyclazole WG was in advance of 75 % tricyclazole wettable powder in the control of spike blast .

    相同浓度下,75%三环唑水分散粒剂对穗瘟的防效优于75%三环唑 湿 粉剂

  • The compound of 36 % wettable powder applied at 2 - to 3 - leaf stage in direct-seeded rice field with the dosages of 162-270 g / hm ~ ( 2 ) was safe to rice .

    36%苄·二氯 湿 粉剂(WP)用于水稻直播田,在水稻2叶1心至3叶期处理,使用剂量162~270g/hm2(有效成分)对水稻生长无不良影响,安全性好。

  • The Study on The Properties of Special Pesticide Filler A Used in Bt Wettable Powder

    苏云金芽孢杆菌Bt 湿 粉剂应用A型农药填充剂性能研究

  • Study on Residue Dynamics of Cinosulfuron · Acetochlor Wettable Powder in Rice

    醚磺隆·乙草胺 湿 粉剂在水稻上的残留消解动态研究

  • Wettable powder is the main type of microbial pesticide formulations in China . However fewer studies were reported about the formulation process optimization and scale up in microbial pesticide .

    湿 粉剂是我国微生物农药剂型的主要种类,但有关微生物农药 湿 粉剂配方及其加工工艺优化与放大方面的研究鲜有报道。

  • The affect of suitable compatibility of auxiliary to increase the suspensibility of pesticide wettable powder

    适当的助剂配伍对提高农药 湿 粉剂悬浮率的作用