water rate

[ˈwɔtɚ ret][ˈwɔ:tə reit]


  • The effects of spray water rate and ambient condition on thermal performance of the cooling tower are analyzed .

    分析了淋 密度、进塔 水温和环境条件对冷却塔热力特性的影响。

  • The fourth section instructs ensure mechanism of optimization arrangement of water resources such as water rights water rate investment unified management of engineering and water resources etc.

    第四部分对水资源优化配置的保障机制,如水权、 水价、投资、工程管理和水资源统一管理等问题进行论述。

  • The suitable amount for irrigation for each year is 7 500 m ~ 3 / hm ~ 2 and the lowest demarcation of the best soil water rate was 19 . 99 % .

    按合理灌水定额公式计算,年灌溉量以7500m~3/hm~2为宜;最佳 含水 下限19.99%;

  • The present production data has demonstrated that the numerical simulation is successful in providing a scientific direction for the adjustment of the m reservoir controlling water rate increasing stabilizing the oil production rate and making a good economic and social profit .

    目前经生产实践证明此次数值模拟研究为该油田 挖潜调整提供了科学的指导,达到了控 稳油的目的,产生了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

  • The paper develops a network control system in house water rate manages of a community presents the formation of network repeater and the design method .

    开发物业 水表网络控制系统,阐明网络中继控制器的组成和设计方法。

  • Under this condition synthetic resin at room temperature measuring absorption deionized water rate .

    在此条件下合成的树脂于室温下测吸去离子 倍率

  • Moreover the environmental indexes including the urban tap water rate and the rural living and drinking water hygiene rate are all in100 % compliance with the standards .

    城镇建成区 自来水普及 、村生活饮用水卫生合格率等环保指标均达到了100%。

  • I rented a house for myself 500yuan RMB each month that doesn 't include the water rate and electricity fee .

    我为自己租了一间房子,500元每个月,但是不包括 水费和电费。

  • The method was applied to determine calcium in environmental water rate of recovery and RSD were obtained to be 96.6 % - 102 % and 1.9 % - 2.6 % .

    环境 水样中钙测定的回收 为96.6%~102%,RSD为1.9%~2.6%。

  • When the containing water rate of output liquid is over 40 % the better inhibiting wax efficiency can be obtained .

    当产出液的 含水 高于40%时,所研制的防蜡剂具有较好的防蜡效果。

  • The Problem to Reform Agriculture Water Rate in Hebei Province

    河北省农业 水费改革问题

  • The results indicated that irrigation water was chiefly concentrated in 20 cm diameter around water hole and the outlet water rate and top 0 ~ 30cm soil water content were impacted by water pressure therefore controlling irrigation could be achieved .

    试验表明:无压灌溉的灌溉水量主要集中在出水孔周围20范围内,不同的孔口压力能够改变孔口出 水量和0~30土壤储水量,从而实现对作物的限水灌溉;

  • Based on the mathematics model analyses some factors which influent storage effect including chilled water temperature chilled water rate etc.

    通过建立物理及数学模型,进行理论计算,分析了影响蓄冷效果的几个主要原因,包括制冷机冷冻水温度、冷冻 流量等,给出了合理的蓄冷模式。

  • This paper provides a feasible model for the management work in water rate collection field developing towards modernization scientifically .

    本论文为 水费收缴领域的管理工作向科学化和现代化迈进提供了可行的模式。

  • The water rate is the payment in Britain for water when it is supplied to houses and factories and so forth .

    在英国, 是指住家、工厂等得到水的供应时所交纳的款项。

  • By using characteristic of running water management and save this paper discusses process of building local area network and Telnet of running water rate management system .

    本论文旨在将 发达国家 先进的项目管理的理论与方法运用于我军院校科研项目经费管理中,以期提高管理效率和质量。

  • Measures of Decreasing the Make-Up Water Rate of Cogeneration Power Plant and Improvement of Equipment

    降低热电厂 补水 的措施及改进

  • In the practice process the incidence of surface micro-cracks in micro-alloying steel can be reduced dramatically by decreasing specific water rate in secondary cooling zone .

    实际生产中通过优化二冷区 水量,采用弱冷,可以有效降低微合金化钢表面微裂纹的发生

  • The government has introduced a strict resources management system . Unauthorized occupation of cultivated land is banned . Water saving is encouraged and water rate reform has been introduced . The mining of mineral ores has been subject to rectification .

    政府实行严格的资源管理制度,制止乱占耕地,实行节约用水和 水价改革,治理整顿矿业开采。

  • The effects of inlet water rate concentration of sodium chloride and temperature on the oxidation-reduction potential are also studied ;

    研究了制备酸性电解 进水 速度,食盐浓度和温度等不同实验条件对氧化还原电位的影响;

  • The saving water rate was 12.1 % the colligate economic benefit was elevated 11.68 % in every growth season .

    每生长季针式节水滴灌技术 节水 达12.1%,综合经济效益提高11.68%。

  • Average water rate of stem branch and leaf was 46.05 % 57.87 % and 60.10 % respectively the stem was the least and the leaf was the mostly .

    秆、枝、叶的平均 含水 分别为46.05%、57.87%和60.10%,以秆最少,叶最多。

  • Also completing one meter measurement system for one user and charging water rate for the user was emphasized .

    此外,还强调了阶梯式计量 水价实施的前提是完成计量系统改革,做到一户一表、按户计费。

  • Anti-jamming technique of long distance meter reading control system in water rate measurement


  • This paper introduces water rate payment system 's design and implement including its function module system structure and key problem .

    介绍一种平台开放的 水费银行代收系统的功能设计、体系结构及关键技术。

  • Under the optimized feed rate water rate discharge rate and dispersing agent dosage a super pure iron concentrate was obtained that had weight percent of 50.30 % TFe grade of 70.48 % and silica purity content of less than 0.5 % .

    经试验结果表明,在给矿速度、给 水量、排矿速度和分散剂用量等的最佳条件下,获得了产率为50.30%、全铁品位70.48%、硅杂质含量小于0.5%的超纯铁精矿。

  • The results show that the SAE copolymer emulsion not only reduce the apparent density and absorb water rate of cement mortar but significantly retard the setting and the hydration of portland cement .

    结果表明,加入SAE使水泥砂浆的表观密度降低, 吸水 下降,并且明显延缓了水泥的凝结时间及水化速度。

  • It seriously hindered the testing water amount in U channel of irrigated region collecting the water rate . So it is a practical problem of production urgently to be solved in vast irrigated region that the U channel examines the technology of flowing .

    对灌区计划 用水、科学用水和节约水 资源等工作造成了很大的影响,因此U 渠道测流技术是亟待解决的问题。