wave train

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  • The result of field experiment reveals that the time delay between the S wave and trapped wave train increases with the epicentral distance . The site effect related to the fault zone is also observed in seismograms recorded on the stations located out of the fault zone .

    野外试验结果表明,S波震相与围陷 的时间差随炮点与台站之间距离增大而增加,在断层带外的测点上观测到与断层带相关的场地效应。

  • A tsunami isn 't a tidal wave but a series of waves or wave train in which the first isn 't necessarily the most dangerous .

    海啸不是一波浪潮,而是一波接 一波 巨浪&其中首轮海浪不一定最危险。

  • Monochromaticity Coherency of Finite-length Harmonic Wave Train

    有限长简谐 波列的单色性与相干性

  • From the derived wave energy equation we analyse the effects of the wind vertical shear heterogeneous atmospheric stratification and its temporal variability on the slowly varying wave train of internal inertial gravity wave .

    由导得的波能量方程出发,分析了风速垂直切变及非均匀大气层 结对重力惯性内 波波能变化率的影响。

  • The paper is mainly deals with the structure and function of DSP chip function of ADSP-2101 performed in control system of Audio-frequency spectral received wave form of full wave train gathered from Audio-frequency spectral in-situ .

    文章主要介绍DSP的芯片结构和性能、ADSP-2101在声频谱仪器控制系统中的功能及实现、声频谱仪器现场采集的接收全 波列 波形和结论。

  • In different layer ( different coefficient of dispersion ) however the longitudinal wave with same kind of amplitude will evolve gradually into one solitary wave or two solitary waves or solitary wave train or disappearance .

    在不同的层体(频散系数不同)中,同一种幅度的非线性纵波也可以演化成一个孤立波或两个孤立波或孤立 波列或消失。

  • The results indicate that the first mode of departure wind field called monsoon mode relates directly with summer monsoon circulation of East Asia and it exists close relationship between PJ wave train and the second mode which can be called PJ mode .

    诊断结果表明:偏差风场的第一模态直接与东亚夏季风环流有关,可称为季风模态;第二模态则与PJ 波列关系密切,可称为PJ模态;

  • Keep in mind that an idealized monochromatic plane wave must be depicted as an infinite wave train .

    要记住,一个理想的单色平面波应当表述为一个无限的 波列

  • The advances in the application of acoustic log data lie in the deep development and wide utilization of acoustic parameters of various waveforms and the application of full wave train to formation evaluation and production engineering .

    声波测井资料的应用主要体现在各种波型模式声波参数的全面开发利用和全 波列信息在地层评价和工程应用的不断深化和拓展方面。

  • Some main characteristics of refracted compressional wave refracted shear wave and Stoneley wave in full wave train observed in this experiment coincide with the theoretical ones while the real ratio of P-wave amplitude to S-wave amplitude and their geometric divergence do not tally with the theoretical ones .

    实验观测到全 波列中的折射纵波、折射横波、斯通利波的基本特征与理论分析一致,但实测的折射纵横波幅度比及它们的几何衰减与理论分析不符。

  • In order to cope with mud cake problem in acoustic logging we produced the synthetic waveform of full acoustic wave train by using Biot 's wave theory in porous formation and Johnson 's dynamic permeability pattern .

    根据Biot提出的孔隙地层的波动理论,采用Johnson动渗透率模式,针对测井中泥饼问题,计算出声波全 波列的合成波形。

  • The transmitted wave usually evolves into a single peak soliton with an oscillating tail which is found to decay rapidly and the reflected wave into a slowly decaying wave train .

    透射波通常演化为单峰孤立波和迅速衰减的尾波,反射波演化为缓慢衰减的尾 波列

  • In addition the wave train manifests as systems related to subtropical high westerly trough and blocking high showing quasi-stationary meridional waves feature .

    此类遥响应特征在西太平洋区域表现出与副热带高压、西风槽、阻塞高压等相关的系统的准定常经向 波列

  • An acoustic full wave train is received when borehole is filled with water .

    在井中充水时接收到一 波列声波。

  • By through the teleconnection analyses it is shown that the southward propagation of the westerly anomalies from the East Asian monsoon region is realized by through the wave train of EU teleconnection pattern .

    通过遥相关分析表明,东亚季风西风异常的南传是通过欧亚型遥相关的 波列来实现。

  • If there is relative motion between a light source and an observer the coherent length will not be equal to the length of the wave train as the result of Doppler effect . Finally we introduce a corrected formula .

    同时,探讨了当光源与观察者有相对运动时,由于产生多普勒效应,相干长度将不等于 波列长度,并导出了其修正公式。

  • It is concluded that the fission of the internal tides on the slope is one of the dominant generating mechanisms of internal soliton packets ( or wave train ) on the shelf under real ocean conditions .

    这表明在实际海洋条件下,深海区内潮的分裂是陆架 上海洋内孤立子波包(或 波列)生成的主要机制之一。

  • Evolution of Slowly Modulated Wave Train on Porous Sea Bed

    缓慢调制 在多孔 海床上的演化

  • A new method of testing pile using dynamic P-S - curve made by amplitude of wave train


  • In addition the effect of the horizental struture variations of basic flow on the conversion of the barotropic instability energy is analyzed in this paper too and the variations of the stationay Rossby wave train intensity near jet is explained .

    另外本文还分析了基本气流水平结构的变化对正压不稳定能量转换的影响,定性地解释了急流附近定常Rossby 波列强度的变化。

  • However the pure IOD ( Indian Ocean Dipole ) and pure ENSO are difficult to excite teleconnection wave train in the Southern Hemisphere which further confirms the interaction between them .

    而单纯IOD和单纯ENSO均难以在南半球对流层激发出遥相关 波列,进一步证实了两者共同作用的影响。

  • Light waves are synchronized the beam is a wave train .

    光波是同步的,整个光束是一个 波列

  • In this paper we use Fourier transformation to analyse the spectrum of the finite-length harmonic wave train and point out that the relationship between frequency width and continuance of a wave train obeys the indeterminate relation in quantum mechanics .

    本文应用富里哀(Fourier)变换对有限长简谐 波列进行了频谱分析,指出波列频宽与持续时间之间服从量子力学的测不准关系。

  • In this paper the correlations between large scale topography heating source and characteristics of meridional wave train in teleconnection are also discussed .

    本文还探讨了大地形、热源因子与遥相关经向 波列特征的相关关系。

  • The reflection longitudinal wave refraction longitudinal wave and Rayleigh wave in the wave train are separated distinguished and drawn by using the technique of τ - P conversion for the wave train excited by point seismic focus in engineering seismic exploration .

    针对工程地震勘探中点震源激发的波列,应用τ-P变换等多种技术,对 波列中的反射纵波、折射纵波以及瑞雷波进行分离、识别与提取。

  • Application of Full Wave Train Acoustic Logging in Ground Stress Analysis


  • However the phases of anomalous wave train is opposite in late monsoon year .

    而在爆发迟年的情况 正好相反。

  • The discussion on the formation mechanism of the global general circulation anomalies reveals that it is the propagation of two dimensional Rossby wave train and the internal atmospheric dynamic process due to external forcing that mainly cause the summer general circulation anomalies .

    对全球大气环流异常形成机制的讨论表明二维Rossby 波列的传播及外强迫引起的大气内部动力学过程是夏季大气环流异常产生的主要原因。

  • When using full wave train logging data to make C wave synthetic seismogram it needs to consider the influence of many kinds of factors such as dip and anisotropy of bed as well as environment correction of S wave logging data etc.

    采用全 波列测井资料制作转换波人工合成地震记录,需要考虑地层倾角、岩层各向异性、横波测井资料的环境校正等多种因素的影响;