God my cycle 's all out of whack .
天那,我周期 紊乱了。
You 're acting a little out of whack .
你说我怎么了-actingalittleoutof whack ? 那是什么 意思 啊?
Something is seriously out of whack and AIG needs to fix it now .
有些事情是严重脱离 紊乱和AIG需要修理了。
I have had my whack of pleasure .
我也得到了一 份愉快 〔 分享 到愉快 〕。
The majority of people in this country pay their whack
该国大部分人 尽 了他们的 一 份 力。
Someone whacked him on the head .
有人 狠狠 地 打了他的头。
You can 't whack death on the head .
你 打 不 到 “死亡 ”的头上。
Dad I can 't crush it . I can 't whack it !
爸,我不要打,我不敢 打死 啦!
The ecosystem will be thrown out of whack .
生态系统将会失去 平衡。
She wants to come back but she 's afraid you 're gonna whack her out .
她想回来,可是她害怕你会 杀了她。
We need to win a fair whack of the contracts .
我们需要赢得这些合同中的相当 大 的 份额。
Have you all had a fair whack ?
你们是不是都得到了公平的 一 份了?
The street lights must have gone out of whack for the whole area is in the complete darkness .
整个地区都是漆黑一片, 街灯一定坏了。
His mother was murdered . Yeah she got whacked . Snuffed out .
他母亲是被谋杀的。是的,是被人干掉的, 弄死的。
We got whacked . On paper we should have wiped the floor with them .
我们被 轻易 地 击败了。 按理 说我们本应该大败他们。
Being overwhelmed is proof that your perspective has been knocked totally out of whack .
这种不知所措的 状态证明你的思维方式被完全的 打乱了。
I took a whack on my left ankle but something told me it was my right .
我 敲打我的左脚踝,但是后来我发现是在我右边。
You haven 't done your whack !
你还没有完你的 那 份工作呢!
Whack ! Slowly the beanstalk falls over .
Dad I 'm afraid of spiders . I can 't whack it .
爸,我怕蜘蛛啦,我不敢 打死。
All these anxieties rest on a belief that exchange rates are out of whack .
所有这些焦虑都是因为人们相信汇率出现了 混乱。
You really have to whack the ball
你真的需要 猛击球 才 行 。
My rods and cones are all out of whack .
我的视网膜杆和视锥不 正常。
I never cared that you 're a whack job .
我从没介意过你是个 疯子。
According to one study even cockroaches get fat and unwell when their diet is out of whack .
根据一项研究报告,当它们饮食不 正常的时候,蟑螂会长胖和不舒服。
I can 't do any typing today ; my typewriter has got out of whack .
我今天打不了字,我的 打字机坏了。
Hey are you a little out of whack ? Flip over for me .
哟,你有点 懵?给我翻个筋斗。
Have we decided how to whack up the profits from the robbery ?
对 抢来的 财物如何分成,我们决定了没有?
Hates more than some other whack job stealing his thunder .
没有比任何抢了他风头的 重头戏更 让他憎恨了。
His father might whack him if he found out .
他父亲要是发觉了可能会 揍他。
美[hwæk, wæk]英[wæk]