


  • Present Situation and Countermeasures on Operation Management of Waterworks Far Away from Wuhan City

    武汉市远离城区 水厂的经营管理现状与对策

  • Improvement of Taizhou East Waterworks Automatic Coagulation Dosing System Control Algorithm

    泰州东门 水厂自动加矾系统控制算法的改进

  • On-Line Hydraulic System Contamination Degree Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis in Dredger ; thickened waterworks sludge

    挖泥船液压系统污染度的在线监测与诊断研究经浓缩的 水厂污泥

  • Chinese officials dismissed concerns that their waterworks had affected downstream countries .

    中国官员否认本国 水利 工程影响了下游国家。

  • The system is put into operation for2 years running stability reducing load of workers raising automation level of waterworks lever ensuring a safe water supply of Ningdong base .

    该系统在投运2年以来,运行稳定,减轻了工人的负荷,提高了 水厂自动化水平,保证了宁东基地的供水安全。

  • A pipe with a valve and spout at which water may be drawn from the mains of waterworks .

    一种具有阀门和喷管的水可从 自来水 牵引到此的管子。

  • SCADA System of Waterworks Based on Industrial Ethernet and Wireless Communication

    基于工业以太网和无线通信的 水厂SCADA系统

  • Conversion and control of nitrite in raw water in urban waterworks

    城市 饮用 水原水中亚硝酸盐的转化与控制

  • Application of BP neural network for prediction coagulation dosage of waterworks

    BP神经网络在 水厂预测混凝投药量中的应用研究

  • Technology Incubation Centre Treatment Design of Waterworks Clarifier Sludge and Filter Backwash Water

    技术孵化中心(技孵中心) 水厂澄清池排泥水和滤池反冲洗水处理工艺设计

  • Technology research on waterworks sludge and sewage sludge for ceramsite

    水厂与污水厂污泥制陶粒技术研究经浓缩的 水厂污泥

  • Optimized Reconstruction and Operation Effect of Coagulation Sedimentation Process in Waterworks


  • With the water pollution becoming more and more serious waterworks sludge treatment project has been added up to drinking water treatment system in order to achieve the zero discharge of waste water .

    在当前水环境污染日益严重的情况下, 自来水 泥水处理工程已逐步纳入了自来水 的工艺 流程体系,以实现 生产废水零排放。

  • The running of the operating system is normal . Are your waterworks all right ?

    操作系统的工作正常你 泌尿 系统正常吗?

  • Fibrous bundle filtration technology and uniform media filtration technology were used for treatment of micropolluted source water in a petrochemical waterworks .

    采用纤维束过滤技术与均质滤料过滤技术处理某石化 水厂的微污染源水。

  • This thesis uses the CANBus as the means of communication to compose the waterworks automation monitor system that is based on the FieldBus .

    本文以CAN总线作为通信手段,构成基于现场总线的 水厂自动化监控网络系统。

  • Analysis and Discussion on Construction Technology and Crack Control Measures of Rectangular Concrete Water Tank in A Waterworks


  • I 've been having a bit of trouble with the waterworks doctor .

    我有一点 泌尿 系统上的问题,医生。

  • The twin valve filters in the Stone Buddha Waterworks in Zhengzhou city have been renovated .

    介绍郑州市石佛 水厂双阀滤池 技术改造的实例。

  • Process Design and Operation Efficiency of Shenzhen Nanshan Waterworks

    深圳市南山 水厂的工艺设计与运行效果

  • This paper introduces the solution in detail that Automation products manufactured by Schneider Electric is used to monitor and control the process devices of a certain typical waterworks .

    本文详细地介绍了在某典型 水厂 工程项目中,应用施耐德电气自动化产品对 水厂工艺设备实现监控的解决方案。

  • Capacity Selection and Operation Efficiency Analysis for Water Pump Motor in Waterworks


  • This paper achieved the automatic control of mud-and-sand elimination in waterworks through the use of FX2N-128MR PLC and introduced project design hardware composing of the water plant .

    采用FX2N-128MR可编程控制器,实现了 自来水生产工艺中排泥除砂自动控制 系统,介绍了自来水厂沉沙池、反应池和沉淀池的方案设计,硬件组成及软件实现。

  • Application of waterworks silt in three residue base of municipal road


  • They were projecting a new waterworks .

    他们正在计划建一座新的 自来水

  • Design of Waterworks Monitoring System Based on PLC and GPRS Wireless Communication

    基于PLC和GPRS无线通信的 水厂监控系统设计

  • Dams and waterworks have been provided to improve irrigation .

    修建水坝和 水利 工程以改善灌溉条件。

  • Wells waterworks and pumping stations are controlled by remote from a central control room to eliminate the need for onsite manning .

    水井, 自来水 和泵站全部通过中央控制室实施远程控制,这就减少了现场人员配备的必要。

  • You needn 't turn on the Waterworks for me .

    你不用为我掉 眼泪