waveform factor

[ˈwevˌfɔrm ˈfæktɚ][ˈweivfɔ:m ˈfæktə]


  • A New Approach of Waveform Modulation to Increase Voltage Usage Factor

    一种可提高电压利用 波形变换实现方法

  • The PWM rectifiers present in this paper have excellent features such as undistorted sinusoidal waveform unit power factor bidirectional energy flow and rapid dynamic response .

    PWM整流器具有网侧电流 正弦性好、能 实现单位功率 因数运行、能量双向流动和快速的动态响应等特点。

  • In the course of their work power and dramatic changes in current high energy consumption power grid will have a waveform distortion voltage flicker ; power factor caused lowing and three-phase circuits and many other adverse effects of the imbalance .

    在其工作过程中,功率大、工作电流变化剧烈、能耗高,会对电网产生 波形畸变、电压闪变、功率 因数低以及造成三相电路不平衡等多种不利影响。

  • Study on Current Waveform Control of High Power Factor Rectifier Circuit

    高功率 因数整流电路电流 波形控制的研究

  • Variation of pole piece configuration leads to change of voltage waveform distortion rate telephone harmonic factor loss and efficiency ect . Above-mentioned effect and appropriate measures are discussed also .

    对极靴形状的改变相应带来电压 波形畸变率、电话谐波 因数、损耗及效率的变化等问题及其对策,也进行了讨论。

  • A Fast Algorithm to Identify Inrush Current Based on Waveform Factor

    基于 波形 系数的变压器励磁涌流快速识别算法

  • According to the value of waveform factor the inrush current of transformer can be distinguished from its internal faults .

    通过 波形 系数的大小区分变压器励磁涌流状态和内部故障状态。

  • The biggest innovation of this design is that the input current waveform can automatically follow the input voltage waveform changes own the high power factor and can effectively reduce the harmonic pollution can provide a sustainable and stable load output and own high conversion efficiency .

    本设计最大的创新在于输入电流波形能够自动跟随输入电压 波形变化,具有较高的功率 因素及有效降低谐波污染,能够持续稳定的提供负载输出,具有较高的转换效率。

  • The three-phase voltage source PWM reversible rectifier is becoming interested in power electronics field because it has many excellent characteristics such as undistorted sinusoidal waveform power factor and bidirectional energy flow .

    三相电压型可逆PWM整流器因其具有输入电流 正弦性好、可以 实现单位功率 因数以及能量能够双向流动等特性,成为了目前电力电子领域中的研究热点问题之一。

  • A new output equation of SRM is derived in this paper without considering the assumption of current waveform and inductance character the average value of current current waveform factor and conversion coefficient are also introduced .

    本文对开关磁阻电动机的输出方程进行了新的推导,舍弃了对电流波形及电感特性的假定,引入了平均电流和电流 波形 系数及转换系数的概念;

  • A weighted algorithm of Triangular window and wavelet transform are using to measure active power and power factor of three-phase asynchronous motor in the non-sinusoidal waveform . The error of active power and power factor is proportional to square of relative frequency deviation .

    采用三角窗加权算法并结合小波变换计算非 正弦 状态下三相异步电机有功功率、功率 因数,其测量误差与相对频偏的平方成正比。

  • When the device is decided drive waveform is a key factor influences the movement capability .

    驱动 电压 波形是影响机构运动性能的重要 因素

  • Currently available fast directional elements have some defects such as conservative and blind operation range when short-data-window algorithm is adopted . An adaptive directional element based on waveform factor is proposed in this paper to overcome defects above .

    目前的快速方向元件普遍采用短数据窗算法,针对其动作范围的整定有一定的保守性与盲目性的缺陷,提出了基于 波形 系数的自适应方向元件。

  • Simulation results show there is a definite relationship between waveform factor and amplitude error .

    仿真显示, 波形 系数与电气量幅值误差有明确的关系。

  • Adaptive Directional Element Based on Waveform Factor

    基于 波形 系数的自适应方向元件

  • So the maximum power tracking precision is improved . ( 2 ) A high-performance control strategy is adopted to ensure that the grid-connected inverter output current waveform is sinusoidal and meet the requirements of unity power factor .

    为了确保并网逆变器的输出电流 波形『F弦并满足单位功率 因数的要求,需要采用高性能的控制策略。

  • Research on Rectifier 's Waveform Factor

    关于整流电路中 波形 系数的研究

  • By means of analyzing the relationship of inrush current waveform and magnetization curve a waveform factor based fast algorithm to distinguish inrush current of power transformer from its fault currents is proposed .

    通过分析励磁涌流波形与磁化曲线的关系,提出了一种基于 波形 系数的变压器励磁涌流快速识别算法。

  • The waveform of the optical power is determined by the feedback factor C and the linewidth enhancement factor α .

    光功率的 波形是由反馈 水平 因子C和线宽展宽因数α共同决定的。

  • On the basis of these theories the no-loading EMF of powerformer is analyzed and the no-loading waveform deviation factor is taken out in the conditions of considering the influence of damping winding and not considering it .

    在这些理论基础之上,分析了考虑阻尼绕组影响与不考虑阻尼绕组影响两种情况下电力发生器的空载感应电势,求取了空载电势 波形畸变

  • In widely used generator rectification system AC voltage waveform distortion factor VHD and DC voltage ripple factor (γ) are two important performance indices .

    在广泛应用的交流发电机整流系统中,交流侧电压 波形畸变 和直流侧电压纹波因数是两个重要的性能指标。

  • The transmitted waveform of a radar system is the key factor of the performance of pulse compression .

    雷达所使用的发射 信号 波形的设计,是 决定脉冲压缩性能的关键。

  • According to the characteristic of photovoltaic array a frame diagram of maximum power point tracking was introduced by climbing mountain method . The results indicate grid - connected current is following synchronously net voltage output waveform is sine wave and power factor closes to 1 .

    根据光伏阵列的特性,给出以登山法实现最大功率跟踪的框图,实现了与电网电压同步的正弦电流输出 波形及输出功率 因数接近1。

  • Waveform distortion is a primary factor affecting the measure precision of steady sine standard vibration calibration system .

    波形失真度是稳态正弦标准振动台计量中影响计量校准精度最主要的 因素

  • When fault occurs zone I distance relay calculates the waveform factor of fault current in real-time and adjusts its setting value according to the waveform factor no longer adopting the inverse-time characteristic .

    故障发生后,实时计算 波形 系数,并根据波形系数自适应地调整保护的整定值,使保护更好地适应系统的故障状况,而不再采用按时限逐步开放保护范围的做法。

  • Waveform factor in intensity autocorrelation method for measuring optical pulse duration showing real-time wave ;

    二次自相关法测光脉冲脉宽的 波形 因子显示实时波形;

  • Taking a real single-phase half-wave controlled rectifier as an example to research rectifier 's waveform factor this article analyzes the relationship of waveform factor and thyristor 's trigger delay angle then draws some important conclusion .

    以一个实际的单相半波可控整流电路为例,对整流电路中的 波形 系数进行了研究。讨论了波形系数与整流电路中晶闸管的触发延迟角的关系,并且得出了一些重要结论。

  • It remotely moni-tors and analyzes electric parameters through network including the display of real-time voltage and current waveform the analysis of frequency power factor virtual voltage and current etc.

    系统使用网络对电力参数进行远程监测和数据分析,能实时地显示电压和电流 波形等,能分析系统频率、电压有效值、电流有效值、功率 因数等,并能远程存取数据。

  • As a result IEGT dual-PWM three-level inverter has some characteristics such as good input and output waveform high power factor and high efficiency etc. .

    结果表明,IEGT双PWM三电平变频器具有输入输出 波形好、功率 因数高、效率高等特点。

  • In the outer control loop a proportional integral voltage controller is used to regulate the CD-link voltage . A phase lock loop circuit is adopted to generate a sinusoidal waveform in phase with main voltage to achieve power factor correction .

    控制电路采用两个控制回路:外部控制回路用比例积分电压控制器调整直流环节电压,采用相位闭环电路产生与电源电压同相的 正弦波 来实现功率 因数补偿。