


  • Some suggestions were put forward for the flood standard and structural type of flood control work and for the issues of draining waterlogged area harnessing pollution and improving planning etc.

    对工程的防洪标准、结构型式、 排涝、治污及完善规划等问题提出了一些探讨性意见。

  • Soil profiles observation and soil samples physical properties analysis methods were adopted to study the possible factors contribute to form the waterlogged land .

    通过 野外土壤剖面观测和取样进行物理性质测定分析 中洼成因。

  • The boat became so waterlogged that it sank .

    船中 ,沉没了。

  • The waterlogged land is actually agricultural wetland which is a kind of land resources used by agriculture .


  • The match is off because of a waterlogged pitch .

    由于 场地 积水 比赛被取消了。

  • A number of conservation methods have been devised for waterlogged wood . Soak and wash the apricot seeds fungus jujube and figs with warm water .

    已研究出 多种保养被 浸泡 的木头的方法。制法:1.将南北杏、 雪耳、蜜枣和无花果用温水浸洗。

  • An unusual example from Bangladesh is floating gardens using a base of aquatic weeds to grow vegetables which allow cultivation in waterlogged and flooded areas .

    来自孟加拉国的一个不寻常的例子是“浮动菜园”利用水草的基底种植蔬菜它可以在 水涝和洪水地区种植作物。

  • The baseball field be waterlogged so the match have to be cancelled

    棒球场 湿漉漉的,所以比赛只好取消

  • Changes of the Peripheral Blood Cell Quantity of Carassius auratus in Yongcheng Waterlogged Area Caused by Mining Coal

    永城煤矿塌陷区 污染对鲫鱼外周血细胞数量的影响

  • Agriculture and tourism have been particularly badly hit with crops scorched in some areas waterlogged in others and tourists forced to flee fires in the South and storms and torrential downpours in northern countries .

    农业和旅游业遭受的打击尤为沉重,一些地区的农作物因炙热而枯萎,另一些地区则出现 涝灾;游客被迫逃离,以躲避欧洲南部的大火和北部国家的暴风雨。

  • This might be caused by an earthquake or it might happen after a heavy rain or when soil becomes waterlogged after a fall of snow .

    山崩可能地震引起,也可能发生在大雨后或 雪后 泥土 而引起。

  • Small local producers earning a steady living from a fishpond of one hectare or less compete with larger commercial concerns often for the same waterlogged land .

    当地的小生产者从1公顷或更小的鱼塘获得稳定的收入,但他们要在同一 水涝地上同更大的商业公司竞争。

  • The pitch was completely waterlogged .


  • Archaeologists will start by identifying submerged indigenous sites waterlogged ancient battlefields and shipwrecks at Laoyemiao a mysterious and dangerous area in Poyang Lake .

    据介绍,水下考古工作将从水下土地状况摸查开始,进一步考查现在已没入水中的古代战场和鄱阳湖 老爷庙水域沉船的情况。

  • While some nests may stand for decade after decade others can get so waterlogged in the rainy season that the trees that support them collapse under the weight .

    一些巢穴可能会留存数十年,因此在雨季会 浸水 重,使得大树无法承受它们的重量而倒塌。

  • Study on Effect of Different Fertilizers on Available Cd under Waterlogged Conditions


  • The crops are waterlogged .

    庄稼 了。

  • The Reasons of Contraction of Waterlogged Wood in PEG Solution

    木材在 PEG法处理过程中收缩原因的研究

  • They couldn 't play because the pitch was waterlogged .

    因球场 泡水他们未能进行比赛。

  • Waterlogged wooden steps led him down into the shelter until several broke under his weight plunging him into darkness .

    的木阶梯将他引入掩体,最后有几 阶梯 不堪他的重负而断裂,将他摔进了黑暗里。

  • Working like beavers to push ashore a waterlogged mattress .

    像海狸一样把 浸透 的床垫推上岸的情景。

  • In1928 some porpoises were photographed working like beavers to push ashore a waterlogged mattress .

    在1928年,有人拍摄到了海豚像海狸一样把 浸透 的床垫推上岸的情景。

  • Spraying cytokinin on waterlogged plants may stop the decrease of chlorophyl content and delay senescence .

    细胞分裂素喷施 湿害的植物,可抑制植株叶片的叶绿素含量下降,延缓衰老。

  • Analysts expect a harvest of 11m-12m tonnes one of the smallest in a generation after many farmers grubbed up their failing waterlogged crops and replanted fields with barley .

    分析师预计,在农民铲掉生长失败的麦种以及受 的作物,重新移植麦种后,今年的小麦的收成量会有1100万到1200万吨,是十年来最少的一次。

  • The boat became so waterlogged that it sank . A great deal of them be damaged by wet from sea - water .

    船中 ,沉没了。大部分 污点是海水浸湿而造成的。

  • Ethanol is a product of anaerobic respiration in plants and waterlogged roots suffer from a shortage of oxygen .

    乙醇是植物无氧呼吸的产物, 水淹的植物根系受到短 时间的缺氧。

  • Effect of Different N P and K Fertilizers on Soil pH and Available Cd Under Waterlogged Conditions


  • Waterlogged and alkaline areas were marked down for special attention .

    地区和 碱地都被标了出来以便特别注意。

  • It 's free of stabilizers sweeteners and waterlogged fruit and it 's fresh tasting and tart not sour .

    它不含稳定剂,甜味剂和 水涝水果,它尝起来口味新鲜,味道尖酸而不酸腐。

  • A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes . A waterlogged stick will do just fine .

    狗狗不需要有名车,别墅,名牌衣服那些奢华的东西。给它一只 的树枝,它就已经很满足了。