
[hwæm, wæm][wæm]



  • He wham the ball into the back of the net

    用力 球打到球网的后面

  • There you are driving along and wham ! You hit a pothole .

    你正开车走着 —— ,撞到了一个坑。

  • The door struck him in the face with a terrific wham .

    的一 巨响,把他的脸

  • Then I met someone and wham bam I was completely in love

    然后我遇上了一个人, 的一下,我就坠入了爱河。

  • Wham ! I woke with a start my face on the floorboard of the back seat . Dad had braked sharply .

    !我突然醒了,我的脸对着后座的 地面。爸爸紧急地刹了车。

  • Wham ! The car hit the wall .


  • I assume you would just click on the line for that action hit the key you want that action to be set to and wham you have remapped it .

    我推测你可以先点击行动栏,再 敲击你想设定的键,这样重设就完成了。

  • Everything was fine until wham the wire snapped .

    一切都很好, 突然 ,电线断了。