
[ˈhwæmi, ˈwæmi][ˈwæmi]


  • We 're suffering a triple whammy at the moment .

    我们目前正遭受到了接二连三的 打击

  • If a person has a double whammy what could we say to comfort him ? Let 's see a dialogue first .

    如果一个人 祸不单行,那么我们该怎么说来安慰他呢?先来看一段对话。

  • Now the double whammy of redundancies resulting from the economic downturn and more young people thinking twice about university because of huge rises in tuition fees might suggest the banking sector can meet its requirements without trying too hard .

    如今,一方面是经济低迷导致裁员, 方面是学费高涨导致更多年轻人对上大学 感到踌躇,在这两个 因素 双重作用下,银行业大概用不着太费劲就能够满足人才需求吧。

  • In the Arctic soot is a double whammy .

    在北极,煤烟 带来 打击是双倍的。

  • A : Yesterday wad a real double whammy .

    我昨 天真 祸不单行

  • The language continues to benefit from the triple whammy of its simplicity ( except for spelling ) the British empire and the American century .

    英语有三 杀手 语言简单(拼写除外)、大英帝国的辉煌以及 后来的美国世纪。这三点 至今仍在让英语受益。

  • According to Davison this desirable double whammy will have the positive effect of diminishing supply and pushing up prices .

    戴维森表示,这种符合需要的 双料 打击将产生有利影响,导致供给下降,并推高价格。

  • That would hit the human population with the double whammy of dramatically reduced agricultural production and widespread loss of vegetation leading to widespread food shortages and starvation .

    这种 特大 规模 火山 爆发会使人类 遭受 双重 打击 农业产量的急剧下降和大范围的植被损失,结果会造成大范围的食物短缺和因饥而亡的现象。

  • The slowdown in television sales over the last few years hit Sharp with a double whammy .

    过去几年电视机销售减速对夏普造成了双重 打击

  • Smuggled brands dealt a double whammy to the country he added because as well as not having local excise duty paid on them they did not use locally grown tobacco .

    他补充说,由于走私品牌不使用 马来西亚当地生产的烟叶,而且又不给当地缴纳消费税,因此,走私品牌给马来西亚带来了双重的 打击

  • When the wind picks up cinch down the Columbia Double Whammy 's removable storm hood and keep on skiing .

    移动风暴罩为你抵挡一切的 寒风,并继续滑雪。

  • This is a double whammy for public sector workers

    对于公共部门的工作人员 而言 可谓 祸不单行

  • Art direction was a double whammy going to two Italians who 'd worked on Sweeney Todd : The Demon Barber of Fleet Street with a mostly British cast and crew .

    艺术指导更是加倍的 晦气,给了大部分剧组成员是英国人的《理发师陶德》中的两个意大利人。

  • I had a double whammy against me .

    我有两个 致命

  • Double whammy : Sub-Saharan Africa which has the world 's most widespread HIV epidemic has also been hardest hit by new cases of tuberculosis .

    双重 打击:撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲,这个世界上HIV最为肆虐的地方,现在同样受到结核病的严重袭扰。

  • But while those efforts were starting to pay off with improved profitability Sony was hit with a double whammy of a severe economic slowdown in its key markets and a strong yen .

    但尽管这些做法开始产生效果,利润率出现了提高,但索尼还是受到了其主要市场经济严重放缓和日圆走强的双重 打击

  • When the story broke McDonald ` s China business had been rebounding from the double whammy of a food safety scare and a bird flu outbreak that crushed sales in 2013 .

    此时,麦当劳在中国的业务才刚刚从2013年的食品安全问题与禽流感的双重 打击恢复元气。

  • Those nonprofits learned a painful lesson : Attempting to start an unrelated business venture means they were hit with a double whammy .

    这些非营利组织学到了痛苦的一课:尝试非营无关业务意味着他们 腹背受敌

  • New retirees faced the double whammy of living on a fixed income while managing existing credit commitments .

    新退休者面临着“靠固定收入生活的同时应付现有贷款的 双重 压力”。

  • The eurozone member countries have as a result been suffering from the double whammy of weak domestic demand and falling global competitiveness .

    结果是,欧元区成员国受到疲软的国内需求和全球竞争力下降的双重 打击

  • ' During the holidays we reach the limits on the capacity of these retailers ' Mr. Best said . ' It 's a double whammy for conservative retailers which have been burned by excess inventory in the past and underestimated demand . '

    贝斯特说,节日期间,零售商的能力都达到极限,保守的零售商则遭到 双重 打击,他们过去因为库存积压而焦头烂额,这一次却低估了需求。

  • The problem : The junk bond market will soon face a double whammy : higher interest rates and a wall of maturities .

    问题是:垃圾债券市场将很快面临双重 打击:高利率和到期难。

  • God knows they may even show up with coffee cups which could be the double whammy given the potentially carcinogenic risk of every Starbucks latte on earth .

    天晓得,有的人甚至会带着咖啡杯到 医院,这可 雪上加霜,因为每一杯星巴克( Starbucks)拿铁咖啡都是“可能致癌”的。

  • So there might be something of a double whammy happening there if the US had a severe downturn .

    因此,如果美国出现严重的经济萧条,这里可能就会受到种双重的 剧烈 打击

  • Children suffer from a double whammy in South East Asia says Professor Morgan .

    摩根教授说:东南亚孩子 祸不单行