


  • Shelly has cherries peaches and a piece of watermelon .

    Shelly有樱桃,桃子和一块 西瓜

  • Xiao Hong : A watermelon some grapes and some pears .

    小红:一个 西瓜,一些葡萄和一些梨。

  • Beat the head with coconut or watermelon which is more painful ?

    用椰子和 西瓜 打头哪一个比较痛?

  • The pulp of this watermelon is too spongy .

    西瓜 太肉了。

  • Watermelon juice might be just as good as pineapple .


  • The ruddy widow really wants ripe watermelon and red roses when winter arrives .

    当冬天到来时这位面色红润的寡妇确实想要熟了的 西瓜和红色的玫瑰。

  • What kind of juice would you prefer ? We have pineapple mango strawberry and watermelon .

    您想要什么果汁?我们有菠萝汁,芒果汁,草莓汁和 西瓜汁。

  • I like to eat peach and watermelon I like to eat mango and pineapple too .

    我喜欢吃桃子和 西瓜,我也喜欢吃芒果和菠萝。

  • The watermelon has gotten bad .

    西瓜 了。

  • Do not lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame .

    切不可以丢了 西瓜捡芝麻。

  • Bacterial fruit blotch of watermelon and bacterial canker of tomato are both international and national quarantine diseases of China .


  • Oh what a big watermelon !

    喔唷,这么大的 西瓜

  • Effects of plastic mulch on early and total yields of watermelon and muskmelon are presented ( Table 2 ) .

    表1阐明了塑料薄膜覆盖对 西瓜和甜瓜的早期产量和总产量的影响。

  • We have watermelon juice orange juice and cucumber juice .


  • The prospects of this year 's watermelon market are good .

    今年的 西瓜市场看好。

  • The fruit they need is apples oranges grapes and watermelon .

    他们需要的水果有苹果,柳丁,葡萄及 西瓜

  • He said he had found out a man selling watermelon .

    他说他找到了一个卖 西瓜的人。

  • This kind of watermelon is remarkable for its size .

    这种 西瓜个头儿大。

  • They also bought watermelon and mango farms .

    他们还收购 西瓜和芒果农场。

  • A watermelon is red inside and green outside .


  • My favorite food is watermelon mashed potatoes pizza drumstick and beef .

    我喜欢吃的食品是 西瓜,土豆泥,比萨饼,鸡腿和牛肉。

  • They planted some watermelon .

    他们种了些 西瓜

  • There is a watermelon and lots of apples in the box .

    箱子里有一个 西瓜和许多苹果。

  • And I fell on the watermelon .

    而我摔在 西瓜上了。

  • Just think about the seedless watermelon .

    想一想无籽 西瓜就知道了。

  • A globose watermelon having white flesh that is candied or pickled .

    一种球形的 西瓜,有可制成蜜饯和腌制的白色果肉。

  • I want a watermelon .

    我想要一个 西瓜

  • This watermelon is really sweet !


  • Half of the watermelon goes bad .

    半个 西瓜坏了。

  • You 've enjoyed watermelon and honeydew melon for their sweet succulent tastes .

    或许你喜欢食 西瓜和蜜瓜,因其香甜多汁口味一流。