wet basis

[wɛt ˈbesɪs][wet ˈbeisis]


  • The investigation indicated that she visited a wet market to buy fresh produce including chicken meat on a daily basis .

    调查显示她 每日前往 市场购买新鲜产品,包括鸡肉。

  • By three typical etching models the mechanism of anisotropic wet etching of silicon is analyzed . On the basis of the mechanism and the crystallographic properties the experimental process and program are designed . 2 .

    介绍了几种典型的湿法腐蚀模型,探讨了各向异性 湿法腐蚀机理,并以此为 基础设计了实验流程和方案。

  • Discusses the quantitative relations between the structure and wet transfer property of crepe de chine and forecasts the wet transfer property of silk-like crepe de chine by GM model providing theoretical basis for the design and production of silk-like crepe de chine .

    通过GM模型,讨论了双绉织物的结构和湿传递性能之间的定量关系,并用此模型对仿真丝双绉织物的 湿传遍性进行预测,为仿真丝双绉的设计生产提供理论 依据

  • In this paper different morphologies of Cu2O were prepared by electrodeposition and wet chemical method and the formation mechanisms of Cu2O particles were proposed on the basis of the experimental results .

    本文采用电沉积和 湿化学方法制备了不同形貌的 Cu20微纳米结构,并探讨了其形成机理。

  • The causes of exhaust fan with water in wet dust control system are analysed and the corresponding countermeasures are put forward on the basis of comparison between the actual renovated results of two sets wet dust control and desulfuration systems .

    通过对2套 湿式除尘脱硫系统的实际改造效果的对比,分析系统中引风机带水的原因,找出相应的对策。

  • This article introduces the basic principle of wet electric filter on the basis of actual application of DC-8.8 Wet electric filter This provides a reference for correct application of wet eletric filter .

    结合 DC-8.8型湿式电滤器在实际生产中的应用,重点介绍了 湿式电滤器的基本原理,为我们正确使用湿式电滤器提供了参考依据。

  • At the different concentration rate the change of quasi-steady filtrate flux viscosity and wet solid content for inosine fermentation broth were investigated by industrialized ceramic membranes . On basis of this membrane filtrate flux can be enhanced in the process of inlet in exchange with outlet .

    以工业化陶瓷膜考察了肌苷发酵液在不同浓缩比下的拟稳定通量、粘度及 湿固含量变化, 在此 基础 ,将发酵液进、出口调换,可使膜通量提高;

  • Arthralgia disease wind cold wet heat phlegm blood stasis is Arthralgia occurred in such evil conditions and is the internal virtual is the basis of its occurrence .

    痹证发病,风、寒、 湿、热、痰、瘀等邪气是痹证发生的条件,而正虚是其发生的内在 基础

  • Introduces the type selection of slurry separating equipment for commercial grade wet phosphoric acid the test procedure and parameters are provided as the basis for type selection of industrial filtering equipment .

    介绍商品级 湿法磷酸项目中淤渣分离设备的选型试验,给出了试验的过程及参数,为工业装置过滤设备的选型提供 依据

  • Of which wet basis ash content is defined by gamma-ray log and the precondition is the ash mainly argillaceous and contains no radioelement ;

    其中以自然伽马测井确定 湿灰分,该方法的前提 条件是湿分主要是泥质且泥质不具放射性元素;