wet down

[wɛt daʊn][wet daun]


  • The course of treatment limited usually within 7 days as a rule 2-3 days following the therpy 15 cases ( 75 % ) turned to have wet cough with respiration and pulse slowing down and appeared to be quiet .

    全疗程不超过7d(天)。服药2-3d后,15例(75%)出现 湿性咳嗽,呼吸、心率 减慢,安静。

  • Harry pulled the Horcrux from the pocket of the wet jacket he had just taken off and set it down on the grass in front of them .

    哈利从他刚脱下的 湿外衣口袋里掏出那个魂器, 在面前的草地上。

  • He coughed inside his coat with the wet trickling down inside his turned-up collar .

    他把头躲进大衣里咳嗽, 雨水 顺着翻着的领子流 下来

  • Use damp film to add wet technology in cooperation with aeration technology and centrifuger fan down circulation ventilation technology to aerate the wheat that is going to be carried outside the warehouse to adjust the moisture content .

    采用湿膜 加湿技术,配合智能通风控制和离心风机 下行式循环通风技术,对待出库的整仓小麦进行通风调质试验。

  • They could see the curious wet stones far down where the wall disappeared in vague shadows .

    她们可以看到下面很深的地方,有些 潮湿 怪石。那个地方的井壁已经看不清,只留下一些暗影。

  • After two hours of walking in the rain he was soaking bone-chilled wet and down to his VERY LAST TRACT .

    在雨中行走了两个小时以后,他的全身都 湿透了,寒冷刺骨。这时候,他手里只 剩下最后一分福音单张。

  • Tons of wet earth and big rocks began moving down the sides of the mountain .

    成吨成吨的 湿土和大岩石开始从山坡两侧滚落 下来

  • The wet floor is the primary reason to cause him fell down .

    地板 湿 是导致他 跌倒的主要原因。

  • Not even as I shook and trembled uncontrollably in the trenches did I forget your face . I would sit huddled into the wet mud terrified as the hails of bullets and mortars crashed down around me .

    蜷曲在 潮湿的泥土 ,当枪林弹雨和摩托车队与我擦身而过的时候,内心充满了恐惧。

  • The rise amplitude of dry rock 's TIR temperature is higher than that of wet rock and the TIR temperature of dry rock falls down faster than that of wet rock .

    干燥岩石撞击后的TIR升温幅度要稍大于 潮湿岩石,干燥岩石的 降温要快于潮湿岩石。

  • Soaking wet she decided to flag down the next car .

    由于全身 湿 淋淋,她决定截 停下一辆经过的汽车。

  • By noon the soldiers ' clothes were all wet through with sweat and the marching slowed down . Some solders were so weak that they even fainted on the roadside .

    到了中午时分,士兵的衣服都 湿透了,行军的速度也慢 下来,有几个体弱的士兵竟晕倒在路边。

  • Lake County Florida firefighter is seen in silhouette as he uses a hose line during overhaul operations to wet down the remains of a nighttime structure fire .

    佛罗里达湖县一位消防队员在检修作业中使用水带线 浇灭夜间建筑火灾的余烬时,被捕捉到的侧影。

  • He was wet from the waist down and I knew he must have been wading the stream .

    他的 裤子一直 湿腰部,我明白他一定在水里淌过。

  • I would sit huddled into the wet mud terrified as the hails of bullets and mortars crashed down around me .

    我会坐在卷缩成 湿泥土中,惊恐万状,因为欢呼的子弹和迫击炮坠毁 下来在我身边。

  • The continual wet weather is getting me down .

    持续的 潮湿天气使我 沮丧

  • Fine pulverized coal low excess air coefficient wet pulverized coal and high concentration of CO in the gas could bring the NO concentration down .

    细煤粉粒度、低过量空气系数、 湿煤粉以及烟气中较高的CO含量均使氮析出量 降低

  • It is noted that the soaping wet ironing and wet crocking fastness have been improved to various extent . Best result is obtained by Sol A but its wet crocking fastness goes down a little bit .

    用溶胶A整理,在170℃焙烘3min得到的织物,其皂洗牢度、湿熨烫牢度和湿摩擦牢度都有明显的提高,但 摩擦牢度有所 下降

  • High-frequency wet screens such as the Derrick repulp screen permit screening down to45 microns .

    高频 筛网如德瑞克重复造浆筛网可筛选 45微米。

  • If you wet the walls down first the surface will take the water-based paint more smoothly .

    如果你先 弄湿,那么表面就能更均匀地刷上这水性涂料。

  • Secondly the needle was inserted at Renzhong towards nasal septum for about 0.3-0.5 cun the manipulation of heavy bird-peck needling was used till the eyeballs were wet or tears fell down ;

    继刺人中,向鼻中隔方向斜刺0.3~0.5寸,用重雀啄法,至眼球 湿润流泪为度;

  • The tires of Lenny 's bike hissed over the wet pavement as he slowed down

    伦尼 放缓车速,听到自行车轮胎在 湿漉漉的路面上发出嘶嘶的响声。

  • This article reviews the advantages and the disadvantages of two kind of logging construction technologies : wet junction and pump down stinger .

    介绍了 湿接头和泵 法两种测井施工工艺的优缺点。

  • The dramatic climate change especially in the transitional period from cold and wet climate to warm and dry climate limited the continuity of aquatic environment and restricted the survival of ostracode and broke down the lake ecosystem .

    尤其是由冷 湿到暖干的气候转换时期,频繁而大幅度的气候变化影响湖泊水环境的稳定连续性,限制了 介形虫等湖泊生物的生存,造成湖泊生态环境系统的破坏。

  • I would sit huddled into the wet mud terrified as the hails of bullets and mortars crashed down around me . I would clutch my rifle tightly to my heart and think again of that very first day we met .
