wet contact

[wɛt ˈkɑnˌtækt][wet ˈkɔntækt]


  • With my left hand I would hold the little chunk of steel firmly in pliers and with my right I would lower the fierce drill press onto it while a trickle of wet graphite played on the grim contact .

    我左手握着钳子夹紧钢板,右手趁着石墨 滴滴入 界面 当儿用锋利的钻头钻孔。

  • The performance of the sized paper tested were : dry or wet ring crush tensile strength ( breaking length ) surface contact angle .

    将表面施胶后的纸样再进行进一步的性能测试:包括干、 湿环压强度,抗张强度(裂断长),表面 接触角。

  • The centrifugal immersion method used for the determination of solid-water-air three-phase wet contact angle of particles is presented .

    提出了一种测量固体颗粒的固-水-气三相 润湿触角的方法(离心浸没法)。

  • To have the wet building block stacked in a good condition a bigger contact area and smaller stress effect is attained by using buffering soft contact between the pneumatic diaphragm and wet building block .

    为了实现 湿 的堆垛,提出了一种新型的气动膜片式 湿 夹持装置,该装置运用气动橡胶膜片与砌块湿坯的缓冲软接触,以达到大 接触面积小应力的效果。

  • In the subjective assessment the evaluation words the environment and staff were selected the SD evaluation method was used and the basic structure of the fabrics parameters influence on the contact comfort parameters and the state of wet fabrics contact comfort were studied .

    主观方面,采用SD评价法,研究了织物的基本结构参数对其接触舒适性各指标的影响,以及 湿态下织物的 接触舒适性能。

  • Detailed experimental data and powerful theoretical evidence were obtained for the research and development of wet sampler . Firstly secondary distilled water was determined to be the best collection fluid by testing the contact angle of nano-TiO2 with variety of solvent .

    本研究为 湿法采样器的研究和开发提供了详实的实验数据和可靠的理论依据。首先,通过测定纳米TiO2与多种溶剂的 接触角,确定二次蒸馏水作为Ti02气溶胶的最佳捕集液。

  • After fully studying the interaction between the radical tire and water on wet pavement the change progress of contact force with the increased velocity on dry-wet pavement is contrasted .

    在充分研究了子午线轮胎在水滑路面上轮胎与水膜之间的相互作用机理后,对比了轮胎在干- 湿路面上汽车轮胎与地面 接触力随速度增加的变化关系。

  • Experimental Study and Industrial Application of Integrated Unit of Wet Dedusting and Desulfurization with Turbulent Contact A new hydro-style turbulent contact scrubber and application for coal handling system in thermal power plant

    湍流 湿法除尘脱硫装置试验研究及工业性应用新型湿式湍流除尘器及在电厂输煤系统中的应用

  • Study of Wet Air Oxidation Process for Treating Waste Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Preliminary Comparison of Package Materials Used in Biological Contact Oxidation Process

    湿式氧化处理城市污水厂污泥的研究微污染水源水生物 接触氧化处理工艺中几种填料处理效果的初步比较

  • Determination of Wet Contact Angle of Particles Using Centrifugal Immersion Method

    离心浸没法测量颗粒的 润湿 接触

  • At the skin bare wear wet gloves or wear wet clothes forbid contact to take the electricity parts or electric welding .

    在皮肤裸露、戴有湿手套或穿着 湿衣服时,禁止 接触带电部件或电焊条。

  • In underwater wet welding the welded materials contact water directly and the arc generates in water and maintains in bubbles .

    水下 湿法焊接是焊接材料直接与水相 接触,在水中引弧并维持电弧在气泡中燃烧的焊接技术。