wet nurse

[wɛt nɚs][wet nə:s]


  • My wet nurse said the same thing Will Royce replied . Never believe anything you hear at a womans tit .

    威尔,我 奶妈也说过这话,罗伊斯回答:千万别相信你在女人怀里听到的东西。

  • This influence comes from stories told by his grandmother his wet nurse and from the war of 1812 and his exiling to the southern Russia .

    外祖母、 奶娘的故事、1812年战争、南俄流放、亲朋的相继死亡和十二月党人的悲剧都极大地影响着普希金对死亡的 思考

  • A housemaid especially a wet nurse in India and the far east .

    阿妈印度和远东的女佣,特别是 奶妈

  • The wet nurse are the lactating women that are employed to feed other children with milk .


  • Napoleon the Prophet Mohammed and I have one thing in common . We were all breast-fed by a wet nurse .

    我、拿破仑和默罕默德有一个共同点我们都是由 奶妈喂大的。

  • When the wet nurse came on board it struggled and twisted .


  • The wet nurse said lady melisandre . your grace gave her freedom of the castle .

    “那个 奶妈,”梅丽珊卓夫人说道。“陛下大人准许她在城堡内自由起居。”

  • Stannis furrowed his brow . I was told that the wet nurse was this man craster 's wife .

    史坦尼斯额头皱了起来。“据我所知这 奶妈是卡斯特的妻子。”

  • Woman is unrivaled as a wet nurse .

    作为 奶妈,女人是无与伦比的。

  • I tried to find him a wet nurse .

    我曾试过给他找个好 保姆

  • When Hung-chien first came back to china the house was spacious and ah ch'ou had a wet nurse to look after him so that ah ch'ou did not become a nuisance .

    鸿渐初回国,家里房子大,阿丑有 奶妈领着,所以还不甚碍眼讨厌。

  • The wet nurse went over to investigate . When she reached the other boat the first thing she saw was a pool of blood !

    奶妈于是过去查个 究竟。当她来到那只船时,首先看到的竟是一滩鲜血。

  • Only his wet nurse who always used to say she would wait till he got married and had a son then come look after him was now ill and bedridden .

    只有自己的 乳母,从前常说等自己婚养了儿子来抱小孩子的,现在病得不能起床。

  • He was breast-fed by a wet nurse .

    他是 奶妈奶大的。

  • He also asks that the families go to the hospital together while the wet nurse gets a checkup .

    他还要求 奶妈体检时雇主一家人也一块儿去。

  • Then there 's the problem of what to do with a wet nurse 's own child since many of the women move in with their employers and sometimes they aren 't allowed to bring their own babies to work .

    还有一个问题就是,这些 奶妈自己的孩子怎么办,因为很多奶妈都跟雇主一起生活,有时她们被禁止带自己的孩子去雇主家。

  • I plan to hire a wet nurse to take care of the baby which is less than a month old .

    我打算雇一位 乳娘来照顾还没满月的小宝宝。

  • He admits some might view hiring a wet nurse as exploitation but he disagrees . 'They need higher pay and a better job while I need them to look after my baby .

    他承认有的人会认为雇 奶妈是剥削,但他不同意这种看法。

  • ' I have to ask the husband face-to-face whether he will let his wife work as a wet nurse 'he says .

    他说,我得当面问她们的老公,他愿不愿意让老婆去当 奶妈

  • Some parents searching for a wet nurse say they 're desperate for an alternative to possibly tainted milk powder .

    一些寻找 奶妈的人说,他们迫切地想找到可能受到污染的奶粉的替代品。

  • Engels once compared taxes to the wet nurse of the government .

    恩格斯曾把赋税比作政府的 乳娘

  • Acting like a wet nurse to them low-down poor white trash instead of being here eating her supper .

    护士一样为那些 下等的可怜穷人去接生,而不是在这里吃晚餐。

  • According to an unwritten rule in old families grandparents were expected to pay for the grandson 's wet nurse .

    依照旧家庭的不成文法,孙子的 乳母应当由祖父母出钱雇的。