wet pack

[wɛt pæk][wet pæk]


  • His shirt was still wet from where the pack had rested .

    他衬衫上原先被 背包压住的地方还是 湿的。

  • Wet Pack after Steam Sterilization : Analysis and Management

    压力蒸汽灭菌 湿 的原因分析与控制

  • For babies and toddlers on all routes there 's a toiletry kit with wet wipes cream bib teething ring and tissue pack .

    在阿航所有航线上都为婴儿和幼儿提供一套清洁包,其中有: 湿巾、乳液、围嘴、牙咬和 纸巾

  • Should the product get wet remove any residual water immediately with a paper towel pack loosely with paper and allow drying naturally .

    一旦皮革 沾湿,立即使用纸巾擦拭上面附着的水滴,用纸轻轻 住等待自然风干。