wet fastness

[wɛt ˈfæstnɪs][wet ˈfæstnɪs]


  • The wet crock fastness improver was used to treat the cotton fabrics dyed with reactive dyes and its effect on the dry and wet crock fastness es soaping fastness color fastnesses to chlorinated water to water to light and to perspiration was studied .

    湿摩擦 牢度提升剂ZQ-W处理活性染料染色棉织物,讨论了ZQ-W处理对染色织物的干湿摩擦牢度、皂洗牢度、耐氯水牢度、耐水牢度、耐光牢度和耐汗渍牢度等色牢度的影响。

  • These reactive dyes had good color fastnesses fixation levelness sensitivity to bath ratio and reproductivity especially excellent wet fastness .

    这类活性染料具有高色牢度、高固色率、高匀染性、对染浴变化不敏感、重现性好的特点,尤其是 湿 处理 牢度更加优异。这套染料共包括八个品种。

  • Improving wet rubbing fastness of towel printed in dark with K type reactive dye

    提高K型活性染料深色印花毛巾的 湿摩擦 牢度

  • The sol-gel technique can improve markedly the wet color fastness and give deepening effect on dyed fabrics .

    溶胶-凝胶技术能显著提高直接黑染料的 湿 牢度,对染色织物还有增深效果。

  • Deep-shade velvets were treated with author-made wet crock fastness improver MM-P.

    用自制的 湿摩擦 牢度提升剂MM-P处理活性染料染深色绒布类织物。

  • It is shown that the higher fixation and wet fastness are given when they are dyed at 70C in pH 7 or 90 C pH 9 .

    在70℃弱碱性条件或90℃中性条件下染色,染抖具有较高的利用率、反应率,染色织物 湿 处理 牢度较高。

  • The silk easy to crease and with low wet abrasion fastness was treated for darkening the colors and anti-crease property with semi-acetal cross-linking agent BHA together with reactive polysiloxanes .

    丝绸易皱、 湿摩擦 牢度不高,采用双半缩醛交联剂BHA配合反应性聚硅氧烷对真丝进行增深 色及防皱。

  • This paper introduces the factors influencing the color fastness to washing and wet color fastness to rubbing of dyed cotton and puts forward the effective approaches and measures of fastness improvement .

    介绍了影响棉花散纤维耐洗 牢度 湿摩擦 牢度的各种因素,提出了改善棉花散纤维染色牢度的有效途径和相应措施。

  • Casein and modified casein used for finish tests on the leather the results show modified casein can keep the advantages of casein finish and improve the wet rub fastness flexing resistance in a certain extent .

    以酪素,及其改性产品进行了对比涂饰试验,结果表明该改性酪素产品既保持了天然酪素涂饰的优点,又在一定程度上改进了其耐 湿牢度 曲挠性。

  • Wet rubbing fastness improver CWF-HR for fabrics in deep shade

    深色染物 湿摩擦 牢度提升剂CWF-HR的应用

  • Improvement of wet rubbing fastness of dyed deep shade fabric has been a concerned research subject of dyers and finishers .

    前言:提高深色品种“ 湿摩擦” 牢度的问题,一直是广大印染工作者关心和研究的课题。

  • Reactive dyes could combine with fiber to forming covalent bonds but dyeing fastness was undesirable especially washing fastness and wet rubbing fastness .

    虽然活性染料可与纤维形成共价键,但用其染色后的棉及其混纺织物的色牢度却不尽人意,特别是水洗牢度和 湿摩擦 牢度

  • For cotton fabrics dyed solid color post-processing to help soaping fastness dry and wet rubbing fastness improving one about .

    适用于棉织物染色后的后处理固色,有助于皂洗牢度、 干湿摩擦 牢度提高1级左右。

  • In this paper the property and application of wet rubbing fastness improver FK-406 was introduced .

    介绍 湿摩擦 牢度提升剂FK-406的性能及应用。

  • Factors affecting wet rubbing fastness of cotton dyeings

    影响棉织物染色 湿摩擦 牢度的因素

  • Preparation and application of water-based polyurethane to improve wet rubbing fastness

    水性聚氨酯 湿摩擦 牢度提升剂的研制及应用

  • The Application and Synthesis of High Polymer Wet Fastness Improver

    高分子 湿 磨擦 牢度提升剂合成与应用

  • Study on Application of Modified Polyacrylate Wet Rubbing Fastness Improver Emulsion

    活性 染料 湿摩擦 牢度提升剂的工艺研究与应用

  • Crosslinking agent ZQ-W improving wet crock fastness of reactive dyes

    交联剂ZQ-W在提高活性染料 湿摩擦 牢度方面的应用

  • Dyeing of polyamide with ultra - high wet fastness

    具有超高 湿 牢度的聚酰胺染色

  • Compared with the traditional process dry / wet rubbing fastness was 2 levels higher soaping fastness was 0.5-1 level higher light fastness was 0.5-1 level higher and reached 5 no color change was observed .

    与传统的固色剂相比,干、 湿摩擦 牢度提高了2级,皂洗牢度提高了0.5~1级,耐晒牢度提高0.5~1级,达到了5级,染色织物的色光没有变化。

  • It was found that the wet crock fastness improver ZQ-W markedly improved the wet crock fastness improved in some degree the other fastness .

    结果发现, 湿摩擦 牢度提升剂ZQ-W能显著提高活性染料染色织物的湿摩擦牢度,而对其他部分色牢度也有提高。

  • A Study on the Improvement of Wet Fastness and Resistance to Soiling on Nylon

    改善 染色尼龙66的 湿 牢度和抗沾污性的研究

  • Application process of improver WPU for wet rubbing fastness

    湿摩擦 牢度提升剂WPU的应用工艺

  • The dry and wet rubbing fastness can be improved through modifying the conventional washing process during reactive dyeing of pile fabric .

    通过改进活性染料染绒毛类产品的常规洗水工艺,使其干、 湿摩擦 牢度得以提高。

  • Researches on Improving Wet Fastness of Triarylmethane Dyes

    改善三芳甲烷类染料 湿 处理 牢度的研究

  • Application of wet crock fastness improver ZQ-W on fabrics dyed with non-reactive dyes

    湿摩擦 牢度提升剂ZQ-W在非活性染料染色织物上的应用

  • Then high fixation of reactive black dyes and good wet fastness of reactive deep red dyes were the problems deserved for solution .

    提高黑色活性染料的固色率和改善深红色活性染料的 牢度成为亟需解决的课题。

  • Improvement on Wet Rubbing Fastness of Dyed Fabrics

    提高染色织物 湿摩擦 牢度

  • While the dry and wet rubbing fastness and washing fastness of the modified fabric dyed all had reached 4 to 5 level above .

    同时改性后的染色织物 干湿摩擦 牢度和耐洗牢度都达到了4-5级以上。