


adj.狂热的( wild的比较级 )强烈的野生的对…狂热[着魔]的

  • My sense is that Japan will be more of a demanding ally in the future said Dennis Wilder former President George W. Bush 's top Asia adviser .

    我的感觉是,未来日本将成为一个要求更高的盟友,美国前总统乔治W布什(GeorgeW.Bush)的亚洲事务最高顾问 韦德宁(Dennis Wilder)表示。

  • Sunset Boulevard was originally conceived by Wilder as an astringent satire on Hollywood .

    怀尔德最初是想把 日落大道》 拍成一部对好莱坞的辛辣讽刺

  • By the nineteen-eighties Wilder no longer was considered the most unusual creative moviemaker in Hollywood .

    到了20世纪80年代, 怀尔德已不再被认为是好莱坞最不寻常的,富有创意的电影制作者。

  • This idea was one of my Wilder flights of fancy .

    这个想法是我 奇怪的狂想之一。

  • While in Germany Wilder learned that the Nazis had murdered his sister his mother and his mother 's husband .

    在德国, 怀尔德得知纳粹已谋杀了他的姐姐、母亲和他母亲的丈夫。

  • Wilder 's next film was the immortal comedy some like it hot .


  • He was actually a traditional actor shipwrecked on the wilder shore of farce .

    他实际上是个传统的演员,被一场 疯狂 闹剧给毁了。

  • You are inclined to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires you feel from time to time .

    你可能依靠自己的 冲动和一直以来的欲望行事。

  • Stop thinking that if you were thinner prettier wilder in bed or more exciting he would be faithful .

    别再对自己说要是我再瘦点、漂亮 、在床上 积极 或者更有趣点,他就会对你衷心了。

  • I read Laura Ingalls Wilder all the Alcott books and a wonderful out-of-print German novel The Wicked Enchantment .

    我读过劳拉·英戈尔斯·怀尔德(LauraIngalls Wilder)的书,奥尔科特(Alcott)所有的书,还有一部精彩的绝版德国小说《邪恶的魔法》(TheWickedEnchantment)。

  • The wilder attacks are openly anti - semitic .


  • Their food was venison wilder turkey and fish .

    鹿肉、 野火鸡和鱼都是他们的食物。

  • They helped Wilder get jobs .

    他们帮 怀尔德找到了工作。

  • Today 's rides are wilder and scarier than ever .

    如今 更加 疯狂,更惊险了。

  • Wilder and Brackett wrote several successful movies .


  • It spurred him on made his attacks wilder .

    这使他的欲念 更加炽烈,使他的行为 更加 野蛮

  • Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote many books about her life in the wilderness .


  • But Mr Wilder says the Obama team is not engaging in serious deliberations on F-16s at present .


  • Tom Cruise : When the great director Billy Wilder was asked What makes a movie unforgettable ?

    汤姆·克鲁斯:当大导演 比利·怀德被问到这个问题:“什么使一部电影经久难忘?”

  • I recognized its social value . I saw its ordered happiness but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course .

    我承认这种生活有社会价值,我也看到了它那井然有序的幸福,但我血液里的 冲动 渴望一种 桀骜不驯的旅程。

  • Wilder sylphs are intense and direct like the birds of prey they resemble .


  • As the king of Van Wilder fail in school life as protagonist .

    近期 心愿好像 留级之王主角 范伟德那样在学校生活!

  • This boiling sea can get a lot wilder . Dramatic cloud movements warn of a typhoon 's approach .

    奔腾的海洋可以变得非常 狂暴.戏剧般移动的云雾预告了台风的逼近。

  • We have also tamed some of the wilder grass areas allowing the smaller grasses to come through making a green carpet that looks good enough to roll on ( insects and frogs permitting ) .

    我们也驯服了一些 野草之地,让更小的草成长,成为一幅绿色的地毯,足够地好地穿上(是指让昆虫和青蛙“穿”上)。

  • Jensen and Anderson stood outside number 13 . The noise inside the room became louder and wilder .

    延森和安德森站在13号房间门外,里边的声音变得越来越大越来 狂野

  • The researchers found that dementia was more common in those with wilder belly .

    研究者发现老年痴呆在腹部 肥胖者中更加普遍。

  • He is much wilder than me and I am calmer .

    他比我 卤莽多了,而我更冷静。

  • The Internet helps us to see a wilder world .

    因特网有助于我们看到一个 广阔的世界。

  • This enraged him and made his attacks wilder .

    这激怒了他,使他的攻击 猛烈了。

  • Billy Wilder left Europe for america .

    于是比利 怀尔德离开欧洲前往美国。