



  • Please check the windlass attached bracket .

    请检验 撑。

  • In order to measure the length of steel wire rope precisely the velocity ratio of pressing wheel and driving windlass is adopted for detecting wheel spin and the accumulated pulse error is also adopted to eliminate the round off error .

    为了准确测量钢丝绳的长度,提出了采用比较压紧轮和驱动 卷筒的转速比的方法来检测是否打滑,并在 程序中采用累积脉冲误差的方法来消除由于 微小 打滑而出现的舍入误差。

  • Parts of the mechanical structure : this chapter introduced the design of manipulator and bogie phoning trailer honing rack windlass upper support frame low support frame and roller etc in detail .

    机械部分:本文主要详细介绍了机械手及行走机构、珩架拖动小车、珩架、 卷扬机、上支架、下支架、滚轮等的设计。

  • This paper introduces the automatic drilling principle the hardware composition and software program in the windlass percussive drilling by the microcomputer control system .

    介绍了 卷扬式冲击钻进过程中,微机控制实现自动钻进的基本原理、硬件的组成和软件的设计。

  • Steel column is fixed to special jig slipping below the installation position by chain block and lifting by pulley block and windlass .

    将钢骨柱固定在专用胎架上,通过倒链滑移至安装点下方后,采用滑轮组和 卷扬机进行 提升 就位

  • Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear ( windlass 、 mooring winch ) .

    后部液压 遥控操舵装置舵机( 、缆机)压系统安全装置调整。

  • It solved effectively the problems including limited rope capacity of windlass restricted stroke of hydraulic jack and restricted floating crane capability .

    该技术的应用有效地解决了 整体 滑移 装船 卷扬机受容绳量限制、液压千斤顶受行程限制及海上 整体 吊装受浮吊能力限制的问题。

  • I tried to tell them the importance of the windlass and the well in the past but it is difficult for the children to understand the hardships of the life several decades ago .

    给他俩讲“井 和“ 辘轳 曾经在人们的生活有 多么重要的地位 了好半天 口舌,不过想让他们懂得 生活的艰辛那就更难了。

  • Sailors hove up the cable with windlass or capstan .

    水手们用 绞盘或起锚机把缆绳拉起来。

  • Either of a pair of strong posts that support a windlass on a ship 's deck .

    船的甲板上的支撑 起锚 的强桩。

  • The fascia tension could increase by66 % due to windlass mechanism .


  • Capsizing moment capstan a windlass rotated in a horizontal plane .

    在水平面旋转的 绞盘

  • Threefold Analysis and Instruction of Errors in Generalized Transitional Relative Clauses ; a windlass rotated in a horizontal plane .

    广义转折关系复句偏误的三个平面分析与教学在水平面旋转的 绞盘

  • This coefficient of steering gear and windlass may be taken as 0.8 and 0.7 respectively .

    舵机 度系数取为0.8; 起锚 为0.7。

  • Aimed at knowledge of electrical equipment necessary for engineer management this article taking the example of AC timing windlass introduces the relay & contact control circuit analyzing method which is called the conversing analyzing method .

    针对轮机管理人员对 船舶电气设备知识的需求,此文以交流 调速 电路为例,介绍了一种继电接触控制电路的分析方法&逆向分析法。

  • But how to solve the windlass 's over landing starting is purposed and AC-AC variable frequency is given .

    本文的目的是解决 卷扬机 重载起动,通过交-交变频的方法来实现。

  • The experiments show that the above-mentioned method is able to maintain the tension windlass control system stability and meet the request of the load experiment system .

    实验结果表明,上述将 多种控制与 补偿算法相结合的张力 绞车 控制系统能够稳定、可靠的工作,并满足负载试验系统的要求。

  • In the construction wire rope transmission lift stage low noise windlass and twelve outlet interface stage control system were firstly used in our country . It raised the design and installation level of stage .

    本工程在国内首次采用升降台的钢丝绳传动系统、低噪声 卷扬系统 1、2个Outlet接口的舞台控制系统,提升了我国舞台设计与施工水平。

  • Strength analysis on windlass base for a 3000 t Chinese ocean surveillance ship

    3000吨级中国海监船 基座强度分析

  • It summarizes some kinds of structures of windlass load experiment system and methods of tension control .

    第一章 概述了 卷绕张力控制系统的 一般结构形式,分析几种常见张力控制方法及其结构形式。

  • The omnidirectional windlass mill can utilize the wind energy of tail wind side wind and even dead wind simply and effectively .

    本实用 新型能简单而且有效利用顺风、侧风甚至逆风的风能。

  • According to the windlass practice condition and the feature of hydraulic system the article puts forward the mingling control theory by separating the tension control and the speed control .

    本文针对 张力 绞车的实际应用情况,结合液压系统的特点,提出了张力控制过程与速度调整过程相分离的混合控制方法。

  • The well was in the back porch broad and deep with a bucket chain and windlass .

    屋后的走廊里有一口又大又深的井,配有水桶、链条和 辘轳

  • Combines a characteristic of alternating current windlass electricity control system explores the specific method and request of installing alternating current windlass electricity control system protection unit suggests the necessity of formulating protection unit standard for alternating current windlass programmable controller electricity control system .

    结合交流 提升 电控系统的特点,探讨了交流提升机电控系统保护装置设置的具体方法和要求,建议制定交流提升机可编程控制器电控系统保护装置设置规范的必要性。

  • The sixth chapter is a conclusion and prospects . It summaries the conclusion of tension windlass hydraulic control system and puts forward its prospects .

    第六章结论与展望,总结了张力 绞车 液控制系统的结论,提出了应用前景和展望。

  • The tension windlass is applied to the windlass load experiment system to test the load function of windlass by controlling the tension of cordage to imitate the windlass load .

    张力 绞车应用在绞车负载试验系统中,通过对缆绳上张力的控制来模拟被试绞车的负载,测试被试绞车的负载能力。

  • Through analysis on performance of double-barrel dispatch windlass used before the major technological transformations new design programme and result of industrial application have been discussed .

    通过对原使用的双滚筒调度 绞车的性能分析,论述了主要技改目标、新的设计方案以及工业应用的效果。

  • Emergency operation test of windlass / load / start / stop shall be carried out .

    进行 /负载/起动/停止/应急操作的运行试验。

  • Application of Soft Start in Windlass Crane for Hydroelectric Power Stations

    软启动在水电站 卷扬式起重设备上的应用探讨