window system

[ˈwɪndo ˈsɪstəm][ˈwindəu ˈsistəm]

[计] 窗口系统,窗口软件

  • Although not applicable to the console or remote sessions xev provides a robust and lightweight method for detecting keyboard events for any application running in X Window System .

    虽然不适用于控制台或远程会话,但是xev为检测在X Window System中运行的任意应用程序的键盘事件提供了一种健壮且轻量级的方法。

  • This approach can be used to record attributes for certain applications or for the entire X Window System .

    这种方法可用于记录特定应用程序或整个X Window System的属性。

  • The X Window System and current desktop software make remote access fairly transparent : A window is a window and the underlying application could be running on any computer .

    X Window System和现有的桌面软件使得远程访问变得相当透明:窗口仅仅只是窗口,而基础应用程序可以运行于任何计算机。

  • If you have the X Window System installed you probably also have some utilities such as xclock or xeyes .

    如果您安装了X Window System,您也许会拥有一些实用程序,比如xclock或xeyes。

  • If possible you should stick to the minimum installation requirements and avoid the X Window System .

    如果可能,应当坚持最小安装需求并避免X Window System

  • X Window System does not deal with character set support per se .

    X Window 系统本身不处理字符集支持。

  • A simple way to record every keystroke pressed in an X Window System session is to start a xev program attached to every window listed by xwininfo-root-tree .

    记录在X Window System会话中按下的每个击键的简单方法是启动与xwininfo-root-tree所列出的每个窗口绑定的xev程序。

  • Therefore by using an X Window System server on the host operating system video output can be redirected to the available X server .

    因此,通过在主机操作系统上使用X Window System服务器,可以将视频输出转发到可用的X服务器。

  • For instance a program designed to work with the X Window System may well want to know where X has been installed or even whether X has been installed .

    例如,一个设计运行于X Window System的程序需要知道X安装在哪里,或者甚至要知道是否安装了X。

  • We will use the free portable X window system as well .

    同时我们将使用免费的,可移植的X 视窗 系统

  • Now you can start the X Window System by running startx though on an analog device your screen is pretty tiny .

    现在您可以通过运行startx来启动X Window System,不过在模拟设备上您的屏幕就会显得有些太小了。

  • In fact Zenity shares many of the same features as dialog ; the only difference is that Zenity works in an X Window System environment .

    事实上,Zenity与dialog有着许多相同的功能;惟一的区别在于,Zenity在一个X Window System环境中工作。

  • EWS system proves that above method is useful to design a high powered concision easy portable and customized embedded window system .

    利用该方法成功地实现了一个高效、简洁并便于移植和定制的嵌入式 窗口 系统

  • This relatively simple measurement will be recorded for every application on the X Window System desktop .

    将为X Window System桌面中的每个应用程序记录这个相对简单的度量。

  • Two skylights pierce the vaulted ceiling and a steel window system flood the space with light .

    两个天窗皮尔斯的拱形天花板,以及塑钢 系统的排洪空间轻。

  • Linux drawing can be accomplished via the X Window system Quartz image buffer formats or OpenGL contexts .

    Linux绘图可以通过X Window 系统、Quartz、图像缓冲格式或OpenGL上下文来实现。

  • The X Window System also known as X or X11 is an open source graphical user interface that is the de facto standard for Linux ( and UNIX ) systems .

    X Window System,也称为X或X11,是一个开源的图形用户界面,它是Linux(和UNIX)系统的事实标准。

  • Because a portion of this tutorial deals with graphical elements of the Emacs operation in the X Window System environment you should also have an X server up and running .

    因为本教程中的部分内容研究了对X 窗口 系统环境中Emacs图形元素的操作,所以您应该拥有一台正常运行的X服务器。

  • The X Window System ( X11 ) provides resources for applications to display themselves in a graphical manner and is the most commonly used windowing system on UNIX and UNIX-like boxes .

    X Window 系统(X11)为应用程序以图形方式进行显示提供了资源,并且它是UNIX和类UNIX的机器上最常用的窗口系统。

  • Although built around dwell times for three keys the xev program and the code described herein allow you to monitor all aspects of keyboard ( and mouse ) X Window System interaction .

    虽然是围绕三个按键的停顿时间构建的,但是xev程序和本文介绍的代码将允许监视X Window System的键盘(和鼠标)交互的所有方面。

  • Open source GIS applications have to cover most open data format standards from ArcInfo to X Window System .

    开源GIS应用程序必须包括从ArcInfo到X 窗口 系统的大多数开放数据格式标准。

  • On top these tools form a Linux system with a graphical user interface that can be used usually running in the X Window System .

    这些工具上形成了Linux系统的图形用户界面,可使用通常运行于X Window 系统

  • These gestures are linked with keyboard commands sent to the current in-focus application in X Window System .

    这些特定手势与发送给X Window System中处于当前焦点的应用程序的键盘命令绑定在一起。

  • On the control node start your default X Window System session .

    在控制节点上,请启动默认的X 窗口 系统会话。

  • For example you can see the startup log for your X Window system .

    例如,您能看到您的X Window 系统的启动日志。

  • The first line will pop up a message on the control nodes'display ( if X Window System is active ) letting the user know that the laptop is inactive and needs to be powered down .

    第一行将在控制节点的界面上弹出消息(如果X Window System处于活动状态),从而让用户知道笔记本处于非活动状态并且需要关闭。

  • The application variable specifies any text in the applications'title in X Window System .

    应用程序变量可以在X Window System中将任意文本指定为应用程序标题。

  • The xev program output lists every X Window System event in the attached window .

    xev程序输出将在连接的窗口中列出每个X Window System事件。

  • Design of Building Auto-Opening Window System Based on MSP430

    基于MSP430的楼宇自动 开窗 系统设计

  • The editor therefore does not need a terminal to run although it needs X Window System and works as a testing tool for UTF-8-encoded fonts .

    因此,这个编辑器不需要通过终端来运行,尽管它需要X Window 系统,并且是UTF-8编码的字体的一种测试工具。