wine yeast

[waɪn jist][wain ji:st]


  • Screening and Identification of Milk Wine Yeast and Development of Distillation Milk Wine

    乳酒 酵母的筛选鉴定和牛奶蒸馏酒的研制

  • Study on Fermentation Performance of Strawberry Wine Yeast

    草莓 果酒 酵母发酵特性研究

  • Application of Wine Yeast Activator In Wine - making

    酵母活性剂在 葡萄酒酿造中的应用研究

  • Screening of the Wine Yeast Rich in β - glucosidase and Its Fermenting Characteristic

    高产β-葡萄糖苷酶 酿酒 酵母的筛选及其发酵特性的研究

  • Extensive Application of Angel Brand Grape Wine Yeast in Fruit Wine Brewing

    安琪 葡萄酒 酵母在果酒中的广泛应用

  • Quality cherry health wine was developed with cherry fruit as the main raw materials and grape wine yeast as fermenting microbe .

    以樱桃为主要原料, 葡萄酒 酵母菌为发酵菌种,可生产出优质保健樱桃酒。

  • This paper summarized main sorts of yeast in wine making and its function the advantages in the breeding selection domestication and characteristic improvement of wine yeast in China .

    综述了果酒生产中酵母的种类及其作用和我国在 果酒 酵母 分离筛选、驯化和品质改良方面的进展。

  • The Technological Conditions of Fermentation and Reproduction of Wine Yeast

    葡萄酒 酵母繁殖和发酵技术条件

  • Dry yeast : special high-grade red wine yeast white wine special yeast table wine yeast grape skin pigment wine tannin oak products etc.

    葡萄皮色素: 液体和粉状天然葡萄皮色素, 酿酒单宁、橡木制品等。

  • Preliminary Report of Mulberry Wine Fermented by Angel Grape Wine Yeast

    安琪 葡萄酒 活性 酵母发酵桑果酒试验初报

  • The growth characteristics of Angel fruit wine yeast were studied .

    对安琪 果酒 酵母生长特性进行了研究。

  • Therefore this experiment selected from the local wine yeast select one of the five for a low alcohol wine brewing .

    因此本实验在从本地筛选出的 酿酒 酵母中,选择其中的5株,进行了低醇葡萄酒的酿造。

  • Raman Spectroscopic Investigation on the Activation and Growth of Active Dry Wine Yeast

    光镊拉曼光谱分析 酿酒活性干 酵母的活化与生长

  • The waxberry juice from Jingzhou county of Hunan province was fermented by grape wine yeast to produce dry red wine .

    采用 靖州木洞杨梅进行杨梅干红 果酒发酵 研究

  • Studies on Mutation of High-Yield Apple Wine Yeast by Ion-Implanting

    离子注入法对高产苹果 酵母菌的诱变研究

  • Therefore wall-free cells of wine yeast have excellent effect on the removal of fishy odor from silver carp surimi .

    所以, 葡萄酒 酵母细胞液对白鲢鱼鱼糜具有很好的脱腥效果。

  • Persimmon and glutinous rice were used as raw materials and Angel wine yeast and Q303were used as starter to produce persimmon & glutinous rice yellow rice wine .

    以柿果、白糯米为原料,采用安琪 葡萄酒 酵母和Q303为菌种生产柿果糯米黄酒。

  • The yellow wine yeast made in foliage has many kinds of health care functions .

    用植物 原料制成的 黄酒 具有多种保健功能。

  • Two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1450 and S. bayanus Am-1 were selected for the studies . With two strains yeasts studies were carried out in the optimum cond-tions of propagation drying etc. of yeast for production of active dry wine yeast ( ADWY ) .

    以2株 葡萄酒 酵母1450(saccharomycescerevisiae)和Am(-1)(saccharomycesbayanus)为试验菌株,进行了活性干酵母的培养和干燥等工艺条件的研究。

  • Study on the biochemical composition change in the brewing process of Shaoxing lin-fan yellow rice wine yeast

    绍兴黄酒淋饭 酒母酿制过程生物化学成份变化研究

  • Study on the Effects of Polygonum Hydropiper on the Mechanization of Yellow Rice Wine Yeast

    辣蓼草对机械化 黄酒 酵母菌的影响研究

  • The test application in each kind of fruit wine suggested that the application of Angel brand grape wine yeast in fruit wine brewing could not only keep the nutritious components of the original fruits but also make the wine pure and mellow with typical fruit aroma .

    每一种果酒都经过小试中试,结果表明,经安琪 葡萄酒 酵母酿制而成的果酒,酒体丰满,醇厚,具典型的水果香气,保留了原有水果的各种营养成分。

  • Tolerance of rice wine yeast is essential for brewing rice wine .

    黄酒 酵母的耐受性对黄酒酿造至关重要。

  • In order to obtain a thorn wine yeast who has good and stable fermentation performance .

    为了获得一株发酵性能优良、性质稳定的刺 葡萄酒 酵母,以指导 生产实践,酿造 优质葡萄酒

  • Screening Separation Purification and Breeding of Plum Wine Yeast

    梅酒 酵母筛选、分离、纯化、选育应用

  • Orthogonal designing experiment was carried out to study the effect of pretreatment technology on longan wine brewing and the selection of longan wine yeast strain the factors affecting content of volatile acid the brewing technology was optimized .

    研究了龙眼果酒酿造中前处理方式对果酒发酵的影响,进行了不同 发酵菌株的筛选,并以正交试验研究影响龙眼 果酒挥发酸含量的因素,进行了工艺优化。

  • The saccharifying power and liquefying power on the mechanization of yellow rice wine yeast and the fermenting rate were studied .

    添加不同量的辣蓼草对机械化 黄酒 酵母 菌株的发酵特性进行研究。

  • The breeding methods of fruit wine yeast nowadays cover mutation breeding cross breeding protoplast fusion and genetic cloning and transformation etc.

    现代育种手段进行 果酒 酵母的选育方法有诱变育种、杂交育种、原生质体融合、基因克隆和转化等技术。

  • Methods of domestication and UV mutagenesis were used to prepare tea wine yeast .

    采用驯化与紫外线诱变并用的方法研制茶 酵母

  • Influence of three fungicides on growth and fermentability of wine yeast

    3种杀真菌剂对 葡萄酒 酿酒 酵母生长及发酵性能的影响