window pulse

[ˈwɪndo pʌls][ˈwindəu pʌls]


  • To disposal of takeover signal the logarithmic amplifier window and pulse width detecting are utilized to improve the stability and reliability of the system .

    在接收信号处理上,采用了对数放大电器、 窗口脉宽检测等技术,有效地提高了系统的稳定性和可靠性;

  • The RF window passed test under the conditions of a peak power of 30 MW an average power of 3.7 kW and a pulse length of 2.5 μ s.

    陶瓷 老炼峰值功率为30MW,平均功率3.7kW, 脉冲长度2.5μs。

  • The temperature window for the higher oxidizing rate of the elemental mercury focused on the 950-1150K . The pulse corona discharge removes NO and SO2 effectively and prompt the oxidation of elemental mercury .

    单质汞氧化率较高的温度 窗口集中在950~1150K。 脉冲电晕低温等离子可以有效地脱除烟气中NO和S02,并促进单质汞的氧化。

  • Firstly delay window is used to reduce the influence of pulse disturbance .

    一是采用了延迟 窗口 接收技术,以减小干扰 脉冲测量结果的影响;

  • The switching window can be controlled by adjusting the energy of control pulse where the outcome pulse can be formed into a series of ultrashort pulse with the increase of input control pulse .

    在开关模型中,通过改变控制 脉冲的能量,可以对开关 窗口进行控制,当控制脉冲增加到足够高的能量时,在开关 窗口得到的输出脉冲由于干涉将形成超短脉冲序列。

  • Based on dielectric physic-optics the method for analysis of high power microwave vacuum output window is discussed by which an X band 1.5 GW pulse power handling ability disk type Teflon vacuum output window is analyzed .

    讨论了介质物理光学分析方法,并应用该方法数值分析了一个X波段,1.5GW 脉冲功率容量的高斯馈源聚四氟乙烯碟形真空介质输出 及其辐射场分布。

  • In some sense and at not too high orders it can be better than Kaiser 's window which is taken as the unit pulse response of a non-recursive shift variant filter here .

    从一定意义上说,在阶数不太高时,可优于凯泽 函数作为单位 脉冲响应的非递归线性移变滤波。

  • Logarithmic amplifier 、 delay windowpulse width detecting are used to further improve the measuring precision ;

    利用对数放大电路、延迟 窗口 脉宽检测等技术,进一步提高了系统可靠性。