Wilms' tumor



  • Methods Retrospective analysis of clinical data of 9 cases of adult Wilms ' tumor were conducted .

    方法回顾性分析9例成人 细胞 的临床表现、分期、 治疗预后

  • Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy for Wilms ' Tumor in Children

    新辅助化疗在儿童 细胞 治疗中的应用

  • Clinical Analysis of 69 Cases of Wilms Tumor

    细胞 69例临床分析

  • Study of chromosomal Procedure in Wilms tumor neuroblastoma and ovarian cancer

    小儿 实体瘤及卵巢癌的染色体制备方法学研究

  • Objective To study the effect of leflunomide on Wilms ' tumor suppressor-1 ( WT-1 ) expression of renal tissues and on proteinuria in rats with passive Heymann nephritis .

    目的通过被动型Heymann肾炎(PHN)大鼠模型,观察来氟米特对肾组织 Wilms癌因子(WT-1)表达及蛋白尿的影响。

  • Clinical Feature and Survival Analysis of 174 Cases with Wilms Tumor

    174例 细胞 临床特点及生存分析

  • Conclusion Individualized comprehensive treatment may yield good therapeutic effects for Wilms tumor in children .

    结论个体化综合治疗对儿童 细胞 的治疗效果良好。

  • Objective : To elucidate a role for the Wilms tumor gene ( WT1 ) in leukemogenesis .

    研究 Wilms 基因在白血病发病中的作用机制。

  • Objective To analyze mutations in the Wilms tumor gene ( WT1 ) in Ieukemogenesis .

    目的 基因( WT1)突变与白血病发病的关系。

  • Conclusion : The translatability of IGF-2 mRNA is suppressed in Wilms tumor .

    结论:在 Wilms ,大部分IGF2mRNA的翻译水平受到抑制。

  • Objective To investigate the expression of WT1 ( Wilmstumor 1 ) in rats with adriamycin nephropathy and to explore the possible effect on the development of proteinuria .

    目的观察WT1( Wilmstumor1)在大鼠阿霉素肾病模型中的表达,探讨其在蛋白尿发生发展过程中的作用。

  • Wilms tumor is the most common solid renal tumor during childhood .

    细胞 是儿童最常见的肿瘤。

  • In this study we developed an orthotopic xenografted model of human Wilms ' tumor in nude mice and investigated its biologic properties to provide an ideal platform for basic research on tumor genesis metastasis and pre-clinical experimental interference of human Wilms ' tumor .

    本实验建立裸小鼠 肾脏原位人类 细胞 移植模型、研究其生物学特性,旨在为肾母细胞瘤发生、发展、转移等基础研究和临床前期干预实验提供一个理想的平台。

  • Expression and effect of Wilms tumor 1 gene on renal tubular epithelial cell transdifferentiation

    Wilms 1基因在肾小管上皮细胞转分化中的表达及作用

  • Conclusions Microsatellite instability unlike that of adult tumors is rare in Wilms ' tumor .

    结论 胚胎 恶性 肿瘤 发生 机制可能与成人肿瘤不同,微卫星DNA 变化Wilms 肿瘤不常见。

  • Methods The diagnosis and staging criteria the surgery chemotherapy and radiation were standardized in the WT-2003 Wilms tumor protocol . This protocol was first tested in Shanghai Children 's Medical Center .

    方法在中国小儿 肿瘤协会下建立儿童 肿瘤协作组,制定儿童 细胞 WT-2003协作方案,方案包括诊断与分期标准,分组标准、各组包括外科手术、内科化疗、选择性放疗的治疗规则。

  • Conclusion Adult Wilms ' tumor is a rare malignant tumor . The early diagnosis and treatment including nephrectomy as early as possible and adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy could improve the cure rate and prognosis .

    结论成人 细胞 是一种比较少见的恶性肿瘤,早期诊断、手术治疗、辅以放疗和化疗等可明显提高治愈率并改善其预后。

  • Study on Expression of Wilms ' Tumor Gene in Myeloid Leukemias


  • Results : Myogenin protein were detected in all 8 cases of RMS and a Wilms ' tumor showed false-positive .

    结果:8例横纹肌肉瘤均有明显的Myogenin蛋白印迹,在1例 细胞 中呈假阳性;

  • Mutation of RB Gene in Wilms - Tumor

    细胞 中RB基因突变的研究

  • Objective : To investigate the expression pattern of Wilms tumor gene WT1 ( 17AA + ) isoform in different leukemia cell lines and primary bone marrow cells from patients with different subtypes of acute leukemia .

    目的:探讨不同白血病细胞株及不同亚型急性白血病患者原代骨髓细胞中WT1( 17AA+)剪接变异体的表达水平。

  • Imaging Diagnosis of Adult Wilms Tumor ( a Report 7 Cases )

    成人 细胞 影像学诊断(附7例报告)

  • These include Wilms tumor a tumor of the kidneys ;

    这些状况包括 Wilms ,一种肾脏肿瘤;

  • A study of correlation between of occurrence of Wilms ' tumor with p53 tumor suppressor gene mutation

    小儿 细胞 的发生与p53抑癌基因突变关系的研究

  • Nephroblastoma ( Wilms tumor ) is one of the most common abdominal malignant solid tumor in childhood which is derived from metanephric blastema . The tumor usually generated in the first seven years of childhood especially from 1 to 3 years rare in adult .

    肾母细胞 又称 Wilms ,它起源于后肾胚基,是儿童最常见的腹部恶性实体肿瘤之一,多数在出生后7岁以内发病,尤其多见于1-3岁儿童,罕见于成人。

  • WTX : the Wilms tumor suppressor gene located on the sex-determining X chromosome

    WTX基因:第一个位于X染色体上的 细胞 抑癌基因

  • Clinical effects of preoperative chemotherapy for Wilms tumor

    细胞 术前化疗疗效分析

  • P53 gene mutation is often found in diploid Wilms ' tumor cell .

    p53基因突变多见于 细胞 的二倍体 肿瘤

  • Therapeutic effect of 5-fluorocytosine on cytosine deaminase gene transduced Wilmstumor xenograft in nude mice

    5-氟胞嘧啶对表达胞嘧啶脱氨酶的人 细胞 裸鼠异种移植 的疗效

  • Detection of the Expression of Wilms ' Tumor Gene in Leukemia Patients by RT-PCR and Its Clinical Significance

    RT-PCR检测 WT1基因在白血病患者中的表达及临床意义