


  • This option is always available for both windowed and full-screen swap chains .

    对于 窗口 和全屏交换链而言,此选项都始终可用。

  • Performance Analysis of Narrow-Band Interference Suppression in Underwater Acoustic Communication Based on Barker-Code Windowed OFDM

    利用巴克码 抑制OFDM水声通信系统信道内窄带干扰性能分析

  • Simulation results show that measurement accuracy of the method is better than interpolating windowed FFT algorithm .

    仿真结果表明该方法的测量精度明显优于 插值的快速傅立叶算法。

  • Strong reconstruction formulas of the normalized windowed Fourier transformation

    规范 窗口Fourier变换的强反演公式

  • Customers can achieve higher frame rates for the sensor with windowed or sub-sampled readout modes and can program the sensor 's settings over an SPI interface .

    客户可以实现具有更高的帧速率传感器 窗口或子采样读出模式,并可以通过SPI接口方案传感器的设置。

  • According to the characteristics of FFT and WT this thesis studies the combination of interpolating windowed FFT and WT for harmonic detection .

    根据FFT和WT各自的特点,本文研究了 插值FFT和WT结合用于谐波检测的方法。

  • Based on the analysis of ICI mechanism the self-cancellation scheme and segment equalization scheme are mainly discussed and an improved segment equalization scheme based on windowed techniq .

    在分析子载波间干扰机制的基础上,讨论了自消除方法和分段均衡方法,并提出一种利用 技术改进的分段均衡方法。

  • To IFT-TOA in multi-path channel the frequency domain windowed interpolation algorithm was studied .

    对于多路径信道,研究了IFT-TOA方法的频域 插值算法。

  • Fixed an issue where the game window would minimize when running in windowed mode when it lost focus .

    修正了一个问题:当窗口失去 激活状态时会 自动最小化。

  • Research on DSSS Signal Acquisition Algorithm Based on Windowed PMF-FFT

    基于 PMF-FFT的扩频信号捕获算法研究

  • In this paper based on the improving traditional algorithm of the harmonic analysis a windowed and interpolated algorithm is proposed .

    本文对传统谐波分析算法进行了改进,提出了 多项 的加 插值法。

  • The control does not support capture in windowed mode .


  • You use dialog with traditional text-based interfaces ; Zenity proffers the style of the modern windowed desktop .

    对于传统的、基于文本的界面使用dialog,Zenity提供现代风格的 视窗 桌面。

  • Hanning windowed interpolation harmonic analysis algorithm and high-order sine fitting algorithm are the two effective algorithms for dielectric loss angle measurement .

    加汉宁 谐波分析法和高阶正弦拟合法是介损角测量的两种有效算法,对两种算法的分析和比较有利于它们在实际中的应用。

  • Based on a novel windowed overlapping adaptive filter LMS algorithm with overlapping idea is introduced .

    基于一种 重叠自适应滤波器,将重叠滤波思想引入LMS算法。

  • Huge windowed walls and a high arched ceiling were added in1937 .

    极大的 窗户墙壁和高的弓形天花板在1937年被增加。

  • The spectral leakage caused by the truncated signals results in frequency calculation error and slows frequency tracking . A Hanning windowed recursive DFT method is introduced .

    但由于截断信号会产生频谱泄漏,使得相位和频率计算结果有一定误差,采用该方法跟踪频率,实时计算电网变化的频率速度 较慢

  • A two-dimensional phase unwrapping approach based on two-dimensional windowed Fourier transform ( WFT ) is proposed .

    提出了一种基于二维 短时傅里叶变换的干涉相位图解缠方法。

  • Harmonic and inter-harmonic detection method based on neighboring spectral offsetting and windowed TDA in two stages Characteristic Analysis on Inter-Harmonics and Sub-Harmonics in the New Type of Industry Converting System

    一种新的电力系统 谐波间谐波两步检测法新型工业变流系统间谐波与次谐波特性分析

  • Reproducing Kernel Spaces Based on Windowed Fourier Transform

    基于 窗口Fourier变换的再生核空间

  • Also in the spectrum analysis aspects this paper used the FFT improvement algorithm based on windowed interpolation .

    另外在频谱分析方面,本文采用了 插值的FFT改进算法,通过 仿真 试验验证了该算法在频谱分析方面,与普通的FFT算法 相比,对谐波分析的 精度有了 很大的提高。

  • InSAR Phase Unwrapping Algorithm Based on Two-dimensional Windowed Fourier Transform

    基于 短时傅里叶变换的干涉相位解缠方法

  • The best harmonic detection windowed Fourier transform function is achieved through experiments comparison .

    通过实验比较 总结 谐波检测最佳的傅立叶变换 函数。

  • You can toggle between fullscreen and windowed .

    您可以切换全屏和 窗口

  • You will be able to select both windowed and full-screen windowed modes from the options menu .

    你可以在菜单中分别选择 窗口 模式和全屏窗口模式。

  • The Windowed checkbox on the Resolution Dialog will be disabled by default when this setting is enabled .

    当这个设置启用,分辨率对话框中的 复选框默认将被禁用。

  • Based on introducing overlapping base matrix the general calculating formula for the coefficient vector of windowed all-phase equivalent FIR filter is proposed .

    在引入重叠基矩阵的基础上,提出了 全相位等效FIR滤波器系数向量的计算通式。

  • Simulation of Windowed ISAR Imaging for 3-D Targets

    基于三维目标的ISAR成像中的 问题研究