window generation

[ˈwɪndo ˌdʒɛnəˈreʃən][ˈwindəu ˌdʒenəˈreiʃən]

[计] 窗口生成

  • List window and edit window are connected to different data windows for displaying data editing data etc. Reports generation module uses a statistics conditions window to input statistics date as statistics conditions .

    列表窗口和编辑 窗口分别连接不同的数据窗口,用于完成显示数据、编辑数据的功能。 生成报表模块由一个统计条件窗口输入统计日期作为统计条件, 生成不同的报表。

  • In the Change Column dialog window click the Value generation tab .

    在ChangeColumn对话框 窗口之中,点击Value generation项。

  • This paper presents the principle implementation function and features of a general graphical user interface generation and management system based on UNIX OS and X - WINDOW system .

    本文介绍了一种建立在UNIX系统X WINDOW环境上的通用图形式用户接口 生成和管理系统XUIGMS,描述了它的原理,实现方法,功能和特点。

  • Achieved the basic functions such as the main interface into each window the virtual scene construction model import model parts tree generation .

    用VC++工具实现了主界面中各个 窗口的划分,虚拟场景构建,模型导入、模型零件树 生成等系统基本功能及零件模型拓扑分解、位姿调整、约束定位等功能。

  • The window function generation approximation and differential are realized by circuits .

    所设计的电路可实现小波 函数的 产生、逼近和二次微分。

  • The oil generation window occurs between 3100 and 6300m and the oil generation period was from 40 to 80 Ma .

    生油 为3100 6300m,成油期为40180Ma。

  • Breakdown of dielectric window materials limits the generation and transmission of high power microwave ( HPM ) which blocks the development of microwave technology .

    介质 材料的击穿破坏限制了高功率微波(HPM)的 产生和传输,严重阻碍了高功率微波技术的发展。

  • Especially in the quantum key distribution system near-infrared single photon detector in the communication wavelength window have a great effect on the communication distance quantum key generation rates and quantum bits error rates of the system .

    尤其是在量子密钥分布系统中,工作于通信 波段的近红外单光子探测器对系统的通信距离、量子密钥 生成速率和量子比特误码率等有重要影响。

  • To study hybrid genetic algorithm combined with priority rules shortest time window rule ( STW ) is put forward initial population generation algorithm with STW is designed .

    为了研究与优先规则结合的混合遗传算法,提出了最小时间 规则(STW),设计了采用最小 时间 规则 生成初始种群的算法。