window concept

[ˈwɪndo ˈkɑnˌsɛpt][ˈwindəu ˈkɔnsept]

[计] 窗口概念

  • Five basic data standard : data element standard user window standard ICC standard concept data standard logical data standard .

    五个基础数据标准:数据元素标准、用户 视图标准、信息分类编码标准、 概念数据库标准、逻辑数据库标准;

  • Touch screen adopted by the detector as a human-machine interface had an excellent display with an intuitive clear indication of moisture content and other important information and specifically to open the data curve display window fully embodies the concept of human design .

    友好的人机界面课题采用触摸屏作为人机交互接口,直观、清晰地显示含水率等重要信息,并专门开辟了数据曲线显示 窗口,充分体现了人性化的设计 理念

  • This paper studies the unrestricted case of common due window scheduling problems within the just-in-time window concept on a single machine .

    本文主要研究单台机所有工件加工时间相同的公共时间窗 分组排序问题, 模型中,交货时间 的位置是可以选取的。

  • Taking into account the basic characteristics of the data flow velocity based on the time window concept the batch processing ideas are used to handle data stream tuples to reduce the scheduling switch overhead and to improve system performance .

    考虑到数据流流速的基本特征,本文在基于时间 窗口 概念的基础上批处理数据流元组,以减少调度切换开销,提高系统性能。

  • Mutant selection window ( MSW ) hypothesis is a new concept in the domain of antibiotic-resistant mutant prevention .

    突变选择 理论是抗菌药物防耐药变异领域的一个新 概念

  • The sliding window concept is introduced to solve the problem of excessively small probability values .

    在观测对象的概率计算方面,引入了滑动 窗口 概念,解决了概率值过小的问题。

  • Traffic Statistics window to introduce the concept of buffer management user access using a fixed flow rate as a statistical window periodically caching of streaming media data management .

    将流量统计 概念引入缓存管理,采用固定的用户访问流量作为统计窗口,周期性地管理缓存的流媒体数据。

  • Baggage induction system was deeply studied as following : 1 For the baggage convergence in CHECK-IN system the concept of virtual widow was proposed and two control algorithms Window control and Gap control were designed .

    重点对行李导入子系统进行了深入的研究:1对旅客值机系统的行李汇流提出了虚拟窗口的 概念,并设计了两种控制算法, Window控制和Gap控制。

  • The overlapping window concept is good but its execution is impractical in the real world .

    重叠 窗口 概念是好的,但在真实世界中却不太实际。

  • This book would be a perfect window to display how the classical Chinese elements are creatively used in catering space meanwhile to analyze the unique design concept .

    通过展现中国元素运用的不同 范例,引导广大读者发现中餐厅设计的新 视角

  • Glass curtain wall broke the traditional boundaries of the window and wall it not only updated the concept of modern architectural design and practices but also showed the new progress of modern building technology .

    玻璃幕墙打破了传统的 与墙的界限,它不仅更新了现代建筑设计的 理念和手法,更展现了现代建筑技术的新进展。

  • The paper analyses the deficiencies of time-frequency resolution in short window time Fourier transform and sketches out both wavelet transform concept and multiresolution analysis . Multiresolution property of wavelet transform is then used to make the time-frequency analysis and processing of seismic and log signals .

    本文讨论了短时 傅里叶变换时频分辨率的缺点,介绍了小波变换的 基本 概念及多分辨率分析方法,然后利用小波变换的多分辨率特性对地震和测井信号进行了时频分析和处理。