will to power

[wɪl tu ˈpaʊɚ][wil tu: ˈpauə]


  • The Cruelty of Life : Desire and Sin under the Will to Power Rethinking on Salvation Motif of Thunderstorm

    生之残酷: 权力 意志下的欲与罪&对《雷雨》救赎母题的再思考

  • Nietzsche advocates an aesthetic attitude to life and puts forward ideas of will to power and the Dionysian spirit but he thinks highly of aesthetic metaphysics and neglects life .

    尼采主张对人生的审美态度,提出了“ 强力 意志”、“酒神精神”等命题,但是其审美主义致力于“审美形而上学”而忽略生活。

  • I know well that there is a will to power in the world .

    我很明白,在世界上有一种 权力

  • On Nietzsche ' Subjective Metaphysical Thinking of Will to Power

    论尼采的 强力 意志主体性后物理思想

  • We will also able to get power from the tides .

    我们 从潮汐中获得 能量

  • A discrimination of nietzsche 's theory of the will to power

    尼采的“ 权力 意志论”辨析

  • What kind of battery will we use to power our car ?

    我们 使用什么样的电池作为汽车的 动力

  • The short answer will to power requires some elaboration as to the methods whereby one might effect such a transformation of ones experience .

    简短的回答 能够 激励出苦心经营的需要,至于人们如何影响这样一种,个人经历的转变的方法。

  • It is the lack of will to use its power rather than not having enough power that has led the creditor into a passive position .

    与其说没有足够实力行使债权人的 权利倒不如说是缺少 意愿,这让中国陷入了非常被动的地位。

  • Some will seek to destroy it others will want to harness its power and use it against it .

    有些人会企图破坏它,其他人 利用其 权力,并用它反对。

  • He thought the nature of artists and their creative work was to demonstrate the instinct of life and the will to power .

    他认为艺术家及其创造行为本质是对生命本能和 强力感的张扬。

  • Snr-Gen Than Shwe is No.1 and he will hold on to power with an iron grip .

    丹瑞大将是1号元首,他 继续铁腕控制 政权

  • It surely is permitted to make that experiment and the results will be the realization that as the drives interpretively project on our waking world what they encounter is will to power .

    它肯定能够做个试验,结果会是个实现,那是,驱动解释的项目在我们清醒的世界里,他们遇到的是 能量 意志

  • It is said that the party will be returned to power in the next election .

    据说该党 在下次大选中重掌 大权

  • The Main Clue of Nietzsche 's Philosophy : Revaluation of All Values Based on the Standard of the Will to Power

    尼采哲学思想的主轴:以 权力 意志 准则重估一切价值

  • Life itself appears to me as an instinct for growth for survival for the accumulation of forces for power : whenever the will to power fails there is disaster .

    生命对我来说,就是生长以存活、以积蓄力量、以成为权力本身的本能:一旦 权力 意志失败,将是一次灾难。

  • On the other hand by the means of the world image constituted by force and drive Nietzsche found a world view and value which he thought to be able to justify and benefit life namely the will to power .

    另一方面,透过力与驱力的世界图像,尼采找到了一个他认为可以证成生命、益于生命的世界观和价值,也就是 权力 意志

  • In the next few months as his own people display their frustration with him Mr Putin will try to consolidate power .

    未来几个月,随着普京的人民对他表现出失望,普京 试图巩固 权力

  • As those flights become longer and higher the aircraft will start to draw power from its solar cells .

    当飞行高度和长度加大,这架飞机 开始从其太阳能电池获取 动力

  • If most of the economic forecasts are correct global growth in 2007 will exceed 4 per cent for the fifth year running economic fortunes in advanced countries will become more balanced and emerging market economies will continue to power ahead .

    如果多数经济预测都是正确的,那么在2007年,全球经济增长将连续第五年超过4%,发达国家的经济增长将变得更加平衡,新兴市场经济体 继续 快速增长。

  • And as long as the wind blows people will harness it to power their lives .

    而在风刮起来的时候,人们 利用它的 能量 生活。

  • Acting like several CPUs in one the Cell will be able to power multiple operating systems at once as well as bear the heavy computing load that a single system can place on the CPU .

    代理一样的CPU之一,细胞 电力多种操作系统一次,以及承受沉重的负荷计算,一个系统可以放置在CPU上。

  • Following this approach this very route from becoming to the Will to Power also conveys the ultimate concern in Nietzsche 's philosophy to justify lives .

    而这个从变化 权力 意志的途径,也表达出了尼采哲学中对证成生命的终极关怀。

  • Cassander certainly proved his will to power .

    卡散德无疑证明了自己的 权利

  • Lazy boned folks will still have to power up the unit via the power button on the front of the amp .

    懒惰的人骨骼仍 权力的单位通过上的电源按钮的前端,放大器。

  • And a strong king will come to power ruling with great authority and doing whatever is his pleasure .

    有一个勇敢的王兴起,执掌 大权,随意而行。