


  • It 's windy now . I have to close the window .

    现在 刮风了,我必须去关窗户。

  • It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Milland

    那天 风雨交加,我开车翻过小山去米兰德。

  • It is a windy day today .

    今天 很大

  • The north of China unlike the south is windy in spring .

    北方不比南方,春天 刮风

  • Fall is always windy and cool .

    秋天总是 和凉爽的。

  • It 's a windy day .

    是一个 刮风的日子。

  • This is a windy and cold winter .

    这是个 的城市。

  • It was a cold windy overcast afternoon in Washington .

    这是华盛顿一个寒风 料峭、天空阴沉的下午。

  • It 's very windy and dusty here in winter .

    这里冬天 风沙 很大

  • It was so windy that I had to hold onto my hat all the way along the street .


  • One spring it was very windy and dusty here .

    有一年春天这里 风沙 很大

  • It is windy and cool in Summer in Canberra .

    这是 大风和降温夏季在堪培拉。

  • It 's windy . We 'd better go back .


  • It was windy and Jake felt cold .


  • We went to the wedding on a windy Wednesday .

    在一个 大风的星期三,我们去参加了一个婚礼。

  • He experienced different weather conditions - windy spring days overcast winter days and sunny summer mornings .

    他体验了不同的天气状况- 的春天、昏暗的冬天和阳光普照的夏日早晨。

  • It looks as if it 'll be windy tomorrow .

    似乎明天要 起风

  • I like windy days .

    我喜欢 的日子。

  • It 's a bit windy isn 't it ?

    是不是有点 起风了?

  • It 's been very windy these last few days .

    这几天 大风

  • I don 't like windy and dry weather .

    我不喜欢 和干燥的天气。

  • What 's the weather like today ? I hope it is not as windy as yesterday .


  • A dog barks at the brushwood gate | as someone heads home this windy snowy night .

    柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。(刘长卿《逢雪 宿芙蓉山主人》)

  • On a windy morning she came back home .

    在一个 刮风的早上她回家了。

  • Spring is always windy and warm .

    春天总是 和温暖的。

  • And I like windy weather too .

    我也喜欢 的天气。

  • It 's cold wet and windy .


  • Leaves collect in heaps on windy days .


  • We can 't play tennis today because it 's too windy .

    我们今天不能打网球因为 了。

  • He liked that men should labour and sweat on the windy beach at night ;

    他认为男人应该在夜间 起风的沙滩上劳动和流汗,用 肌肉 大脑 海浪强风 竞争