wildcat well

[ˈwaɪldˌkæt wɛl][ˈwaildkæt wel]


  • For wild well there are lack of logging data and core data . Therefore present evaluation methods of rock drillability can not be applied to predict rock drillability of wildcat well before drilling .

    现有评价方法不能满足对缺少测井资料和岩心资料的 野猫 的岩石可钻性进行钻前预测的需要。

  • The achieve of well repair machine automation can fill in the blank of wildcat well repair equipment automation technical territory and it has a good market prospect and popularize value .

    修井机自动化的实现能够填补 油井装置自动化技术领域的空白,具有较好的市场前景和推广价值。

  • Well Dong Qiu5 is a wildcat well with Abnormal High Pressure .

    东秋5井是一口典型的异常高压低渗透地层预 探井

  • Zhao-46 well is a wildcat well which met the burial hill in Jinxian Seg . The mud loss is 638 m3 during drilling 4154 - 4155 . 6 m.

    赵46井是晋县凹陷南部第一口钻遇潜山的预 探井,在钻进中4154~4155.6m累计漏失泥浆达638m3。

  • Nowadays at home and abroad there are few reports about how to predict rock drillability of wildcat well before drilling in new exploration area .

    目前,国内外关于新探区 野猫 的岩石可钻性钻前预测方面的研究很少。

  • In addition the stability of wildcat well is generally determined by experience so the disaster at complex formations is unable to avoid .

    此外, 野猫井 井壁稳定性一般凭经验判断,所以复杂地层的 井壁 事故在所难免。

  • Methods to estimate formation pore pressure in wildcat well


  • Study on logging interpretation method of carbonate reservoir in Yemen block 1 wildcat well

    也门1区块 风险 探井碳酸盐岩测井解释方法研究

  • Prediction method for wildcat well rock drillability before drilling

    野猫 岩石可钻性钻前预测方法研究