worthy of the name

[ˈwɚði ʌv ði nem][ˈwə:ði ɔv ðə neim]


  • Italy has drawn up a series of rules that must be met for a Neapolitan pizza to be worthy of the name .

    意大利起草了一系列规定,只有符合这些规定的 匹萨饼才有资格用那不勒斯匹萨 这个 名字

  • I would not be an American worthy of the name should I regret a fate that has allowed me the extraordinary privilege of serving this country for a half a century .

    命运让我有幸为这个国家服务了大半个世纪,假如我对此有一丝的后悔, 我就根本 不配做一个美国人。

  • The vast sea of humanity I wonder if I hit worthy of the name can arise when I believe that may come without Stepping bond !

    茫茫人海,不知我命中的 真命天子何时才能出现,我想信可遇而不可求的缘份!

  • We should establish a new third generation of leaders worthy of the name .


  • This article discusses the essential military function of Mount Wutai in the war of Resistance Against Japan and expounds that Wutaishan is a sacred revolutionary shrine worthy of the name .

    本文论述了五台山在抗日战争时期发挥的重要军事作用,阐明五台山是 名副其实 革命圣地。

  • The Gongsun Long also methods and standards worthy of the name .

    公孙龙还提出了 名实相符 方法和标准。

  • This country is called as anthomaniac land & people 's craziness about gardening is worthy of the name .

    这个国家被称为“花痴之国”&他们对于园艺的痴迷, 无愧这个 名头

  • After some few miles of tract the nature of the soil gradually changes and the country shows itself worthy of the name .

    走了几英里路之后,土质慢慢地改变,就 觉得 这个 称号 它来说是 当之无愧了。

  • The girls of the Chinese football team are worthy of the name clangorous rose .

    中国女足的姑娘们真 不愧为铿锵玫瑰!

  • No leader worthy of the name ever existed But was an optimist .


  • Not that there are no councils of workers peasants and soldiers worthy of the name but they are very few .

    名副其实 工农兵 代表会组织,不是没有,只是少极了。

  • Europe which has at long last developed an entrepreneurial ecosystem worthy of the name is home to several impressive firms .

    长久以来,欧洲 其实的延续了其已经发展出来的企事业生态系统,是那些服务最让人难忘的公司 老家

  • As the classical work of transparent literature it is worthy of the name .

    作为透明文学的经典,是 名副其实

  • Mummy of a woman worthy of the name the marriage age of orphans their marriage is a woman-sponsored .

    女人 不愧于妈咪 称呼,到了结婚年龄的孤儿,他们的婚姻大事都是女人一手操办的。

  • I 'm not saying all of this is bad but there is a question as to whether much of it is worthy of the name of emergency economic stimulus Mr Fujii said .

    我不是说(补充预算案中的)所有内容都不好,但问题是,其中有许多内容能否 得上紧急经济刺激措施 名义

  • After the national strategy of technology was established Japan obtained tangible result in the area of technology and became a great nation of technology which is worthy of the name .

    技术立国战略确立后,日本在技术领域取得了明显的成效,成为了 名副其实的技术大国。

  • This Party as we have consistently maintained is glorious great and correct and is a Marxist-Leninist Party worthy of the name .

    这个党,照我们历来的说法,是光荣的、伟大的、正确的党,是 名副其实 马克思列宁主义的党。

  • It is a toll to ride instead of walk worthy of the name of'one car for multipurpose ' .


  • Education worthy of the name is essentially education of character .

    名副其实 教育,本质上是品格教育。

  • Everyone of us should live up to the virtues passed down to us by our ancestors Only in this way can we be worthy of the name of a Chinese .

    我们每个人都应该遵守从祖先那里传承下来的美德。只有这样我们才能 无愧为中国人。

  • He is worthy of the name basketball .

    不愧为一 篮球队员。

  • Internet is worthy of the name the fourth media because of its booming dissemination .

    随着互联网的不断普及与发展,第四媒介的称谓越来越显得 名副其实

  • As a result every Ajax framework worthy of the name has some kind of simplification wrapper around the creation calling and management of RPCs .

    结果,每个 名副其实 Ajax框架都有某种简单的包装器用于创建、调用和管理RPC。

  • He is poet worthy of the name .

    他是一 名不虚传的诗人。

  • For me there has been only one Valentine 's Day worthy of the name .

    对我来说,只有一个 称得上 情人情人节。

  • Chaozhou has a long history in making pottery and porcelain . As a porcelain city of China Chaozhou is worthy of the name from history to production export and international influence .

    潮州制作陶瓷的历史十分悠久,作为“中国瓷都”无论是从历史、生产、出口规模和国际影响都是 名副其实的。