wound dehiscence

[wund diˈhɪsəns][wu:nd diˈhisns]

[医] 伤口裂开

  • The prognosis was related to the volume loss of intraocular contents the range and repair of wound dehiscence .

    预后与 伤口 裂开范围及眼内容物脱出的 多少伤口的修复有关。

  • There were 7 cases experienced postoperative complications including duodenal fistula in 4 cases pancreatic fistula in 1 case and wound dehiscence in 2 cases .

    术后发生并发症7例(36.8%),其中十二指肠瘘4例,胰瘘1例, 切口 裂开2例。

  • Primary wound healing was achieved in 70 digits while wound dehiscence and skin necrosis was observed in 7 digits . 5 of these cases had exposure of the plate and were treated by flap coverage .

    术后70指伤口Ⅰ期愈合,7指 伤口 发生 裂开或部分皮肤坏死,其中5指钢板外露,而行皮瓣修复。

  • Causes of wound dehiscence in patients underwent lateral episiotomy and its prevention

    会阴侧切术后 伤口 裂开原因及预防

  • Complications included wound dehiscence in 1 case ;

    术后发生 创面 不能 闭合1例;

  • Complications included wound dehiscence infection nonunion of fracture ect . The I group got the most complications and the III group got the least complications .

    并发症有 伤口愈合、感染、骨不连、创伤性 关节 等,以I组的并发症发生率最高,III组的并发症发生率最低。

  • These biological characteristics of gastric stromal tumor make it very suitable for laparoscopic resection . Conventional open resection of gastric stromal tumors have some unavoidable disadvantages such as incision pain wound infection and even wound dehiscence incisional hernia .

    传统开腹胃间质瘤切除术有一些不可避免的缺点,如术后切口疼痛,有较高的切口感染率,甚至出现 切口 裂开、切口疝等严重并发症。

  • Result A satisfactory effect after 4 to 12 months of follow up visit on 40 cases in which 4 cases happened with conjunctival wound dehiscence in the earlier stage after the operation and a satisfied result is achieved after second neoplasty .

    结果共完成40例,随访4~12个月,手术效果良好。其中4例术后早期发生结膜 伤口 裂开,经二次手术修补后愈合满意。

  • According to the case flap survival and complications of the flap is divided into three categories : totally survived flaps flap necrosis skin edge necrosis or wound dehiscence flap .

    根据皮瓣成活及有无并发症的情况,将皮瓣分为三类:完全成活皮瓣、部分坏死皮瓣、表皮或边缘坏死、 伤口 裂开皮瓣。

  • Clinical observation of wound dehiscence after penetrating keratoplasty

    穿透性角膜移植术后 外伤伤口 破裂临床观察

  • For the other 28 cases there were 4 cases of complication of lung infection 1 wound dehiscence 1 infection of chest 1 intestinal dysbacteriosis 1 intestinal mold infection 1 decubital ulcer and 1 right coxal abscess .

    并发肺部感染4例, 切口 裂开1例,胸腔感染1例,肠道菌群失调1例,肠道霉菌感染1例,褥疮感染1例,右臀部脓肿1例。

  • No poor result was found complications included wound dehiscence in 4 cases infection in 2 cases delayed union of fracture 1 case and late degenerative change of the ankle joint in 7 cases .

    术后并发症包括 创面愈合4例,感染2例,延迟愈合1例和关节退行性变7例。

  • No wound dehiscence was observed after stitch removal at day 7 after the operation .

    手术后第7天拆线未见 伤口 裂开现象。

  • The extent of wound : All corneal dehiscence occurred at the graft-host junction .

    受伤程度:角膜 裂伤均沿角膜植片植床缝合处断开。

  • No significant differences in incidence of conjunctival wound dehiscence ( P > 0.05 ) .

    三种术式结膜 切口 裂开发生率差异无显著性意义(P>0.05);

  • After surgery the animal for research has no complication for example wound infection and dehiscence . 2 .

    结果1实验动物术后无 伤口感染, 裂开等并发症。

  • Reconstruction of the median sternotomy wound dehiscence with latissimus dorsi flap

    背阔肌肌皮瓣在心脏直视术 难治性胸骨 裂开 创面修复中的应用

  • The places of wound dehiscence were different but it was related to location of trauma and mode of injury .

    结果 伤口 裂开 固定位置,但与受伤部位及受伤方式有关;

  • Conjunctival wound dehiscence occurred in 6 cases HA exposure in 3 cases and orbital infection in 4 cases .

    6例术后结膜囊 裂开,2例发生 义眼 暴露 脱出,4例术后 出现眶内感染。

  • Methods From February 2002 to October 2004 10 patients with median sternotomy wound dehiscence due to coronary artery revascularization were treated .

    方法2002年2月~2004年10月,冠状动脉搭桥术后胸骨 切口 感染 裂开患者10例,男7例,女3例。