work coefficient

[wɚk ˌkoəˈfɪʃənt][wə:k ˌkəʊəˈfɪʃənt]

[医] 工作量系数

  • When the isosceles triangle layout is applied combination distance is 1.2 R and work pressure is 0.35 MPa then the best uniformity coefficient will be got .

    以及采用等腰三角形,组合系数为1.2R, 工作压力为0.3MPa左右时能达到最佳的均匀 系数

  • Completed primarily below work : 1 . Combining the distribute character of reflection coefficient to research trait of high-order statistics that every kind of distribute serial ;

    结合地下反射 系数序列的分布特点, 研究可能与其相似的各种分布形态随机序列的高阶统计特性;

  • According to the actual project that tests fountain work condition parameters sewage heat convection coefficient and change law are anti-deduced .

    根据实际工程测试得到的水源 工况参数,反推出不同流速下的污水对流换热 系数hw及变化规律。

  • In this work the authors have measured the adsorption isotherm and the diffusion coefficient of CH_4 C_2H_6 and CO_2 on 4A molecular sieve . They have also measured the breakthrough curve of these components ' mixture .

    本文 进行了CH4、C2H6及CO2在4A分子筛上吸附等温线及扩散 系数的测定,并实测了此三组分共吸附系统的吸附穿透曲线。

  • It is a fundamental work to determine the surface mass transfer coefficient for evaluating the indoor thermal and moisture environment of adobe buildings .

    为了定量地研究生土建筑室内热湿环境,确定生土建筑围护结构表面吸放湿过程质交换 系数是一项基础 工作

  • Influence of the Combination Distance Work Pressure and Layout Form of Sprinkler Head on Uniformity Coefficient in Irrigation

    喷头组合间距、 工作压力和布置形式对喷灌均匀 系数的影响

  • Application of Work Efficiency Coefficient Method to Geological Exploration Statistics Analysis Reform of Geological Prospecting Statistical Management

    工效 系数法在地勘统计分析中的应用地勘统计管理 工作改革de思考

  • This work first solves the experimental correlative expression of boiling heat transfer coefficient of the evaporative cooling medium in restricted space in sealed stator body . This offers an important calculation parameter for researching the temperature distribution in evaporative cooling stator .

    首次解决了定子密封腔体内蒸发冷却换热过程中狭窄流道内的表面沸腾换热 系数的实验关联式的建立,为研究蒸发冷却定子温度场分布提供了重要的计算参数。

  • Based on the above work the formulas for calculation of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient and discharge parameter were also derived by concentration-time data transformation .

    在此基础上,对浓度时间数据进行转换,推导出计算河流纵向弥散 系数和综合排放参数的计算公式。

  • For a new well it is an important work to determine initial reservoir pressure effective permeability summary skin coefficient supplementary pressure loss and flow efficiency .

    对于一口新井,确定原始地层压力、有效渗透率、总表皮 系数、附加压力损失和流动效率,是试井的重要 任务

  • Normal KALMAN tracking algorithm is work on the presupposition that the coefficient has already known .

    普通的KALMAN跟踪算法, 只能在假定的状态转移 系数下对时变信道进行跟踪。

  • This paper on the basis of experimental work relates to the study on the heat transfer coefficient bf tailpipe of Helmholtz type pulse combustor and to the analysis on the calculation method for pulsating flows .

    本文通过实验分析了脉冲燃烧器尾管传热 系数的影响因素及脉冲流传热 系数计算方法。

  • Nearly all civil engineering structures roofs roads and any concrete work have a run-off coefficient of about 95 per cent .

    几乎所有的土木工程构筑物,屋顶、道路和所有的混凝土 工程,其径流 系数均为95%左右。

  • The compression strength of carbonated fly ash aerated concrete test pieces reduces at different degree compared with that of non carbonated ones no matter it is carbonated by nature or manual work the carbonation coefficient is less than one .

    无论自然碳化还是人工碳化,碳化后的粉煤灰加气混凝土试件的抗压强度与未碳化试件的相比均有不同程度的降低,碳化 系数小于1。

  • The main parameters in the work show that : the total elongation coefficient is1.66 and the final pass elongation coefficient is1.24 .

    关键工艺参数有:总延伸 系数1.66,成品道次延伸系数1.24。该产品的开发与 生产具有巨大经济效益和社会效益。

  • In this thesis our first work is to introduce an efficient BP-Momentum algorithm where the momentum coefficient is adjusted dynamically based on the information about the current gradient and the weight change of previous step at each cycle of training procedure .

    在本文中,我们首先介绍一种动量项 系数根据目前的梯度最速下降方向(负梯度方向)和权值的上一步改变的方向的信息而自适应变化的BPM算法。

  • The optimized geometry is used in the real exhaust hood with the last three stages turbine . At the THA work condition the total pressure loss coefficient is reduced by 0.1 and the pressure recovery coefficient is improved is by 0.1 .

    将模型排汽系统的优化结果应用于带有末三级叶片的真实排汽系统,结果表明排汽系统优化后在THA 工况下,总压损失 系数减少0.1,静压恢复系数提高0.1。

  • By comparing the income of 10 nursing wards we found that nurses hard work the critical condition of patients and the risk coefficient of departments work were not proportional to the nursing staff income . Conclusion : 1 .

    且通过比较这10个病房的护理人员收入发现该院护理人员付出的 辛劳、患者病情的危重程度、科室工作的风险 系数与护理人员的收入无法成正比。

  • The structure and properties of flat section and circular polyester filament were studied through measuring birefringence sonic modulus and work coefficient ect .

    对扁平形聚酯纤维和圆形聚酯纤维的结构和 性能进行了 研究

  • In the future FFSWR ( Free Flying Space Welding Robot ) will inevitably substitute for astronauts ' welding work outside cabin because it can greatly reduce the dangerous coefficient and the cost of operation outer space as well as safeguards astronauts ' safety and so on merits .

    自由飞行空间焊接机器人因能大大减小太空操作的危险 系数,降低太空作业的成本以及保障宇航员人身安全等优点,今后势必将取代宇航员的舱外焊接 作业

  • The construction work principle and characteristics of the temperature limited PTC ( positive temperature coefficient ) heating cable are briefly presented .

    简要介绍了自限温型PTC(正温度 系数)电热带的结构、 工作原理及性能特点;

  • Also presented is a method of weighted comprehensive score according to the work coefficient . And so the problems of evaluating moulding design quality of man - machine interface are solved preliminarily in the paper .

    劳动 系数综合计分法,给出了评比得分合理计算的方法,初步解决了人机界面质量的评价方法问题。

  • Compression resiliency of carpets can be expressedin terms of compression work percentage compression recovery and soft coefficient .

    地毯的压缩弹性可用压缩 、回弹率和柔软 系数表示。

  • So the work enhanced the model mechanism and science simulating maintenance respiration coefficient by crop growth .

    研究依据作物实际生长来模拟维持性呼吸 系数进一步加强了模型的机理性、科学性。

  • For the sea environment traditional impedance estimation does not work well a new Robust method based correlative coefficient is proposed in this paper .

    对于海洋的特殊环境,常规的阻抗估算方法往往不能很 地估算海底大地电磁的阻抗张量,本文提出了基于相关 归一Robust方法。

  • The air groove can enlarge the flammable limits of combustor and make the combustor work at a larger excess air coefficient and a less methane flow rate .

    空气槽的存在有助于扩展微燃烧器的可燃极限,使燃烧器在更大的空气过量 系数和更小的甲烷流量下 工作

  • Literature search is the basis of a scientific work and also serves a coefficient for appreciation of its achievement .

    文献资料是科研 工作的一个基础和起点,也是评价科研成果的一个参照