work category

[wɚk ˈkætɪˌɡɔri][wə:k ˈkætiɡəri]

[法] 工种

  • Having compared and analyzed the problems existing in the recent marine accident statistical work in China the definition category classification statistic of accident causes of safety statistical data were redesigned the implementation steps of systematic safety management system were brought up .

    分析我国海事调查统计 工作中存在的问题,从完善数据内容构成和标准化入手,对我国《船舶交通事故统计规则》中海事定义、 分类、分级、事故原因统计的内容进行重新设计。

  • An approach that has repeatedly worked effectively with clients is to look around the project for an area that has a large percentage of its work efforts in this smaller category .

    一种被客户端反复 有效处理的方法就是,从整个项目中找到一个在这个“较小型的” 范畴中所占比重最大的区域。

  • The classification of text is the basic work of information retrieval whose task is to decide the category which an article belongs to by its description and the pre-defined category standard so that it can improve the speed and precision of information retrieval .

    文本分类是情报检索的基础性 工作,它的任务是在给定的分类体系下,根据分类的文本所描述的内容,来确定该文本所属的 类别,从而提高信息检索的速度和准确度。

  • A noticeable variance exists in terms of education work category monthly income between these two types of consumers while marital status shows no obvious difference in this regard .

    两类群体购买行为在教育程度、 工作 性质、月薪收入方面存在显著性差异,而在婚姻状况方面无显著性差异。

  • Unsurprisingly the rise in part-time work during the recession and recovery has been concentrated in the former category .

    不出所料,衰退和复苏期间兼职 工作人数的上升主要集中在前

  • Very little in our work lives truly falls into the emergency category .

    我们日常 工作中几乎很少有什么能归到“紧急事务” 之类

  • A Describable Algorithm for Statistical Work on Disease Category

    描述性病种 分类统计算法

  • Descriptions of new products or evolution of existing work are not appropriate topics for papers in this category .

    新产品描述或者基于现有 成果的演变不太适合作为这 范围内的论文论题。

  • Lots of results have been obtained after three years ' hard work and it can be concluded as follows : 1 . The category description of machine learning systems and the related concepts are proposed . And its correctness and feasibility are verified by some experiments . 2 .

    经过近三年的 研究,取得了一些成绩,主要包括以下几个方面:1.提出了机器学习系统的 范畴表示及相关概念,并列举实例验证其正确性和可行性。

  • In addition to the above we have two horizontal lanes for the two main types of service : standard type and intangible stories . ( Most of our proactive work falls under this latter category . )

    作为上面的补充,我们还在看板上为两类主要的工作划分了两个水平的泳道:普通任务和暂不明确的故事(多数我们主动发起的 工作都在 后者中)。

  • Carry on work in software development of data regression and enginee-ring computation category .

    承接数据回归类和 工程计算 软件的编制。

  • Under the control of the management of community corrections probation parole probation and temporary deprivation of political rights for five types of application objects and their respective characteristics combined with practical work respectively are given for each category complete a management response .

    根据社区矫正管理中管制、缓刑、假释、暂予监外执行和剥夺政治权利五种类别的适用对象和各自特点,结合实际 工作,分别就每一种管理 类别给出完善对策。

  • Adversative category is a semantic-related category attaching more attention to the adverbs which has the function of adversative correlative adversative conjunction and adversative clause . However we have not seen a whole research work from the perspective of semantic category .

    转折范畴是一种语义关系范畴,学界对具有转折关联作用的副词、转折连词及转折复句等方面较为关注,但目前尚未见到从 范畴角度对其进行整体研究的 论著

  • Shanghai 's anti-Drug social work institution innovation belongs to the category of compulsive system innovation that is an institution innovation promoted by government .

    上海禁毒社会 工作制度创新属于强制性制度创新 范畴,即由政府主导推动的制度创新。

  • So far this approach has led to a diverse collection of work that cannot easily be boxed into a single category .

    迄今为止,这样的方式已经形成了一种不能被轻易 分类的多样化产品。

  • This work focuses on that specific category of social entrepreneurial ventures that aim at adapting typical business processes services and products to bottom of the pyramid markets .

    工作的重点是针对特殊 类型的创业型企业,旨在适应其典型的业务流程、服务和产品到市场金字塔的底部。

  • The nature of managerial work is the core category of modern economic theory and management theory .

    企业经营管理 工作的性质是现代经济理论和管理理论的核心 范畴

  • Comparison of the Work Ability among Workers with Different Job Category

    不同年龄、 性别职工 工作能力 分级研究

  • But not all work freaks fall into that category .

    但不是所有的 工作 都是这样的。

  • The Research on Work Relations The Royalty Dispute belongs to the Category of Labor Dispute & Discussion on the Issue of Royalty Dispute between Employers and Employees

    提成款纠纷属劳动争议 范畴&关于用人单位与劳动者提成款纠纷的讨论

  • Matthew is more concerned about organizing his work by category ( as we might expect from a book keeper ) than he is about presenting the events in the order in which they occurred .

    马太更关注按 类别组织自己的 工作(正如我们期望中的书记员一样),超过按事情发生的顺序来排列。

  • Sixth this paper analyzes the risk problems in the auditing work and presents the category causes and precaution methods of audit risks .

    第六,分析稽核 业务中可能存在的风险问题,并对稽核风险的 分类、成因和防范措施进行了阐述,在此基础上把数据挖掘技术引入到电子稽核系统中。

  • The past and contemporary scholars have done a large amount of research work on ellipsis understatement hint transferred epithet empty category and zero form and their work leaves rich experience for the fulfillment of this thesis .

    前辈学者和时贤对省略、隐含、暗示、移位、零形式、空语 等现象都进行了大量的 研究,他们的工作为本文作者的研究积累了丰富的经验。

  • Each category is associated to a team area that defines the process and team responsible for the work items filed against that category .

    每个类别与某个团队区域关联,该团队区域定义了流程和负责分配到该 类别 工作物件的团队。

  • It holds that the sports reserve talent is a kind of high-class capacity for work with potentiality and falls into the category of manpower capital .

    认为,竞技体育后备人才是一种具有潜在性的高级 劳动力,属于人力资本的 范畴

  • The associated work items category provides a dialog box displaying information about the work items associated with this build .

    “关联的 工作项” 类别提供一个对话框,并在其中显示有关与此生成关联的工作项的信息。

  • Discuss Table installation of Teaching Work Category in College Archival Entity Classification

    高校档案实体分类法中教学 工作 类目设置

  • From the viewpoint of the current situation of vise work in our country the contradiction between unitary category and complication and diversification of entrance reasons requires vise categories be further elaborated which will inevitably benefit both the administration and service .

    从我国签证 工作现状看, 种类单一与入境事由复杂化、多样化的矛盾促使签证分类应进一步细化,而签证分类细化必将带来管理与服务的双收益。