without exception

[wɪðˈaʊt ɪkˈsɛpʃən][wiˈðaut ikˈsepʃən]


  • All writers without exception speak of the importance of a memorandum book .

    所有的作家, 无一例外,都谈到备忘录本的重要性。

  • In these studies without exception are related to brain function throughout the body and neural networks .

    在这些研究中,都 毫无 外地涉及到脑的功能及遍布全身的神经网。

  • Almost without exception these women fall victim to exploitation .

    这些女性几乎 无一例外都受到了盘剥。

  • Every sport has its requirement volleyball is without exception .

    每项运动都有它的要求,排球也 例外

  • The decision service as any other business service should pass this test without exception .

    和许多其他业务服务一样,决策服务应当 顺利通过这项测试。

  • Without exception the best features in the package have all originated in the user community .

    毫无 例外,该软件包中最好的特性都来自用户社区。

  • Without exception I knew but I never took it .

    毫无 例外,我就是知道,但我从不走。

  • Virtually without exception today 's systems use semiconductors such as silicon rectifiers ( both controlled and uncontrolled ) .

    现在,实际上 毫无 例外 都采用了如硅整流器的半导体技术(可控的和不可控的)。

  • No. Europeans also call for regulation of all markets products and participants without exception .

    欧洲人还呼吁对所有的市场、产品和参与者, 毫无 例外 进行监管。

  • ( of a word ) referring singly and without exception to the members of a group .

    (指词语)单指,与某群体中的 其他成员 无关

  • All the air raid warnings without exception had been false alarm .

    所有空袭预告 毫无 例外都是虚假警报。

  • Each plant without exception contains some kind of salt .

    每种植物都 毫无 例外的含有盐。

  • In the differentiating procedure all pipeline and individual resistances are included without exception .

    在该差动程序中, 无一例外包括所有管线和单个电阻。

  • The vehicles are without exception old rusty and dented

    那些车辆 一律都很破旧,锈迹斑斑,布满凹痕。

  • You must answer all the questions without exception .

    你必须回答全部问题, 没有 例外

  • The department stores in Tianjin have gone through this historical conversion without exception .

    天津百货业也正 例外 经历着这场历史性的转变。

  • Always without exception it is so arranged .

    总是 毫无 例外 这样安排好棋局的。

  • But in doodling at least in my sample the difference is stark and almost without exception .

    然而,至少从我收集的例子来看,男女在涂鸦方面的区别是明显的,而且几乎 没有 例外

  • All without exception were glad .

    无不 称快

  • All of these letters and telegrams almost without exception urge that the cause that we have been fighting for be carried on .

    所有这些信和电报, 无一例外 都强烈要求将我们为之奋斗的事业继续下去。

  • You must all take the examination without exception .

    毫无 例外,你们都必须参加考试。

  • All the questions must be answered without exception .

    所有的问题都要求 外地予以回答。全体 无一例外 赞成联合。

  • They must stick to an early morning in the post every day so without exception .

    他们必须每天早上早早就坚守在岗位上,天天如此, 无一例外

  • Nothing is owned in the sense of ownership as you have now and all is shared without exception .

    没有什么事物会像你们现在这样被认定为归属于谁,所有都可以 无一例外的被分享。

  • All of the boys without exception were cross-examined .

    所有的孩子 无一例外 都受到盘问。

  • If he was convinced to the value of a particular maxim he would adhere to it without exception .

    如果他被说服某个原则的价值,就会 毫无 例外的遵照执行。

  • All exhibits without exception must be handled by Organizer 's official freight forwarder on-site .

    所有展品在现场, 毫无 例外的必须由大会指定运输商代理公司统一安排。