with the purpose of

[wɪð ði ˈpɚpəs ʌv][wið ðə ˈpə:pəs ɔv]


  • In order to join norm groups and gain the membership states have to make domestic institution reform with the purpose of meeting the access requirements of norm groups .

    为了加入规范团体,获得成员资格,国家需要进行国内制度改革 达到规范团体的准入标准。

  • The ongoing pilot programs for RMB settlement of cross-border trade and investment transactions are a concrete step that China has taken to respond to the international financial crisis with the purpose of promoting trade and investment facilitation .

    正在进行的人民币跨境贸易结算和投资交易试点是中国为应对国际金融危机而采取的一个有力步骤, 目的 在于促进贸易和协助投资。

  • Rather we suggest that this particular application of adaptability was directly at odds with the purpose of menus .

    另外,我们认为这种适应性的用法直接违背了菜单 用途

  • I write this paper with the purpose of discussing some related problems and putting forward some opinions of myself for perfecting the law custody system of agreement purchase .

    鉴于此, 本文对相关问题进行了探讨,对完善协议收购的法律监管体系提出一些个人看法。

  • It did not align with the purpose of the project and the values of Aspire he said .

    项目 目标,以及Aspire学校的价值观不符,他说。

  • With the purpose of maximizing the total profit of a network the effects of the network model parameters on flight frequency traffic and single flight occupancy of fully-connected and hub-and-spoke airline networks are investigated .

    摘要 网络利润最大 目标,分析了几种网络模型参数对全连通航线网络和枢纽航线网络中航班频率、客流量以及单航班座位数的影响。

  • The Bank may underwrite or participate in the underwriting of securities issued by any entity or enterprise for purposes consistent with the purpose of the Bank .

    (四)银行可以承销或参与承销任何实体或企业发行的、目的 银行 宗旨一致 证券。

  • Parts of serious speculation house with the purpose of investment is rapidly in a great demand .

    部分地区投机炒作现象严重,投资 购房需求迅速扩大。

  • We climbed to the top of the mountain with the purpose of watching sunrise .


  • It is necessary to establish systematic legal system of eco-bank and set up a policy eco-bank with the purpose of leading industries to go after ecological value by allocating capital .

    必须建立系统的生态银行法律制度, 设立政策性生态银行,通过资金配置引导产业追求生态价值。

  • Welcome to our bbs . A new section will be open with the purpose of help people from other countries to learn Chinese well .

    欢迎来到我们论坛。近期我们将开设 学汉语》 栏目。希望能对你 中文学习 帮助。

  • He went to town with the purpose of selling one of his paintings .

    他进城是 为了卖他的一幅画。

  • With the purpose of lampson lamp s performances are measured when the voltage-control dimming is used .

    作为 对比对调压调光法下灯的性能也进行了测试。

  • This paper explores the relationship of ad features and interactive advertising effectiveness through empirical method with the purpose of providing some practical suggestions on the creation and publishing of interactive advertising for advertisers and advertising agents in china .

    本文采用实证分析的方法,对网络广告的特性对广告效果的影响进行了研究, 目的是给中国的网络广告主和广告代理商提出些有关制作和发布广告方面的实用建议。

  • Finally it also points out the limit of the teacher 's talk with the purpose of providing the useful implication to English classroom teaching .

    最后,本文分析了教师课堂话语的局限性, 对我们的英语课堂教学实践提供有益的启示。

  • He returned to his homeland with the purpose of serving his own people .

    他返回祖国, 意在为祖国人民服务。

  • With the purpose of instruction assessment and resource sharing Greatcourses cannot meet the requirement of courses innovation and IT in higher education .

    评估和共享导向的国家精品课程建设思路难以满足高校课程改革与信息化 教学的需求。

  • This paper presents an initial study of teaching contents reform in animal biology in the universities in China with the purpose of further promoting teaching reform for this course .

    就我国普通院校的《动物生物学》教学内容改革进行了初步的探讨, 旨在促进我国普通院校《动物生物学》教学改革的不断深入进行。

  • A lock is a mechanism that is used to associate a data resource with a single transaction with the purpose of controlling how other transactions interact with that resource while it is associated with the owning transaction .

    锁是一种用来将数据资源与单个事务关联起来的机制, 用途是当某个资源与拥有它的事务关联在 一起时,控制其它事务如何与该资源交互。

  • This essay presents a new teaching system in botany teaching through reformation of the old teaching content teaching method and teaching means with the purpose of getting better teaching quality .

    通过对植物学教学内容、教学方法及教学手段的研究,提出完整的植物学教学体系, 进而提高植物学课堂教学质量。

  • In the human being many powers converge with the purpose of reconnecting and cooperating .

    正在人类真体中,许多的史甩因为重新毗连 协做 方针而散开迪 路。

  • At noon you may go to the beach with the purpose of experiencing the sun sand .

    中午,你可以去 大海 畅游嬉戏,在沙滩上沐浴 无限阳光。

  • He went to the library with the purpose of finding a book about guns .

    他去图书 目的是找一本关于枪械的书。

  • Here are the main contents of this dissertation : Chapter 1 deals with the purpose of marine accident investigation and process .

    本文在第1章论述了海事调查处理 目的

  • The influencing factors on the tensile strength of the unsymmetrical cellulose membranes were studied with the purpose of providing theoretical base for improvement of its performance .

    对该工艺法成膜的拉伸强度的影响因素进行了研究, 为提高薄膜性能提供理论基础。

  • This new collotype sensitive glue suitable for summer use is prepared with the purpose of making a remedy for the default of the previous collotype sensitive glue which is apt to stick to paper .

    针对珂罗版感光胶夏季易粘纸的缺点,制备了适合夏季使用 珂罗版感光胶。

  • This paper presents a detailed account of two nationwide computer exams with the purpose of letting people familiar with the nature .

    详细介绍了全国性的两大类计算机考试, 旨在让人们了解各考试的性质、过程、形式及 结果

  • With the purpose of improving the reading speed and quality the article also introduces some main word-guessing skills in English reading and enumerates some examples to demonstrate it .


  • He left with the purpose of following her .

    他离开 追随她。

  • Taking Yellow River Delta as study area restoration and reutilization evaluation of coastal saline-alkaline degraded lands with the purpose of agriculture use was carried out .

    该文以黄河三角洲为研究区,进行了 农用为 目标的滨海盐碱退化地恢复与再利用评价研究。